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专辑中文名: 银翼杀手二十五周年纪念三部曲
专辑英文名: Blade Runner Trilogy 25th Anniversary
艺术家: Vangelis
版本: [Special Edition][3CD][APE]发行时间: 2007年12月10日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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发行版本:Universal Music TV 060075305147(4)
专辑风格:Electroinc Score
这套CD应该是最近一段时间让人最为兴奋的收获了,本身是一部电影配乐,但这次的意义不同,也不再是电影配乐那么简单.Vangelis以其史诗般的创作赋予Blade Runner Trilogy更多的价值和意义.
一位伟大的音乐家,集创作,演奏和音乐制作于一身,一个真正的全才。被人们称为现代的瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)。他的许多史诗般的电子音乐作品和电影配乐深得乐迷们的钟爱,如 『Chariots Of Fire』 影片〖火的战车〗配乐,『Theme from Antarctica』 电影〖南极〗主题曲, 『1492 Conquest of Paradise』 影片〖哥伦布〗配乐等等。
在很多介绍有关音乐的文章中,都喜欢将音乐人的风格定位,但是这种做法有时偏偏叫乐迷不太认同。其中一个典型的例子就是来自希腊的Vangelis,有人将他归类为New Age,但大多数乐迷都认为这是不尽详实的,因为Vangelis音乐带给我们的感觉,就是一个无际的音乐国度,这也是一位有着出色意念的音乐人的特质。Vangelis原名Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassion,1943年出生于希腊。六十年代初,他在希腊自组乐队,成为当地的一支流行组合。到了1968年,他移居法国,与另外两位音乐人Demis Roussos和Loukas Sideras共同组合成了前卫乐队。到了七十年代,Vangelis与Yes的歌手Jon Anderson组成了JonAnd Vangelis,带出一份清新而前卫的音乐感觉,当时人们已经很难对Vangelis的音乐进行定位了。到了1982年,Vangelis为电影ChariotsOf Fire 配乐,结果赢得了奥斯卡——“最佳电影歌曲”奖。如果你是通过Chariots Of Fire而认识Vatgels,这绝对是不够的,因为在1992年,他为Ridley Scott执导的影片《1942》中的Conquest Of Paradise配乐,从而使电影的音乐概念完全体现出来,成为不少音乐学院的教材。碟中主题曲Conquest Of Paradise,那种史诗般的气派,完完全全是慑人的感觉,精彩绝伦。
Vangelis于1995年在Warner Music UK旗下推出一张专辑【Voice】, 同时有一张同名单曲推出,这首主题曲『Voice』听起来就象是『1492 Conquest of Paradise』的翻版。我最新得到大师的一张CD, 片名【OCEANIC】, Warner Music 1996年出版,整张片子的乐曲洋溢着一种大海的神韵, 每一首的旋律都如此悠扬与神秘,你甚至可以闻到海水的气息, 感受到海风的轻拂, 那仿若天际飘来的旋律会将一切尘世的俗念冲刷得一乾二净.[摘自网络]喜欢电子音乐的朋友,如果你厌倦了雅尼,可以找来Vangelis的唱片来听听,在国内市场上可以找到《南极物语》,《蛮荒剧》,《肖像》,《声音》等。范吉利斯最早的作品是1973年为弗雷德里克.罗斯夫的电影《动物启示录》所作的《美人鱼》,这是介于他在巴黎的早期创作实践和后来在伦敦形成的风格之间的作品。范吉利斯1974年在伦敦建立了自己的录音室:尼摩。在这里,他逐渐创立了自己独特的“范吉利斯之声”。1975年,《天堂与地狱》发行,这是电子音乐与交响乐结合的标志,其中的第五首《很久了,还如此清晰》也是范吉利斯与歌唱家琼.安德森的首次合作。这以后,两人以“琼和范吉利斯”的名义出版了四张唱片。1976年的《反照率0.39》中的《脉星》和《阿尔法》使用电子排序法显示出范吉利斯超前的意识和技巧,当时的模拟合成器还显得幼稚,笨拙,而范吉利斯已开始利用它进行前卫的探索了。1978年,《螺旋》中的《致无名者》获迈迪姆国际配器奖。1979年,范吉利斯推出的《中国》成为其代表作之一,特别是其中的《喜马拉雅山》,原音和电声乐器结合得天衣无缝,气势挥宏,你仿佛可以看到风将积雪吹得漫天飞舞的景象,感到袭来的阵阵寒气。进入八十年代,范吉利斯的第一张专辑《短篇集》中的《我听见了》是他与安德森的首次全面合作,而1981年为大卫.普特南的电影《火的战车》所作同名电影音乐更为他赢得奥斯卡最佳音乐奖,成为最早,给人印象最为深刻的电影电子配乐。同年,在与琼.安德森合作的《我会找到归乡路》中,范吉利斯进行了更多的探索与实验。
And there it is. Finally available to the public in UK shops by tomorrow morning: Vangelis’ unexpected but much welcomed return to “Blade Runner”.
