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中文名: VCOM系统优化工具
英文名: VCOM Fix-It Utilities Professional
版本: v8.0
发行时间: 2007年10月29日
制作发行: V-COM
地区: 美国
书我要,下载先! http://www.books51.com/ 祝您开卷有益!


[通过安全测试]杀毒软件:kav 6.0
共享服务器:!! Saugstube !!

VCOM Fix-It Utilities能优化系统性能,及时发现和预防系统的问题,并能帮助用户更方便的维护系统及调度维护操作,使PC系统保持最高的运行效率。
VCOM Fix-It Utilities 是一个系统修复还原工具,含有: 硬件测试, 系统诊断, 抗病毒, 防止间谍程序, 加速系统启动, 去除磁盘碎片, 优化寄存器数据库, 应急起动与系统还原等等众多的功能。
Fix-It Utilities Professional 8 protects, maintains and optimizes your PC so you can once again enjoy solid performance and stability. Focus on your work or hobby and let Fix-It worry about your PC.
Here are just a few of the features that make Fix-It such a strong solution for your PC problems:
Superb Protection, Tools and Maintenance
Active Intelligence Technology – NEW!
System Optimizer – NEW!
Secure File Shredder – NEW!
Virus & Spyware Protection – Improved!
Hundreds of Bug Fixes and Improvements!
Recovery Commander Built-In
Powerful Diagnostics, including:
SystemOptimizer – Users can select profiles to optimize their systems for certain PC tasks, like Gaming, Multimedia, Office tasks and Security.
SmartDiskCheck monitors the health of your hard drive.
PC Diagnostics™ checks and reports on your installed system hardware, looking for potential problems.
SystemExplorer™ scans your system and provides a complete statistical report.
SystemMonitors watches system resources and alerts you if an item gets critical.

