完全训练Asp.net Total Training for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 4DVD[ISO]
- 31 12 月, 2022
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中文名: 完全训练Asp.net
英文名: Total Training for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: 4DVD
发行日期: 2007年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
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TOTAL TRAINING出品的ASP.NET 2.0教学,本套共4DVD,是网站程序设计员宝典!
关于TOTAL TRAINING的背景什么来着的,清楚的人也不需要我多加介绍,不清楚的人,只需要在此下载此资源,就能体验到此教程的优秀!不过是E文的,E文不好的人先做好心理准备。不过既然是E文的,可以同时进行两方面的学习!鱼和熊掌能否兼得,全掌握在你手上!
什么是 ASP.NET?
ASP.NET 是建立在公共语言运行库上的编程框架,可用于在服务器上生成功能强大的 Web 应用程序。与以前的 Web 开发模型相比,ASP.NET 提供了数个重要的优点:
增强的性能。ASP.NET 是在服务器上运行的编译好的公共语言运行库代码。与被解释的前辈不同,ASP.NET 可利用早期绑定、实时编译、本机优化和盒外缓存服务。这相当于在编写代码行之前便显著提高了性能。
世界级的工具支持。ASP.NET 框架补充了 Visual Studio 集成开发环境中的大量工具箱和设计器。WYSIWYG 编辑、拖放服务器控件和自动部署只是这个强大的工具所提供功能中的少数几种。
威力和灵活性。由于 ASP.NET 基于公共语言运行库,因此 Web 应用程序开发人员可以利用整个平台的威力和灵活性。.NET 框架类库、消息处理和数据访问解决方案都可从 Web 无缝访问。ASP.NET 也与语言无关,所以可以选择最适合应用程序的语言,或跨多种语言分割应用程序。另外,公共语言运行库的交互性保证在迁移到 ASP.NET 时保留基于 COM 的开发中的现有投资。
简易性。ASP.NET 使执行常见任务变得容易,从简单的窗体提交和客户端身份验证到部署和站点配置。例如,ASP.NET 页框架使您可以生成将应用程序逻辑与表示代码清楚分开的用户界面,和在类似 Visual Basic 的简单窗体处理模型中处理事件。另外,公共语言运行库利用托管代码服务(如自动引用计数和垃圾回收)简化了开发。
可管理性。ASP.NET 采用基于文本的分层配置系统,简化了将设置应用于服务器环境和 Web 应用程序。由于配置信息是以纯文本形式存储的,因此可以在没有本地管理工具帮助的情况下应用新设置。此“零本地管理”哲学也扩展到了 ASP.NET 框架应用程序的部署。只需将必要的文件复制到服务器,即可将 ASP.NET 框架应用程序部署到服务器。不需要重新启动服务器,即使是在部署或替换运行的编译代码时。
可缩放性和可用性。ASP.NET 在设计时考虑了可缩放性,增加了专门用于在聚集环境和多处理器环境中提高性能的功能。另外,进程受到 ASP.NET 运行库的密切监视和管理,以便当进程行为不正常(泄漏、死锁)时,可就地创建新进程,以帮助保持应用程序始终可用于处理请求。
自定义性和扩展性。ASP.NET 随附了一个设计周到的结构,它使开发人员可以在适当的级别“插入”代码。实际上,可以用自己编写的自定义组件扩展或替换 ASP.NET 运行库的任何子组件。实现自定义身份验证或状态服务一直没有变得更容易。
安全性。借助内置的 Windows 身份验证和基于每个应用程序的配置,可以保证应用程序是安全的。
ASP.Net摆脱了以前ASP使用脚本语言来编程的缺点,理论上可以使用任何编程语言包括C++ , VB , JS等等,当然,最合适的编程语言还是MS为.Net Frmaework专门推出的C(读c sharp),它可以看作是VC和Java的混合体吧,尽管MS自己讲C#内核中更多的象VC,但实际上我还是认为它和Java更象一些吧。首先它是面向对象的编程语言,而不是一种脚本,所以它具有面向对象编程语言的一切特性,比如封装性、继承性、多态性等等,这就解决了刚才谈到的ASP的那些弱点。封装性使得代码逻辑清晰,易于管理,并且应用到ASP.Net上就可以使业务逻辑和Html页面分离,这样无论页面原型如何改变,业务逻辑代码都不必做任何改动;继承性和多态性使得代码的可重用性大大提高,你可以通过继承已有的对象最大限度保护你以前的投资。并且C#和C++、Java一样提供了完善的调试/ 纠错体系。
ASP(Active Server Pages)是Microsfot公司1996年11月推出的WEB应用程序开发技术,它既不是一种程序语言,也不是一种开发工具,而是一种技术框架,不须使用微软的产品就能编写它的代码,能产生和执行动态、交互式、高效率的站占服务器的应用程序。运用ASP可将VBscript、javascript等脚本语言嵌入到HTML中,便可快速完成网站的应用程序,无需编译,可在服务器端直接执行。容易编写,使用普通的文本编辑器编写,如记事本就可以完成。由脚本在服务器上而不是客户端运行,ASP所使用的脚本语言都在服务端上运行,用户端的浏览器不需要提供任何别的支持,这样大提高了用户与服务器之间的交互的速度。此外,它可通过内置的组件实现更强大的功能,如使用A-DO可以轻松地访问数据库。
之后,微软又推出ASP.NET。这不是ASP的简单升级,而是全新一代的动态网页实现系统,用于一台WEB服务器建立强大的应用程序。是微软发展的新体系结构.NET的一部分,是ASP和.NET技术的结合。提供基于组件、事件驱动的可编程网络表单,大大简化了编程。还可以用ASP.NET 建立网络服务。
ASP.NET允许用户选择并使用功能完善的strongly-type编程语言,也允许使用潜加巨大的.NET Framework。
DVD1 – Getting Started with ASP.NET
1. Preparing to Use ASP.NET
2. Understanding the Page’s HTML Source Code
3. Introducing the ASP Page its Code
4. Create an ASP.NET Website with Visual Studio
5. Design an ASP.NET Web Page with Visual Studio
6. Running the Web Page Adding Event Handlers
7. Debugging the Application’s Code
Lesson 2: ADDING CONTROLS TO A WEB PAGE 1. Introducing the HTML Controls
2. Introducing the Standard Controls
3. Introducing the Data Controls
4. Introducing the Validation Controls
5. Introducing Navigation, WebParts Crystal Reports
6. Formatting a Page with HTML Controls
7. Adding Options Manually in the Source View
8. Setting the User Interface Properties
9. Invoking the Run As Server Control Function
10. Displaying Information with a Formatted String
11. Designing a Page with Web Controls
12. Changing the Alignment
13. Adding a Calendar Control
1. Setting Initial Control Properties in a .ASPX File
2. Programmatic Initialization in the Page_Load Method
3. Adding Buttons, Labels & a Horizontal Rule
4. TimestampLabel & Multiple Selection Listbox
5. Adding Event Handler Methods to Buttons
6. Understanding Viewstate
7. Looking at the Stages of Initialization
8. OnInit, OnPreRender & OnUnload Methods
9. Adding Another Event Handler Method
10. Working with the Command Name Property
11. Looking at the EventDemo User Interface
12. Look at the Initialization Code behind the Web Page
13. Work with the TextChanged Event Handler
14. Handle the SelectedIndexChanged Event
15. Using Auto-Postback Events
16. Viewing the Auto-Postback Source Code
1. Understanding ASP.NET Validation
2. Specifying Required Fields for the Name Control
3. Specifying the Allowable Range for the Age Control
4. Specifying the Enrollment Date Fields & Range
5. Comparing a Value of a Control with a Fixed Value
