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中文名: 国际测试会议论文集
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: PDF专业资料
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
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IEEE AUTOTESTCON是唯一关注于自动测试技术及其在军事、政府以及航空领域应用的国际性会议。历经40多年,AUTOTESTCON已经成长为这一领域的年度盛会。该会议由IEEE主办,作为非盈利性的技术组织,目前IEEE全球拥有350000成员。AUTOTESTCON也同样关注于商业领域的技术成就,包括航空、汽车、机械、制造等方面的测试应用。

IEEE AUTOTESTCON is the world’s only conference that focuses primarily on Automated Test and related technology for military, government and aerospace applications. It has been in existence for over 40 years, and has grown into the premier annual conference for this application field. The conference, known as the “Systems Readiness Technology Conference” because of its extreme relativity to the readiness of military systems, is owned by the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, an international non-profit technical society with over 350,000 members. The conference also has an expanded focus into commercial areas that share a common technical base, including aerospace, vehicle and automotive, and commercial factory test applications. The attendance profile includes hardware and software engineers, program managers, scientists and researcher, and marketing officials in commercial industry, government, and military.
AUTOTESTCON is a comprehensive technical conference that provides an open forum for leaders in design, development, procurement, applications and operations to exchange information relative to their specific needs and disciplines concerning automated and computer-controlled test systems and software. Heavy focus is given to manufacturing and maintenance testing environments. In addition to the comprehensive Technical Program, which normally runs for 2-1/2 days, there is a full suite of directly related exhibits that provide significant enhancement to the technical focus. AUTOTESTCON also hosts a Seminars Program held the Monday prior to the actual start of the conference, that provides a number of courses in the Automatic Test field, covering hardware, software, and Test Program Set topics of interest.
The Conference is held annually each fall at a different location around the US, and has two IEEE Societies as permanent sponsors, the Instrument & Measurement Society (I & M), and the Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS). An optional third sponsor is the local Council, Section or Chapter in the physical location that the conference is held. The overall management of AUTOTESTCON, and the selection of future conference sites, is handled by a 9-person Board of Directors. Each AUTOTESTCON is staffed by a Committee of IEEE members who are active or interested in the field of automated test. Individuals interested in participating in a current AUTOTESTCON, or a future one, are encouraged to contact the Committee under the buttons in the main menu. Currently planned AUTOTESTCON locations and dates are:
AUTOTESTCON 2006 September 18-21, 2006, Disneyland Resort, California
AUTOTESTCON 2007 September 17 – 20, 2007, Baltimore Inner Harbor
AUTOTESTCON 2008 September 8-11, 2008, Salt Lake City, UT
AUTOTESTCON 2009, September 14-17, 2009, Disneyland Resort, Anaheim CA
AUTOTESTCON is also the sponsor of the prestigious Frank McGinnis Award, presented to the individual who best upholds the tradition of advancing the field of Automated Test during the previous year. This award is named for Automated Test pioneer and Sperry employee, the late Frank McGinnis, who spearheaded a Navy (1976) and then a Joint Services (1978) Automatic Test Project to identify and recommend those areas where the military should invest in automated test research & development, and improve management practices. It resulted in the formation of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Automatic Test Committee which endures today, and which also holds one of its annual meetings in conjunction with AUTOTESTCON.


International Test Conference, the cornerstone of TestWeek™, is the world’s premier conference dedicated to the electronic test of devices, boards and systems-covering the complete cycle from design verification, test, diagnosis, failure analysis and back to process and design improvement. At ITC, test and design professionals can confront the challenges the industry faces, and learn how these challenges are being addressed by the combined efforts of academia, design tool and equipment suppliers, designers, and test engineers.

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