? ? ? ?
? 苘圻 咣苘 ?
苓咣?苒? 苘咣圻 咣圻苘 咣?苒哌?
? 捋苓 ?哌 苒圻 t h e c r a c k e r s o f 咣圮 哌 ? 哕圯 ?
哕 圹圮 ?苘苓 圹? 圹?哕苘 ?苒圹 苓
?苘 哌哕咣圹?圹? 苘? 苘? 苘? 苘苘 苘?圹?咣圹哕哌?苘 ?
圹?咣?圹? 苒鄄槽圮 苒圹槽圮 圹圹槽圮 捋膊圹鄄圯 圹?咣?圹?
圹??圹? 圹槽哌圹圯鄄圹哌圹槽捋槽咣圹?膊圹咣圻? 圹??圹?
圹?圹? 捋圹? 鄄坜圹圯 捋?圹圯 鄄?捋圯 圹?圹?
圹圹? 捋槽 捋圻捋圹 圹圯圹?苒圹蒇鄄圮苘 圹圹?
圹? 圹圯 鄄圯 捋?薏圹鄄圻 捋圹圹圯 圹?
苒苘苒? 捋圹 圹苻圹? 圹圯圹圻咣圹 槽鄄哌? 苒苘苒?
[rAD!s] 圹圻?哌? 鄄圯 捋圯圹圯 薏?鄄? 鄄圯捋圹蒈? 苓?哌圹?
圹? 捋槽圮鄄圯捋槽圮圹圯 圹? 捋圹 鄄圹鄄圮 咣?
槽圮 咣圹槽圻 咣圹膊圻 捋槽?捋草薏圹槽圹圯 懿鄄
卟槽 哌? 哌? 哌哌?哌?哌哌? 鄄圻
草 ?咣? 捋?? 薏
掭 ? 圯 p r e s e n t 捋 ? 掭
? ? ? 哌? ? ?
掭 圯 VCOM Fix-It Utilities Pro v8.0 *KEYMAKER.ONLY* 捋 ?
?捋 圯 ?
圯 捋
捋 Cracked by....: KaiZer SoZe Release-Name..: CR-AAAQ7.ZIP 圯
圹 Supplied......: CORE Release-Date..: 2007/10/29 圹
圹? Packaged......: CORE Release-Type..: Util 圹
鄄? Protection....: Serial OS............: Windows 薏?
捋? Crack/SN......: Keymaker Language......: English 圹?
捋圯 Rating........: [You decide!] Disks.........: 01 圹?
捋? 圹?
鄄? 鄄?
圹? 咣? 苓哌? 苒? 圹?
圹圮 哕 苒策苘? 哕苓槽? 苓 苒圹
? 咣槽苘 哌苘 苓? 哕 苓 哌? 苘哌 苘鄄圻 ?
哕? 哌圹圹圮 哕 ? 哕? 苓 哕 苘? 苓 苒圹圹哌 苘?
哌圮苘 咣槽? ? ? 哌圮 苒哌 ? ? 圹槽? 苘苒哌
? 哌圹?咣  苓?薨? 舶?哌? 唼 圻 咣圻? ?
荥 ?? 掭 北? 薇? 掭 ?? 
圯 ? 曹苓 哕? 哕?膊? 鄄?苘? 苓? 哕懿 ? 捋
薏圮鼙 苘苒圻 ? 苘膊? 卟曹? ? 咣圮苘 避苒草
卟鄄圹圹膊? 苒策 卟圮 鄄槽圹圹槽策
哌哌? 佰? 咣? 哌哌哌?
佰 苓哕 苓哕 ?
掭安?掭 掭 卟稗
哕 苓 哕 苓
哌 哌
荥  苘?苓曹
懿哕 哕? 圯 ? 曹苓 哕懿 ? 捋 苓? 苘? ?
? 苘? 哌? 薏圮鼙 苘苒圻 咣圮苘 避苒草 掭 懿? 哌苘
苘哌 安? 掭 卟鄄圹圹膊? 鄄槽圹圹槽策 哕 ? ? ?哕
苓 ? ? ? 苓 哌哌? 哌哌哌? 哌舶 圻 捋
圯 咣 安哌  草
薏 唼 ..: DESCRiPTiON :.. 草
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 PC Diagnostics & Utilities that keep your system running better, 槽
鄄 faster, and longer! 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 Why PC Utilities? Like a car, PCs need maintenance and repair. 槽
鄄 Running PC diagnostics and utilities on your computer is the 槽
鄄 equivalent of taking your car in for a tune-up. Fix-It Utilities 7 槽
鄄 Professional optimizes system performance and our computer 槽
鄄 diagnostics finds and prevents problems before they occur. 槽
鄄 In addition, have easy, scheduled maintenance to keep your PC in 槽
鄄 top shape. 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 http://www.v-com.com/product/Fix-It_Utilities_Home.html 槽
鄄 槽
薏蒈 苻草
甙? 甙?
 唼
哕 苘 ? ? 苘 苓
???苓? ?弑? 弑?? 哌????
掭 ?? ? ? ?? 掭
懿哕 哕? 唼 ?  唼 ? 苘?苓曹
? 苘? 哌? 苓? 苘? ?
苘哌 安? 掭 掭 懿? 哌苘
苓 ? ? ? 苓 哕 ? ? ?哕
圯 咣 安哌 ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :.. 哌舶 圻 捋
薏 唼  草
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 The serial provided by YAG is blacklisted, here's the keygen. 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 ..: iMPORTANT NOTE :.. 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 Run CORE10k.EXE to verify this release, if CRC-check fails or 槽
鄄 even CORE10k.EXE is missing - you are probably using webshit! 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 else 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 Thanks for choosing 槽
鄄 (C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering! 槽
鄄 槽
捋? 槽?
捋? 荥  苘?苓曹槽?
哕 哕? 圯 ? 曹苓 哕懿 ? 捋 苓? 苘?
苘? 哌? 薏圮鼙 苘苒圻 咣圮苘 避苒草 掭 懿? 哌苘
苘哌 安? 掭 卟鄄圹圹膊? 鄄槽圹圹槽策 哕 ? ? ?哕
苓 ? ? ? 苓 哌哌? 哌哌哌? 哌舶 圻 捋
圯 咣 安哌  草
苘 ? ..: CORE NEWS AND iNFOS :.. ?苘
苒圹?哕 苓 圹圹?
捋鄄圹?掭 掭 捋鄄圹?
圹槽圹 ? - not available - ? 圹鄄圹
薏鄄圯 苓 哕 捋槽草
鄄圹 掭 掭 圹槽
捋草 哕? 苘? 薏圯
圹? 哕 苓 捋?
咣 掭 掭 圻
? 苓 哕 ?
苒? 咣?
苓? 哌?
苓 哕
苒? 捋?
槽? 圹?
捋? 捋?
圹 圹
圹 圹
圹 圹
槽? 圹
捋圯 ? 苓? 捋?
鄄圮 掭 掭 苒?
咣圹圮? 苘苘圻 咣苘苘 苘圹圹
圹圹槽圹圹哌 哌圹圹鄄圹圹
薏?哌? 哌?鄄?
捋? 捋?
捋? 捋?
鄄 槽
捋? 捋?
鄄 槽
捋? 捋?
鄄 槽
圯 圹
圹 捋?
捋? 捋?
薏? 薏?
圹 ? 唼  ? 圹
薏? ? ? ? ? 薏?
圹 苒哌苘 ?? ? ? ?? 苘哌圮 圹
薏蒈哌 咣?卟? 卟?苒? 哌苻草
圹 ? ? 圹
圹? 圹?
槽? 圹?
捋圯 捋圯
槽? 圹?
圹? 槽?
槽? 鄄?
圹? 圹?
圹? 圹?
圹 圹
掭 掭
? 苘? 苘? ?
? 苓? 哌? lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s] 苓? 哌? ?
哕 哕 ? nfO UPdATED ON [2007/06/11] ? 苓 苓
哌苘? 苘苓 ? (c) C.O.R.E. 2 0 0 7 ? 哕苘 苘苓?
哌哌? 哌哌?
?CRC DC7C:C397



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