Eagerly awaited by a very diverse audience, including fans of the movie, fans of the music and even fans of countless artists who have repeatedly professed to have been greatly inspired by this legendary soundtrack.
Needless to say the announcement of an upcoming rerelease with no less than two bonus disks caused quite a shockwave of chatter and speculation. Since disk 1 in the set contains the 1994 album, carefully remastered but untouched as far as the actual content is concerned, it’s time to explore what exactly those two new CDs are all about.
Disk 2 – Blade Runner Previously Unreleased and Bonus Material
The disk the soundtrack fans have been waiting for. We travel back to 1982, to explore those parts of Blade Runner’s music that, to the disappointment of many, could not be incorporated into the album Vangelis released in 1994. Added to this are a few compositions made for the movie, that didn’t make it into the actual movie, or any of its reincarnations…
To first answer the question inevitably raised by the movie’s many die hard completists: Does it contain absolutely everything? That is, in short, a “no”. Some of the very minimal background music, the retro futuristic club dances, the market place and, most surprisingly, the actual opening titles music are still not available outside of the movie.
What it on the other hand does offer is a wealth of those dark, moody, intense pieces that so beautifully accompanied Blade Runner’s exploration of this less-and-less-distant future, pondering the question of what it is to be human. On one level cold, sad and dystopian, on another more alive, intimate and humane than many other great scores have managed to be. No wonder so many people have kept wanting to explore this music outside of its original context for the last 25 years.
All these tracks are presented in perfect sound quality. They subtly segue into each other, but for this disk Vangelis chose not to add any new music, effects or dialogs, presenting most pieces in as complete and pure a state as possible. This results in quite a few surprises. “Mechanical Toys” for instance sounds oddly familiar being an obvious part of the score, but in fact only a small fraction of it has been heard in the movie. A fascinating listen that does instantly connect with memories of its subject matter.
Most of what everyone was waiting for is finally here. The choral climaxing music that plays when Roy murders Dr. Tyrell, the ominous discomfort during the final duel between Deckard and Roy, the wondrous icey music for Chew’s genetic laboratory… The disk ends fittingly with the immensely popular piece known as “Tears in Rain”, presented here without Rutger Hauer’s monolog heard on disk 1, for the purest possible enjoyment of the music.
Perhaps the best surprises of this disk are the two bonus tracks. These pieces add credibility to what’s being said every once in a while: Some of the best music Vangelis has put into this world is as yet unreleased. Well, in this fortunate case, 25 years of hiding end with the release of Blade Runner Trilogy. While a part of Desolation Path was heard by fans who managed to explore the famous “Work print” of the movie, or some of the countless bootlegs, it never before sounded this good, this complete or this delicately beautiful.
“One Alone” has been completely unheard of, leaving it fully to the listener to imagine what sort of scene would have enjoyed this beautiful piece of music. Vangelis plays his synths as warm and gentle as it gets. “One Alone” is a ballad that manages that rare mix of sweet melancholy and hidden passion that cannot go anywhere but straight to the heart. A true gem.
All in all, listening to this CD is a special experience in many ways. While, as a fan, it feels great to see such collective patience (and let’s be honest, persistence) finally pay off.
Disk 3 – BR 25
There are countless traps an artist could fall for when revisiting a legendary work. Perhaps one of the most dangerous ones would be to try and recreate the original in a modern way, or worse, to make extensions artificially in the old way. Vangelis sidestepped this trap brilliantly. His 25th anniversary album – 12 tracks of new Vangelis music, in the mood of Blade Runner – does not sound exactly like the 1982 score, nor does it copy or imitate everything that made it so successful in the first place. Instead, in a contemporary way, it finds new ways to pull the listener into that fascinating, over-populated, over-urbanized world. Sure, the occasional melody from the movie re-appears, as a celebratory or nostalgic nod to the movie we’re commemorating, but whenever possible, those familiar pieces are retro-fitted into something new, yet undeniably “Blade Runner” in its own way. Ultimately exploring yet another part of Los Angeles, 2019…
One could say, listening to this music, that it’s not the same street, not the same room you visit, not even the same characters you hang out with. Instead, each piece of music visits another part of town, another aspect of life. Yet all this takes place in this same fictional – or is it “futural” – world that Ridley Scott set out to tour us around in, all those years ago.
