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专辑中文名: Surrender
歌手: Jane Monheit
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2007年05月01日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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★巴西音乐奇才塞吉欧.曼德斯Sergio Mendes、巴西作曲大师伊凡.林斯Ivan Lins、爵士口琴教父托兹.席尔曼Toots Thielmans等巨星跨刀合作,「Overjoyed」、「Surrender」、「Moon River」、「A Time For Love」「So Many Stars」等惊豔与迷恋的完美詮释,緻美动人名曲尽显珍梦海极致爵魅美声…
★24度葛莱美入围天王製作人乔治.卡兰雷利Jorge Calandrelli(席琳狄翁、芭芭拉史翠珊、东尼班尼特)倾全力打造
“Surrender”一曲为音乐家且亦为珍梦海歌唱老师彼得‧艾尔醉吉的作品,在质朴清新的器乐前导下,她吐字如珠及吹气如兰式的吟唱宛若自韵天籟,餘音嫋嫋不绝如缕;“Rio De Maio”一曲特别邀请巴西 作曲大师兼歌手伊凡‧林斯跨刀演出,两人完美无间地感性詮释及深情对唱,温婉细緻的吴儂软语犹如徐暖微风拂面般的恬逸舒畅;“Like A Lover”一曲中在萨克斯风与弦乐伴奏交织烘托下,珍梦海收放自如的演绎尽是诗意盎然的唯美呈现,至情至性所蕴含之馥郁馨香则成为抚慰躯体疲惫及癒疗灵魂创伤的良药;“Só Tinha De Ser Com Você”一曲在珍梦海轻鬆飘逸的献唱中,不仅描绘出最雋永酝藉的繾綣柔情,也勾勒出最气韵生动的异国风情;“So Many Stars”一曲由专精Bossa Nova与流行乐的巴西音乐奇才塞吉欧‧曼德斯襄赞演出,珍梦海唯美细腻的人声呢喃与曼德斯晶莹剔透的琴韵悠游相互辉映,字里行间所传递出之舒缓妙韵似涓涓细流般地沁入,令人忘却所有烦恼尘嚣;此外,珍梦海亦詮释起电影第凡内早餐主题曲“Moon River”,雕琢之细腻声线满载雅緻静謐质感,在其歌声伴随下彷彿走进时光隧道而得以亲睹电影中奥黛丽‧赫本绢秀清丽的窈窕倩影!
Jane Monheit has a lovely voice, one that in its purest, most lilting form reminds you of the young Barbra Streisand, with the show-stopping qualities that suggests. Her haunting rendition of Sergio Mendes'”So Many Stars,” the runaway highlight of Surrender, is also one of the best things she’s ever done. (Mendes arranged and produced the track and plays keyboard on it.) Since she stopped trying so hard to be a jazz singer and found her mark as a popular vocalist specializing in Brazilian music (there are also guest turns by singer Ivan Lins and harmonica great Toots Thielemans), Monheit has sounded more at home with herself. The problem is, as delectable as her instrument is, her performances, more often than not, have a perplexing emptiness to them: they’re like romantic settings with candles providing the requisite glow but no real warmth. She’s only 29, which means she has plenty of time to deepen as an artist. But it could also be that what you hear now is what you’re going to get in the future.

01. If You Went Away
02. Surrender
03. Rio De Maio
04. Like A Lover
05. So Tinha De Ser Com Voce
06. So Many Stars
07. Moon River
08. Overjoyed
09. Caminhos Cruzados
10. A Time For Love



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