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中文名: 甲骨文协作套件手册
英文名: Oracle Collaboration Suite Handbook
版本: PDF
发行日期: 2007年02月27日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
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书名 : Oracle Collaboration Suite Handbook (Osborne Oracle Press)
作者 : by Ronald J. Zapar (Author)
出版 : McGraw Hill publisher
ISBN : 0072263008
Oracle 10g数据库是第一款为网格计算而设计的数据库,继承了Oracle数据库管理技术的各种优势,又融入了网格计算的各种新的性能特点。
本书主要介绍Oracle 10g数据库的各种特点、安装、配置、自我管理、集群技术以及各种管理方法,具有鲜明的网格计算和Oracle特色。此外,本书知识涵盖全面,逻辑层次清楚,图文并茂,紧跟现代计算机应用技术的步伐,是一本推介Oracle 10g数据库的优秀参考用书。
Maximize the Capabilities of Oracle Collaboration Suite
Facilitate enterprisewide communication, data sharing, and team work using Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g and the in-depth information contained in this Oracle Press guide. Oracle Collaboration Suite Handbook explains how to install, implement, manage, and optimize the suite in an enterprise environment. You’ll discover how you can use this powerful tool to securely, reliably, and cost-effectively enable real-time collaboration, streamline business processes, simplify data distribution, and consolidate corporate information.
Release 1 ( for Windows or UNIX
– Tailor a system-specific Oracle Collaboration Suite environment
– Install the Infrastructure Tier, Datastore Tier, and Applications
– Perform successful migrations to Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g
– Create, manage, monitor, and delete user accounts with provisioning
– Control processes, components, and subcomponents from the command
line and the Enterprise Manager Browser interface
– Perform reliable full and partial database backups and restores
– Monitor, analyze, and act on system log files
– Administer applications, application components, and program
– Manipulate unstructured data using intelligent containers and Oracle
Content Services
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0072263008/
Table of contents
Part I: Getting Started
Chapter 1. An Overview of Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g
Chapter 2. Creating the Right Architecture for Your OCS Environment
Part II: Installation and Configuration of OCS
Chapter 3. Before You Begin
Chapter 4. Installing the Collaboration SuiteDatabase Tier
Chapter 5. Installing the Identity Management Component of the Infrastructure Tier
Chapter 6. Installing the Application Tier
Chapter 7. Migrating to the New Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Environment
Part III: Managing Your OCS Environment
Chapter 8. User Provisioning and Management
Chapter 9. Managing the Collaboration Suite Component Server Processes
Chapter 10. Backup and Recovery
Chapter 11. Monitoring and Managing Log Files in the Collaboration Suite Environment
Chapter 12. Collaboration Suite 10g Component Application Administration
Part IV. Oracle Content Services
Chapter 13. Content Services Functional Overview
Chapter 14. Content Services Technical Overview
APPENDIX: References
About the Author
Ronald J. Zapar (Naperville, IL)
joined Oracle in their consulting organization in the North Central region in early 1988. In 1991 he left Oracle to start his first integration firm centered on Oracle technology. In 2003, he made a significant investment in Oracle’s emerging Collaboration Suite technology. As CEO, Ron has led Re-Quest’s effort to gain regional as well as national recognition around their expertise in successfully implementing Oracle Collaboration Suite in all types of environments for all types of customers. In 2003, Re-Quest was named one of the premier North American systems integrators for Oracle Collaboration Suite. Ron is frequently interviewed by industry publications for comment on current trends and events.
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