Warren Zevon -Preludes[MP3!]
- 22 12 月, 2022
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专辑中文名: Preludes
歌手: Warren Zevon
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2007年05月01日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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他早年生活和他音乐中体现的内涵一样坎坷多变。他父亲是职业赌徒,因此他被迫从小频繁搬家迁移。他16岁时母离异,导致他进入流行音乐界,这之前,一直习学古典钢琴。他来到纽约成为一名民谣歌手。由于他的音乐缺少听众,只能回到加州寻找出路,后来他作为Lyme and Cybelle二人演唱组的成员推出了首张唱片。他1969年推出首张个人专辑《Wanted—Dead or Alive》,但是,这张唱片几乎无人问津,他只能继续做些演奏工作或写一些广告片花音乐。在二重唱组合解散之前,他还为the Everly Brothers’ 担任钢琴手。经过1974年在西班牙的休息生活,他受老朋友Jackson Browne之邀回到洛杉矶。在Browne的协助制作下,1976年沃沦推出了同名专辑,树立了鲜明的批判风格。1978年的《Excitable Boy》让他被誉为“独特的天才”,他最知名的作品“伦敦狼人”也在那时问世。此后他沉溺于酗酒之中,两年内他推出1980年的《Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School》和1981年的首张现场合辑《Stand in the Fire》。1982年他将早年的作品重新整理后推出《The Envoy》,结果这张唱片在排行榜惨败而归,令他再陷低潮。经过一段长时间的治疗和恢复,在1987年重新振作,推出专辑《Sentimental Hygiene》,该唱片的录制获得了REM乐队成员的很大帮助。(1990年,沃伦和REM的Peter Buck、Mike Mills、Bill Berry以Hindu Love Gods的临时乐队名合作过器乐合辑)1989年他再出全新的概念唱片《Transverse City》,该唱片以科幻小说的计算机朋克运动为灵感而创作。1991年的专辑名为《Mr. Bad Example》,此时他达到创作的又一旺盛期。1993年他推出第二张现场专辑《Learning to Flinch》,1995年推出专辑《Mutineer》。此后他蛰伏多年,直到2000年,他才推出又一张录音室专辑《Life’ll Kill Ya》,该片成绩尚可,因此在举办了美国巡演后促使他回到录音室继续创作。2002年春天他的新唱片《My Ride’s Here》问世。不过几个月后,他被诊断出肺癌晚期,已无法手术,医生预测他只有几个月的生存时间。因此他决定完成自己的最后一张专辑。在一群名人朋友的帮助与合作下,他顽强地存活了1年多,《The wind》于2003年8月推出。9月7日因病去世。3个月后,第46届格莱美音乐奖公布提名名单,沃伦凭自己最后一张专辑获得5项提名,之前,他还未曾获取过一座格莱美奖。
After Warren Zevon’s death in 2003, his son Jordan was clearing out a storage space when he found a large stash of demos and home recordings Zevon had made before 1976. Winnowed down from many hours of tape, this selection is so satisfying you’re left awaiting another volume almost instantly. Preludes has been generously packaged with a booklet overflowing with reminiscences and insight from peers and family, as well as a bonus disc with recent interview extracts and choice selections from 2000’s Life’ll Kill Ya. The rough sound quality is more than made up for by the performances. Highlights include a speedier, country-punk garage take on “Poor, Poor Pitiful Me” and the original demo of “Werewolves of London,” here presented in a slowed-down reggae-ish (and campier) take. Only two of these 16 takes fall flat: the vocals on “Accidentally Like a Martyr” are just too bleak even for Zevon, while the faux-sunshine Eagles-y production on “Ride So High” is interesting but just too anachronistic. The versions of “French Inhaler” and “Carmelita” show Zevon in his angry, post-Dylan singer-songwriter style. It’s reminiscent of the best John Cale solo recordings. Poignant, beautiful and bitter, it’s no wonder the guy didn’t fit in with his California contemporaries. As with Townes Van Zandt, there’s something of a great short story in Zevon’s songs; confronted with them in all their ragged, stripped-down glory, it’s clear what a major talent he was.
Disc 1:
01. Empty Hearted Town
02. Steady Rain
03. Join Me In L.A.
04. Hasten Down The Wind
05. Werewolves Of London
06. Tule’s Blues
07. The French Inhaler
08. Going All The Way
09. Poor Poor Pitiful Me
10. Studebaker
11. Accidentally Like A Martyr
12. Carmelita
13. I Used To Ride So High
14. Stop Rainin’ Lord
15. The Rosarita Beach Caf
16. Desperados Under The Eaves
Disc 2:
01. I Was In The House When The House Burned Down
02. Warren speaks on songwriting and the early days of his career
03. musings on mortality, song noir and The King Of Rock N’ Roll
04. a chat about producers and the stark sounds on the album Life’ll Kill Ya
05. Back In The High Life
06. Warren’s take on Winwood’s classic and Warren’s inspirations
07. talk of TV, movies, acting and performing
08. Don’t Let Us Get Sick (solo acoustic) recorded live 12 3 99 at Austin City Limits Studios for 107.1 KGSR Radio Austin 9th Anniversary Concert
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