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专辑中文名: Veins
歌手: Hypothermia
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2006年
地区: 瑞典
语言: 英语
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乐队风格:Depressive Black Metal
经过漫长的几年不断的小样中,这是他们的第一张full length专辑,在磁带上才能听到的专辑,瑞典最好的Depressive Black Metal乐队,割断静脉。Northern Sky厂牌.你或许记得他们的Dimhymn,嗓音是叙述般蒙蒙冰冷和悲哀的送葬曲。厚重的riff在黑暗中蔓延,缓慢沉重的节奏,嗓子似乎被什么东西卡到,怪异撕吼,吱吱嘎嘎的假声
The first full length album now available on tape version, one of the best Swedish BM bands, cut your veins…..Northern sky productions..
Finally after years of demos and splits and cassette tape releases, the first proper full length from Swedish suicidal black metallers Hypothermia. You might remember Hypothermia from their split with Dimhymn, in the review of which we described their sound as “Epic fuzzed out glacial dirge, with thick riffs spread out in a black smear, the drums a caveman plod, and some of the most [内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明]ed vocals ever: weird, something-caught-in-the-throat sort of strangulated grunts and mewls, guttural growls and strange falsetto-y squeaks.” And not too much has changed. In fact, Hypothermia’s final track on that split was an “epic 16 minute midtempo buzzscape, [with] looped riffs, totally repetitive and hypnotic…” and dang if Veins isn’t three of those, each a massive buzzing midtempo black dirge, slowly pounding drums, simple raw hypnotic riffing, repeated and repeated, into a mesmerizing musical mantra, the relentless buzz blurring into near drones, and anguished, cries of utter agony, over swirls of dismal black buzz.
Definitely for fans of Burzum, Nortt, Make A Change… Kill Yourself, Silencer, Xasthur and other purveyors of doomic black hate.
And if the music weren’t depressed and dismal enough, the sleeve sports some seriously horrific and blood drenched images, bloody slit wrists, the word failure carved into an arm, a bathtub splattered with blood, and all the lyrics written in blood on blood soaked paper towels…摘自网络
1. Part I – Isolation 18:15
2. Part II – Failure 09:27
3. Part III – Counting Hours 08:25



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