新荡女芬妮希尔(Fanny Hill)2集全[PDTV]
- 20 12 月, 2022
- 0 条评论
【类 型】:剧情
【片 长】:每集60分钟
【集 数】:共2集
【字 幕】:暂无
【服务器】:S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)
英国BBC台出品的最新短剧《Fanny Hill》根据John Cleland同名经典小说Fanny Hill改编的两段式单本剧。故事伊始,Fanny只是一个穷困的乡下女孩, 迫于生计离开家乡来到了城市,并很快沦落于烟花流巷。但在她彻底踏上这条不归路之前,她曾与一位叫Charles的青年陷入热恋,无奈Charles被他父亲送往他乡,Fanny只得独自留下,并为了生存而开始寻找更加富有、更有势力的依附者。与传统小说中的prostitution不同,尽管Fanny知道自己是在被人利用,但却并不以为耻,反倒貌似enjoy这种腐败生活,这自然也是故事备受关注的原因之一。
这个故事曾在1964年、1968年、1983年、1991年、1995年被多次搬上大小荧幕,制作者也是多国部队,美国、西德、意大利、瑞典、英国都拍摄了不同版本。这一次由BBC拍摄的版本将再次体现原汁原味的英式浪荡风情。其中Fanny 由新近女星Rebecca Night扮演,而她真正的情人Charles由名不见经传的英国年轻演员Alex Robertson,貌似刚刚从艺术学院毕业,不过很是古典+叛逆的气质,其它比较面熟的还有英国老太太Alison Steadman扮演老鸨,以及老帅哥Hugo Speer扮演Fanny 的常客。
剧本改编由Bleak House和Pride and Prejudice强人Andrew Davies执笔。
John Cleland于1784年创作的Fanny Hill被认为是英国文学史上第一部真正意义的情色小说作品,作品最初发表时并未受到太多质疑,或者说是未受到太多人关注。但在次年John和他的出版商便因有伤风化而被捕入狱,这也无疑为这部冷门小说烧上了一把火,一时间盗版横行,还特别加入了同性情节的描写。直到19世纪该书传至美国,但仍在社会上遭禁,还只能在地下流传。1963年,有出版社以John Cleland’s Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure之名再版,但很快再次被禁,不过这次出版社没将禁令奉若神旨,而是将其告上法庭,并最终取得了胜利,也才使得这个故事终于重见天日。
Adapted by Andrew Davies from John Cleland’s saucy 18th-century novel, Fanny Hill is the story of a young country girl who, through financial neccessity, falls into prostitution. Forced to take a succession of lovers to survive, she slowly rises to respectability – but only after enjoying wholeheartedly the fruits of her labour.
Newcomer Rebecca Night stars as the eponymous heroine; Alex Robertson plays her true love, Charles. Alison Steadman is Mrs Brown, owner of a house of ill-repute who first introduces Fanny to the oldest profession in the world. Samantha Bond plays Mrs Coles, owner of a rival establishment, and Hugo Speer is Mr H, one of Fanny’s more generous but demanding benefactors.
Eleanor Moran, Executive Producer for the BBC, says: "We are delighted that Andrew Davies is returning to BBC Four with this adaptation. Fanny Hill is a joyous story whose central character has a real passion and zest for life. Andrew’s adaptation brings out the joie de vivre of the novel, and is full of his trademark good humour and naughty wit."
Speaking about the adaptation, Andrew Davies says: "Fanny Hill is a book I have enjoyed a lot over the years but I never thought it would be commissioned. I am delighted we will be able to introduce the audience to the novel’s great literary qualities as well as its more erotic elements."
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