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专辑中文名: Scorn Defeat
歌手: Sigh
资源格式: MP3
版本: 专辑(压缩包内附歌词)
发行时间: 1993年
地区: 日本
语言: 英语
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SIGH可能是来自东瀛最赋盛名的黑金属乐队了。曾效力于英国的Cacophonous公司,而现在效力于德国的著名金属厂牌Century Media。由乐队里的灵魂Mirai Kawashima在1989年牵头的SIGH已经走过了14个年头—几乎有着和Mayhem,Darkthrone这样的资历!当年他们受到诸如Venom, Celtic Frost这样的大牌的影响产生了组建动机,而在他们的前期的作品我们也可以找到Venom, Celtic Frost的痕迹。对于死硬派的黑金属迷来说,他们的音乐也许不能称之为黑金属:他们既不反基督也没有对吸血鬼崇拜,既没有Mayhem那样出色的高速鼓击也没有Darkthrone的凌厉的吉他和Raw感觉。只是主唱邪异的黑嗓还能有黑金属的典型特色。他们是在自己的音乐非常大量使用键盘/合成器的黑金属乐队,这样的安排在当时黑金属界是绝无仅有的。但他们使用了名目繁多的乐器加入自己的作品中,营造出恐怖邪异的黑暗气氛,一直保持着实验性和创新性,同样吸引全世界的乐迷。而这也恰恰是其他黑金属乐队没有做到的—为什么一定要用典型的黑金属手法才能表现出邪异恐怖的气氛么?(虽然我有时也觉得他们的确缺那么点狠劲儿!)在1990年发行了他们的最初的两张小样Desolation和Tragedies后,他们灌制了第一个EP–Requiem For Fools (1992)。正式这个只有三首歌的EP,吸引住了当时挪威黑金属领军人物Euronymous的注意,将他们招致Deathlike Silence Productions靡下。并在这里发行了他们的第一张专辑Scorn Defeat (1993)一张用钢琴营造出阴森恐怖气氛而又不失狂暴的专辑。。然而好景不长,Euronymous的被刺身亡使他们被迫转投Voice of Wonder Records.并在这里再版Scorn Defeat。
Every band has to start somewhere and Japan’s Sigh is no exception to that. The trio began as a Venom-inspired, crusty thrash coated black metal band that only showed minor hints of their eccentric and eclectic influences that would surface in later releases. Scorn Defeat, their first full length album, was originally released on Euronymous’ Deathlike Silence label and was reissued in 2000 on a label called Psychic Scream. Although Japan is quite removed from Norway in terms of both geography and culture, Sigh must have done something of note to capture the noted Mayhem leader’s interest.
As it stands, Scorn Defeat is a mildly interesting album that offers a handful of fairly basic blistering tunes that aren’t quite black metal (at least in the Scandanavian sense) nor as endearingly incompetent as a Venom influence might suggest. The music is generally ominous and drenched in horror movie effects and minimalized piano and keyboards (speaking of which, the piano playing is quite accomplished in the moments where it is featured). Mirai’s vocals are Cronos-tinged. The mood of the album generally has more in common with doom metal records as a sense of foreboding danger always lies around the corner. In other words, their style of black metal has more to do with early Celtic Frost than early Bathory.
While Sigh quickly went about throwing everything but the kitchen sink into their later works, Scorn Defeat is a competent and reasonably enjoyable effort for a band still accustomed to presenting a more known style of dark metal. The vibe is constantly more akin to 80s thrash than much of its 90s collegues, with a slightly updated and horrified feel layered on. The reissue version of Scorn Defeat should help current Sigh fans better understand where this band came from.
1. A Victory Of Dakini
2. The Knell
3. At My Funeral
4. Gundali
5. Ready For The Final War
6. Weakness Within
7. Taste Defeat



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