Musically, the album is nothing less than surprising. It’s been a long time since Vangelis experimented this much, toying with new ways to arrange music, playing with new sounds and styles, creatively widening his horizons even further than before. The music switches or combines flavors as diverse as Oriental new age, a classical piano etude, hypnotic electro, loungy jazz and… well, bonus points will be awarded to anyone who manages to classify the wacky “BR Downtown”. But no matter where he goes, the music always keeps in line with the integral ambience.
Which of these tracks stand out will come down to personal taste, but to name a few, “Piano in an Empty Room” is a delicately beautiful composition performed solely on one single piano, a recording both intimate and completely engaging.
Sweet Solitude starts with Vangelis on a gentle electric piano, soon joined by wonderful jazzy percussion and a sensual saxophone performed by Dimitris Tsakas. On the other side of the spectrum is a track like “No Expectation Boulevard”, driven by a slow but strong beat, nervously exploring those noisy crowded streets we’ve seen in the movie.
The spoken word inclusions are subtle, never overshadowing the music. They mostly help abridge pieces, or add a multi cultural feeling to fit the perception we have of Blade Runner’s world.
BR 25 is a carefully detailed work, perhaps best listened to on headphones, so that nothing of what’s happening is missed, making sure it does not drift to the background. It’s a pleasure to let it guide, encourage and inspire your imagination.
And most of all, it’s a worthy addition to the Blade Runner legacy and an evocative part of a very special release.
Today is a great day – the Blade Runner score has finally been released with previously unreleased material that was missing from the 1994 release. I had to buy it on the day it was released in the shops so I got up early this morning and rushed to my local HMV just before it opened. To my horror they didn’t have it and I got told that a larger HMV branch some 25 miles away had it. So I rushed over to that store and bought it.
This is a very special and personal release for me as it is my favourite film, favourite soundtrack and favourite music. The film was originally made 25 years ago so fans like me have waited anxiously for 25 years for this CD set.
If I’m honest I am a little disappointed with this new release for a few reasons:
• Firstly a sticker on the front cover states it is “complete” but I am sad to say that it isn’t as a few tracks are missing.
• 1 of the unreleased tracks (track 7 disc 2) is a combination of 2 tracks from the bootlegs that have been cut in length – why not include the 2 tracks in their original full length?
• The set has 3 CDs but the first CD is merely the original 1994 release (I guess the reason for its inclusion is because they are planning to delete the 1994 release)
• Tracks are in a strange order, not chronological
I would have personally liked the set to be in the format as 2 bootlegs I created: The Esper Edition MK2 and Esper Definitive Collectors Edition (otherwise known as the MK3 or MR3)
But I will try not to be too negative. I now have more unreleased music in great sound quality that the bootlegs could not quite live up to. Plus the 3rd disc is a new album by Vangelis, inspired by the film.
As a lot of people will probably have the original 1994 release I will release disc 1 of this new Trilogy set last as it is exactly the same, so for the time being I will share discs 2 and 3. I will scan in the booklet, digibox and CDs in a day or two.
So it is with great pleasure that I present to you The Blade Runner Trilogy. Enjoy….
本专辑资料转载自HQshare.net,感谢原发布者.cheefroberts, eac.cue.&.log.tagged.within.

DISC 1 Blade Runner Original Soundtrack Album
01. Main Titles [3:42]02. Blush Response [5:46]03. Wait for Me [5:27]04. Rachel’s Song [4:46]05. Love Theme [4:57]06. One More Kiss, Dear [3:57]07. Blade Runner Blues [8:54]08. Memories of Green [5:05]09. Tales of the Future [4:46]10. Damask Rose [2:32]11. Blade Runner (End Titles) [4:39]12. Tears in Rain [3:00]DISC 2 Blade Runner Previously Unreleased and Bonus Material
01. Longing [1:57]02. Unveiled Twinkling Space [1:59]03. Dr. Tyrell’s Owl [2:39]04. At Mr. Chew’s [4:47]05. Leo’s Room [2:21]06. One Alone [2:22]07. Deckard and Roy’s Duel [6:16]08. Dr. Tyrell’s Death [3:10]09. Desolation Path [5:44]10. Empty Streets [6:16]11. Mechanical Dolls [2:52]12. Fading Away [3:31]DISC 3 BR 25
—–This is the album with the new music, composed by Vangelis for Blade Runner’s 25th anniversary.
01. Launch Approval [1:53]02. Up and Running [3:08]03. Mail from India [3:27]04. BR Downtown [2:27]05. Dimitri’s Bar [3:51]06. Sweet Solitude [6:56]07. No Expectation Boulevard [6:44]08. Vadavarot [4:14]09. Perfume Exotico [5:19]10. Spotkanie Z Matka [5:09]11. Piano in an Empty Room [3:36]12. Keep Asking [1:29]



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