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专辑中文名: Ten
歌手: Brian McKnight
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2006年12月05日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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他是陶喆的音乐启蒙,一曲”Back At One”蝉连流行榜亚军长达8周,全球专辑销量超过1600万张,奠定他都会节奏灵魂首席男声的完美地位。
他是兼具创作、制作能力与歌喉的才情唱作人,拿下5座葛莱美的灵魂新天后Alicia Keys/艾莉西亚凯斯、流行天后Mariah Carey/玛莉亚凯莉、’Nsync/超级男孩单飞成绩亮眼的Justin Timberlake/贾斯汀等人都指名与他合作,他是Brian McKnight/布莱恩·麦克耐特
With the release of Ten, McKnight..s first disc for his new label Warner Bros Records, the Grammy-nominated singer could not be more pleased with the outcome. ..I wasn..t very happy with the situation at my former label and perhaps that attitude was reflected in the material,.. Brian confesses. Having penned and completed about thirty-three new songs before signing on the dotted line, McKnight was more than ready. ..Right now, I am optimistic of what I can do in my new situation…
Currently working on a variety of projects including a talk show and soundtracks for two upcoming Tyler Perry projects, the veteran soul singer could not be happier with the outcome of Ten. ..When I finish a record, I listen to it from beginning to end,.. McKnight says. ..Truthfully, I think this is the best record I..ve done in years… For fans of real music, Ten is the perfect addition to the soul cannon.

With the release of Ten, McKnight..s first disc for his new label Warner Bros Records, the Grammy-nominated singer could not be more pleased with the outcome. ..I wasn..t very happy with the situation at my former label and perhaps that attitude was reflected in the material,.. Brian confesses. Having penned and completed about thirty-three new songs before signing on the dotted line, McKnight was more than ready. ..Right now, I am optimistic of what I can do in my new situation…
Ten 这张专辑是Brian McKnight签约新唱片公司后发行的第一张专辑,并且一发行就大受好评,销售量节节攀升,但是荣获Grammy提名的Brian McKnight绝对不会因此而满意。他很坦白的告诉人们:他并不满意他以前的唱片公司并且在那里并不快乐,而且这样的不满也在他的唱片中体现出来了,相信人们都能体会到。Brian McKnight早就准备好了签约新的唱片公司,并且在他签约新的唱片公司前就早已创作完成了33首新歌。 最重要的是Brian McKnight现在对他在新的唱片的公司的未来发展充满了信心,一定会越来越好。
Currently working on a variety of projects including a talk show。 The veteran soul singer could not be happier with the outcome of Ten. ..When I finish a record, I listen to it from beginning to end,.. McKnight says. ..Truthfully, I think this is the best record I..ve done in years…
现在Brian McKnight从事各种各样的工作,其中包括一个谈话类节目。作为一个富有经验著名的福音歌手,并不能满足与这张专辑的成果……当我创作完成这首歌的时候,我自己先从头到尾都听了一遍……老实说,这张专辑是这些年来我最满意我认为最棒的一张专辑……
Brian McKnight grew up in a family where music came naturally. He was a member of the church choir along with his immediate family; his grandfather was the director. With a gospel upbringing, McKnight explored other genres of music. Still in his early teens, he exercised his writing ambitions by penning instrumentals. He formed a band and began performing his originals at local venues. By the age of 18, his older brother Claude and the group he was a member of, Take 6, signed a recording contract with a major label.
Brian McKnight于1969年6月5日出生于美国纽约市并且出生在一个音乐世家, 全家人都是当地教堂唱诗班的成员,祖父更是担任指挥。 在这种宗教信仰的熏陶下,Brian McKnight从中了解到了其他音乐知识, 当他还是十多岁的时候就开始尝试写一些简单的曲子,并组织了自己的乐队,并且开始在当地演出他自己创作的歌曲。 当他18岁的时候他加入了哥哥Claude所在的Take 6乐团,并且与唱片公司签约出专辑。
After sending out numerous demos to various record companies, McKnight’s tape drew the interest of Mercury Records president Ed Eckstine (son of Billy Eckstine). Eckstine was so impressed with McKnight’s sound that the young artist was signed to a deal within two weeks. McKnight’s first release on Mercury was “The Way Love Goes,” peaking at number 11 after 19 weeks on the Billboard R&B charts. His two follow-up singles barely cracked the Billboard R&B Top 60, including “Love Is,” a duet with Vanessa Williams。Ironically, that single peaked at number three on the Billboard pop charts.
Brian McKnight开始了他的歌唱生涯并且给很多唱片公司都寄了许多唱片样带,结果他的录音带和他的声音引起了Mercury Records唱片公司总裁Ed Eckstine的浓厚兴趣,并且Ed Eckstine非常欣赏他独特的嗓音,给他留下了很深的印象,并在两个星期内和Brian McKnight签约了, 随后他推出他在新唱片公司第一首单曲《The Way Love Goes》。并且这首单曲在Billboard R&B榜上停留了19周,最高升至第十一位。之后与黑人女歌手Vanessa Williams合作的两首单曲包括《Love Is》,虽然在R&B榜上无名, 但在流行榜上却夺下季军位置。
In addition to being a singer, McKnight is a songwriter, multi-talented musician, arranger, and producer. The success he has achieved as producer and songwriter on his own projects has facilitated his popularity as a producer and songwriter for other artists. An album, Bethlehem, followed in 1998, and a year later McKnight returned with Back at One. A divorce and some time playing guard for the California ABA basketball team the Ontario Warriors.Gemini from 2005 marked his return.
Brian McKnight除了是一个歌手以外,他还被看作是歌曲家,具有很多才能和天分的音乐家,编曲家,和音乐制作人。在音乐制作人和创作歌曲方面取得的辉煌成就帮助他声名在外,大受欢迎,随之而来的就是帮助其他著名的歌手写歌和录歌。随后,1998年他发行了他的又一张新专辑Bethlehem并且一年后他带着新专辑Back at One又回来了。有一段时间Brian McKnight离开了舞台,在ABA的勇士队当后卫。Brian Mcknight还曾经在音乐与篮球间徘徊不定, 但最终出于对音乐的忠爱,当然还是放弃了篮球。
2005年带来的全新专辑Gemini标志着Brian McKnight又回到了我们所熟悉的舞台。

01. Used To Be My Girl
02. Comfortable
03. Find Myself In You
04. What’s My Name
05. Unhappy Without You
06. A Little Too Late
07. Holdin’ On (Missin’ U)
08. Shoulda Been Lovin’ You
09. Again
10. More And More
11. Can’t Leave You Alone
12. I Do
13. The Rest Of My Life
14. Red, White & Blue (feat. Rascal Flats)
15. Don’t Take Your Love Away



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