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专辑中文名: 20th Century Superstar
歌手: Marc Bolan & T Rex
资源格式: MP3
版本: Box Set
发行时间: 2002年
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
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T.Rex的Marc Bolan是华丽摇滚Glam Rock的始祖之一。不仅有相当创新的弹奏方式及音乐编排,更加活跃的则是他音乐下富含哲理的思想。不可讳言的是,即使有相当深度的思想陪衬,Bolan的音乐还是艰涩难懂,
主因是他在歌词中大量使用古字及古英文的文法还有许多出自诗歌作品的双关语,即使是英语的native speaker,恐怕也只能听懂大概意思,而无法通盘了解其歌词之意。
此外,最引人注目的,莫过於Bolan总是画上令人模糊性别的浓妆演出,这正是Glam Rock的意含之一,解构社会传统价值观,挑战传统性别意识。不只是同性恋,更是解放青少年的反叛精神,释放青少年在传统束缚底下的情慾。Rolling Stones建立出的男性崇拜摇滚(阳具摇滚),正被另一波却也是男性来执行的反动全面颠覆。经历六零年代摇滚乐从传统社会中鬆绑的性慾后,七零年代的Glam Rock更追求所谓性别认同。这是一个美丽的时代,曖昧模糊不定,但却也十分短促,因为商业的巨兽早已奈何不住他的食慾,一口将新颖文化吞噬,原本Glam Rock的艺术性被咀嚼得一点也不剩,排泄出来的就只有庸俗化、不具任何意识形态的空洞产业,尤其更具艺术性的次文化,越容易打造成商品包装下的产物,当新一代的青少年空有炫丽的外表而不具当初的文化背景时,Glam Rock就宣告不治了。这似乎是任何次文化所要面临的困境和挑战,可惜好像没有一种次文化能在通过庸俗文化工业的洗礼后还能保有初衷。
1969’s favorite singer/artist on this planet
Even though the wind may blow it all away,Don’t ever worry ‘cos I’m your friend
— — In memory of Marc Bolan

The saga of Marc Bolan (a.k.a. T.Rex) is one of a spunky little dreamer who looked and played the part of an elvish minstrel; whose bizarre voice and songs were dismissed by critics as a fleeting novelty or, worse, a bad joke; and whose most laughable trait of all was a near-mystical belief in his own importance and destiny – in short, a surefire loser who played by rules all his own and went on to become the biggest pop star in Britain. – From “The British Invasion – From The First Wave To The New Wave” by Nicholas Schaffner
Marc Bolan (born Mark Feld in Hackney, London, September 30, 1947; died Barnes, London, September 16, 1977), was an English singer, songwriter and guitarist whose hit singles, fashion sensibilities and stage presence with T. Rex in the early 1970s helped cultivate the glam rock era and made him one of the most recognisable stars in British music of the time. His untimely death, two weeks before his 30th birthday, gave him a cult status which remains to this day.
http://fperfect.club.fr/trex.jpg http://www.rexmania.com/pic/marc1.jpg http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j188/pikalovisa/pika/marc_bolan.jpg
Disc: 1
01. Road I’m On (Gloria) – Tobee Tyler,
02. Blowin’ in the Wind – Tobee Tyler,
03. Wizard – Marc Bolan
04. Beyond the Risin’ Sun – Marc Bolan
05. Third Degree – Marc Bolan
06. San Francisco Poet – Marc Bolan
07. Eastern Spell – Marc Bolan
08. Hippy Gumbo – Marc Bolan
09. Misfit – Marc Bolan
10. Jasper C. Debussy – Marc Bolan
11. Desdemona – John’s Children
12. Midsummer Night’s Scene – John’s Children
13. Sara Crazy Child – John’s Children
14. Lilac Hand of Menthol Dan – Marc Bolan
15. Sleepy Maurice – Tyrannosaurus Rex
16. Highways (AKA Misty Dust) [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
17. Child Star [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
18. Chateau in Virginia Waters [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
19. Puckish Pan [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
20. Lunacy’s Back – Tyrannosaurus Rex
21. Debora [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
22. Hot Rod Mama – Tyrannosaurus Rex
23. Scenescof – Tyrannosaurus Rex
24. One Inch Rock [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
25. Salamanda Palaganda [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
26. Conesuala [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
27. Juniper Suction [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
28. Nickelodeon [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
29. Pewter Suitor – Tyrannosaurus Rex
30. Seal of Seasons [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
31. Catblack (The Wizard’s Hat) – Tyrannosaurus Rex
32. Chariots of Silk – Tyrannosaurus Rex
33. Iscariot – Tyrannosaurus Rex
Disc: 2
01. King of the Rumbling Spires – Tyrannosaurus Rex
02. Do You Remember [Alternate Vocal Edit][#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
03. Do You Remember [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
04. Once Upon the Seas of Abyssinia – Tyrannosaurus Rex
05. Ill Starred Man [#] – Tyrannosaurus Rex
06. Demon Queen – Tyrannosaurus Rex
07. By the Light of a Magical Moon – Tyrannosaurus Rex
08. Lofty Skies – Tyrannosaurus Rex
09. Elemental Child – Tyrannosaurus Rex
10. Dove – Tyrannosaurus Rex
11. Prettiest Star – David Bowie
12. Oh Baby
13. Ride a White Swan (Intro) [#]14. Ride a White Swan
15. Ride a White Swan (Outro) [#]16. Jewel
17. Diamond Meadows
18. Beltane Walk
19. Suneye
20. Childe
21. Children of Rarn
22. Hot Love [#]23. King of the Mountain Cometh [#]24. Mambo Sun [#]25. Cosmic Dancer
26. Get It On
27. There Was a Time/Raw Ramp
28. Rip Off [#]Disc: 3
01. Jeepster
02. Life’s a Gas
03. Sailors of the Highway
04. Telegram Sam
05. Cadillac
06. Baby Strange
07. Metal Guru
08. Thunderwing
09. Spaceball Ricochet
10. Children of the Revolution
11. Jitterbug Love
12. Xmas Flexi Message
13. Solid Gold Easy Action
14. Born to Boogie
15. 20th Century Boy
16. Highway Knees
17. Electric Slim and The Factory Hen
18. Left Hand Luke and The Beggar Boys
19. Groover
20. Blackjack
21. Truck On (Tyke)
22. City Port – Pat Hall
23. Teenage Dream
Disc: 4
01. Venus Loon – Marc Bolan, T. Rex,
02. Painless Persuasion V. The Meathawk Immaculate – Marc Bolan, T. Rex,
03. Change – Marc Bolan, T. Rex,
04. Till Dawn
05. Light of Love
06. Zip Gun Boogie
07. Think Zinc
08. Solid Baby
09. New York City
10. Chrome Sitar
11. Dreamy Lady
12. Christmas Bop
13. Jupiter Liar
14. Dawn Storm
15. London Boys
16. I Love to Boogie
17. Laser Love
18. Life’s an Elevator
19. To Know You Is to Love You (To Know Him Is to Love Him) – Marc Bolan, , Gloria Jones
20. Teen Riot Structure
21. Soul of My Suit
22. Dandy in the Underworld
23. Celebrate Summer



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