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中文名: 卡通动画(珍藏系列)
原名: Cartoon Animation
版本: [PDF]地区: 美国
书我要,下载先! http://www.books51.com/ 祝您开卷有益!


* 写在前面:
This was put togeather from http://freetoon.com/
I actually bought this book 10 years ago when I was
a kid, lost it somehow and found it again. So, I felt
I had to make a pdf of this and spread it around.
It’s really a great book. Enjoy! you just might learn a little too.
* 产品详情:
* 定价: $24.95
* 精装: 144页
* 出版: 沃尔特Walter Foster(一九九四年一月一日)
* 语言: 英文
* 生产: 9.0 x 10.3 x 0.8 inches
* 书号: 1560100842
* 社论回顾:
珍藏系列书籍,提供民众选择项目中最畅销的职称如何借鉴和涂料系列. 收藏系列书籍封面的技术基础和探索的艺术家展出. 每个标题提供了深入的指导和众多插图. 一切都是完美的参考图书馆.
* 书中描述:
这本书对自己要想成为漫画家的人来说是好帮手.卡通建筑技术和教学基本特点,创造了很多资料动画.这本书是在最专业图书馆作为一个参考工具非常好用. 我推荐给有志成为漫画家和漫画家.我也这样要求我在纽约中心角色动画班的学生. 高度赞同这一艾美奖得奖动画!
It is extremely helpful in teaching basic cartoon character construction techniques and features lots of information on creating animation.This book is in most professional libraries and is extremely handy as a reference tool.I recommend it to all aspiring animators and cartoonists and I require it for my classes at The Center For Character Animation in New York.It’s Highly Endorsed by this Emmy Award Winning Cartoon Animator!

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卡通动画(珍藏系列) Cartoon Animation [PDF] → https://www.books51.com/729412.html



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