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中文名: Fusion后期制作教程
英文名: Fusion 5 Basics : Get up and Running in Fusion 5 Quickly
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行日期: 2007年03月
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
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The Fusion 5 Basics DVD 是cmiVFX出的Fusion Basics DVD最新版,包括21章,高分辩率视频质量,拥有这张DVD,将加速让你合成技术提高到更高的水平!

The Fusion 5 Basics DVD will gear you up for a more advanced level of compositing. Based on viewer feedback from previous versions of our DVD’s,we were able to design a nearly perfect way to train new fusion users. If you are new to compositing or switching from another compositing application over to Fusion 5, you will cherish the content on this ROM. We cover all the things that a entry level compositor will need the first day on the job. Lessons range from basic math to creating your own tools, AND WE GET RIGHT TO THE POINT.No fumbled explanations,mno stalling to eat up time.. Just pure training. If your tired of training products that are extremely slow paced, and fall asleep due to too much talking from the instructors, then your in luck with this product. We will not waste your time with fluff. cmiVFX is proudmto release the 3rd edition
of its Fusion Basics DVD,mwith 21 chapters, AND IN FULL SCREEN HIGH DEFINITION!
[已通过安全检测] 卡巴6.0
[病 毒 库]2007-4-8
[通过安装测试] WINXPSP2+KMP
[共 享 服务时间] 不定时,能保证每天有8个小时的供源时间
[共 享 服 务 器] DonkeyServer No1 / DonkeyServer No2 / DonkeyServer No3



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