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专辑中文名: 白色拱廊
专辑英文名: The White Arcades
艺术家: Harold Budd
版本: 分轨[FLAC]发行时间: 1988年
地区: 英国
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发行公司:All Saints Records
这是一张标准的Ambient专辑,但Harold Budd所表现出来的氛围效果跟其他的大师有所不同,由于他的键盘手出身,他的音乐也更多的以SOLO演奏来表现,更多的运用钢琴,甚至电子效果也不会很复杂.
1936年,氛围音乐作曲家Harold Budd出生在California。于26岁起开始他的作曲生涯,很快的,在随后的几年中声名鹊起。1966年从University of Southern California的作曲专业毕业之后作品便逐年减少。1976年他辞去了工作,和英国先锋人物Brian Eno一起专心录制新作品。两年后Harold Budd发行了,从此建立了自己强大且独特的个人风格。之后更拉拢了Brian Eno,两人交集不断,合作出和以原声钢琴小品为主线的两张专辑。
拿Brian Eno相较,Harold Budd则更注重器乐所营造出的氛围气息,简约而前卫。背景下合成的婉转碎音由钢琴带出,宛如袅袅升起随即消散的青烟。融合了popular jazz和avant-garde。与早期作品一样,亦会存有非洲、巴西等地民俗的听感体验。不同于现在许多的氛围音乐家让音乐随自己的情绪恣意延伸,渐而丧失核心的做法。Harold Budd更像是画外音,以诗人的口吻带人一步步潜入情境之中,让结构完整得如同不自知而落入的圈套。仅有四曲,均由波澜不惊的和声堆砌,再以竖琴的弹拨来配合反复,制造出空、净、思、远的绝妙意境。
The White Arcades is one of Harold Budd’s most acclaimed albums. Recorded in the UK, and engineered by Brian Eno and Robin Guthrie (Cocteau Twins), the album has now been re-released with new artwork, although there seems no specific reason for its re-issue.
Here we find Budd building atmospheric soundtracks around his trademark piano in stereotypically ambient fashion. The devil really is in the detail on The White Arcades, as a multitude of synthesised layers are heavily textured to build icy walls of sound, with Budd’s interspersed piano offering moving, solitudory chinks of light.
Some of the tracks on here are incredibly esoteric, such as the opening, wandering piano of the classic title track and the following Balthus Bemused By Colour, which is illuminated by some gorgeous deep synths.
Elsewhere, Totems Of The Red-Sleeved Warrior contains some remarkable choral voices – if truth were told this is a decade ahead of its time, whilst Coyote sees Budd in top form, as hynotic piano melodies saunter incisively and somewhat mischievously over low-end synths. The Kiss closes with heartbreaking fragility – this is what ambient means to me.
The White Arcades carries so much of Budd’s personality; perhaps more than any other of his releases, and the production, even 17 years on, has a certain timelessness. The White Arcades is as relevant and enjoyable now as upon its original release, and probably forever.
01. The White Arcades [4:44]02. Balthus Bemused By Color [5:16]03. The Child with a Lion [6:38]04. The Real Dream of Sails [6:08]05. Algebra of Darkness [6:32]06. Totems of the Red-Sleeved Warrior [3:23]07. The Room [3:07]08. Coyote [2:45]09. The Kiss [3:17]



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