6. Compare the Value of One Control to Another Control
7. Using Regular Expressions to Specify Input Patterns
8. Defining Custom Validation Rules
9. Adding an Event Handler to a Button
10. Adding a Validation Summary
11. Organizing Controls into Validation Groups
Lesson 5: NAVIGATING A WEBSITE (65 min)
1. Adding Multiple Pages to a Website
2. Redirecting to a Different Web Page
3. Pass Information between Pages with the QueryString
4. Retreiving QueryString Information in a Web Page
5. Retrieving QueryString Information with Variables
6. Linking Pages by Using Hyperlinks
7. Adding Pages to Use in the Site Map
8. Create a Site Map to Define the Pages in a Web Site
9. Add a SiteMapDataSource Control to a Web Page
10. Displaying a Site Map in a TreeView Control
11. Organizing Parent & Leaf Nodes in a Site Map
12. Reorganize Site Structure into Subdirectories
13. Setting Various NodeStyle Properties of the TreeView
14. Displaying Breadcrumbs in a SiteMapPath Control
15. Displaying a Site Map in a Menu Control
16. Final Comments & Credits
Experience Level: Beginner to advanced
Running Time: 10.2 Hours, 2 DVDs (ROM)
Project Files: Included
Note: The source code within this training is implemented in visual C#
This training uses:
* Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition, with the .NET Framework 2.0
* Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition
Freelance developer, consultant, and instructor Andy Olsen has been working with Microsoft and Java-based technologies for over a decade. With Andy leading the way, you will learn the ropes of ASP.NET in no time. you’ll see how to create great user interfaces using the latest ASP.NET Web controls such as GridViews and WebParts. you’ll also learn how to use the full power of the .NET Framework.
* Learn how to efficiently layout, develop, and maintain standards-based websites that are scalable, secure, and stable.
* Get up to speed quickly with how to develop ASP.NET Web Applications using C# and Visual Studio 2005.
* Take full advantage of the rich set of ASP.NET 2.0 controls and the extensive .NET Framework class library.
* Learn how to create reusable components to encapsulate the UI layout, logic, and data access code in your Web applications.
Bonus Material
Included with your training, you will find a complimentary copy of a ASP.NET Project Checklist created by Presenter Andy Olsen offering hints and tips for ASP.NET. Topics covered include adding controls to a web page, web page processing, validating user input, navigating a website, understanding ASP.NET apps, data binding, and more.
Presenter: Andy Olsen
Freelance developer, consultant, and instructor Andy Olsen has been working with Microsoft and Java-based technologies for over a decade. You may have seen Andy presenting at industry conferences around the world, or recognize his name from one of the many books that the has authored or reviewed. While Andy has been working with ASP.NET since the first beta, he is also well versed in C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, and Visual Basic.
Full Bio
* Learn how to efficiently layout, develop, and maintain standards-based websites that are scalable, secure, and stable.
* Get up to speed quickly with how to develop ASP.NET Web Applications using C# and Visual Studio 2005.
* Take full advantage of the rich set of ASP.NET 2.0 controls and the extensive .NET Framework class library.
* Learn how to create reusable components to encapsulate the UI layout, logic, and data access code in your Web applications.
Bonus Material
Included with your training, you will find a complimentary copy of a ASP.NET Project Checklist created by Presenter Andy Olsen offering hints and tips for ASP.NET. Topics covered include adding controls to a web page, web page processing, validating user input, navigating a website, understanding ASP.NET apps, data binding, and more.
Presenter: Andy Olsen
Freelance developer, consultant, and instructor Andy Olsen has been working with Microsoft and Java-based technologies for over a decade. You may have seen Andy presenting at industry conferences around the world, or recognize his name from one of the many books that the has authored or reviewed. While Andy has been working with ASP.NET since the first beta, he is also well versed in C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, and Visual Basic.
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