变态心理学 (Abnormal Psychology)随书光盘
- 30 9 月, 2022
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中文名: 变态心理学
英文名: Abnormal Psychology
版本: 随书光盘
发行时间: 2000年
地区: 简介: 基本信息: 内容简介: 书籍目录: 资料说明: 第二个文件为网络下载到的疑似原书的配套PPT(有修改),感兴趣的朋友可下载。 此书国内已有轻工业出版社的第四版,其介绍见此。 原文介绍:
·资料名:Ebook. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac)
·作者:David H. Barlow – Boston University;V. Mark Durand – University of South Florida
·出版社:Wadsworth Thomson Learning
·ISBN-10: 053450731X
·ISBN-13: 978-0534507312
·出版日期:October 2000
本书既是权威经典、与时俱进的优秀教材,又是操作性很强的实用指导手册,为国外众多高校采用,深受好评。它把读者带入变态心理学(即异常心理学)研究的最前沿,使人们更深入地了解变态心理学,更全面地维护正常的心理活动。本书主编David H.Barlow教授是国际知名的临床心理学先驱、美国心理学会临床心理学分会理事长,具有很高的学术地位,研究成就卓著,曾荣获美国心理健康学会优秀奖、美国心理学会杰出心理学家奖等奖项。
1. Abnormal Behavior in Historical Context.
2. An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology.
3. Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis.
4. Research Methods.
5. Anxiety Disorders.
6. Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders.
7. Mood Disorders and Suicide.
8. Eating and Sleep Disorders.
9. Physical Disorders and Health Psychology.
10. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders.
11. Substance-Related and Impulse-Control Disorders.
12. Personality Disorders.
13. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders.
14. Developmental Disorders.
15. Cognitive Disorders.
16. Mental Health Services: Legal and Ethical Issues.
此资料为本书的随机光盘,既包括原书主要文字内容,也有更多的表格、练习、动画、图片及视频资料,利于对变态心理学的学习和了解。第一个文件为此光盘镜像文件及相关资料,解压后推荐使用Daemon Tools软件在win2000及XP下进行安装(win2000中使用最好,XP下有bug),安装后使用截图如下:
Balancing biological, psychological, social and cultural approaches, David Barlow and V. Mark Durand's ground-breaking integrative approach is the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying abnormal psychology. In this Edition of their proven ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY, Barlow and Durand successfully blend sophisticated research (including new prevention coverage) and an accessible writing style with the most widely recognized method of discussing psychopathology. Going beyond simply describing different schools of thought on psychological disorders, the authors explore the interactions of the various forces that contribute to psychopathology. A conversational writing style, consistent pedagogical elements, integrated case studies (95 percent from authors' own files), video clips of clients (on the free accompanying Abnormal Psychology Live CD-ROM), and additional study tools make this text the most complete learning resource available. For instructors, an Instructor's Resource Manual, Test Bank, and a wide selection of videos are available to use when teaching the course.
[通过安全测试]杀毒软件:金山毒霸 2007
版本: 2007.11.28.267
[通过安装测试]Windows2000(推荐)/WindowsXP SP2(有bug)
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