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专辑中文名: 天籁口技
专辑英文名: Mouth Music
艺术家: Mouth Music
资源格式: MP3
版本: [with Talitha MacKenzie]发行时间: 1991年06月01日
地区: 英国
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音乐类别:Gaelic, Celtic, Scottish, Folk
压缩码率:平均 195 kbps VBR 44100Hz Joint Stereo(js)
Mouth Music 是一个新兴的团体,系苏格兰当代重要的、深具影响力的乐队之一;原先由 Martin Swan 和 Talitha MacKenzie(塔莉莎·麦肯芝)组成,他们将盖尔音乐的唱腔(包括传统的 mouth music,一种无伴奏的歌唱形式以口技来制造各种不同的效果)和非洲的打击乐及舞乐相混合,形成一种极特殊的乐风。而后他们新加入一名歌手,把音乐的触角延伸入舞蹈界。这张 Mouth Music 唱片系 Taliatha 与电脑工程师合作。
This acclaimed debut album makes a remarkable and unique fusion, as Martin Swan and Talitha MacKenzie mix the “mouth music” — puirt-a-beul — of Gaelic Scotland with the polyrhythms of Africa, aided by the liberating influence of keyboard technology and samples.
Swan’s unorthodox approach to composition and MacKenzie’s vocal (ir)reverence succeed through their effective “abuse of source material,” for which Swan cites David Byrne’s and Brian Eno’s MY LIFE IN THE BUSH OF GHOSTS as a strong influence. ” It’s a matter of finding a strong rhythm which complements (the traditional song structures) and then creating some kind of tension or powerful or surprising harmonic context in which they happen….(I try to find an) environment in which that song becomes even stronger than it is.”
Swan and MacKenzie based
MOUTH MUSIC on traditional Gaelic source materials, much of which MacKenzie first discovered when she traveled to Edinburgh to study Scottish and Gaelic culture in depth. “There’s something about ancient Gaelic songs that’s different….straight from the heart and very intense,” says MacKenzie. MOUTH MUSIC is that and more, creating something very new from something ancient.
以上英文资讯From the Label,感谢原编!
原主唱 Taliatha 介绍
塔莉莎·麦肯芝(Talitha MacKenzie)是谁,可能有些人不太熟悉;提到单曲“Ajde Jano”(来吧,亚诺)大家多半耳熟能详,常出现在众多苏格兰、凯尔特合辑里(如在《凯尔特精灵系列》Celtic Spirits Vol.5 CD2便能听到),“Ajde Jano”并入选《世界和平音乐奖》最佳美声优选,是塔莉莎的重要代表作之一,你在全球不同国域中都可以找到翻唱的版本,只是没有人可以模仿塔莉莎的灵活转音。
塔莉莎,出生纽约,盖尔语优秀女歌手,四岁学钢琴,8岁与盖尔人音乐(Gaelic music)一见钟情,10来岁自学盖尔语。其独特且甜美的嗓音,广受欢迎的程度,可以说不分国界也不受时空限制。她大胆的将传统音乐带入新的殿堂,展现传统音乐的力与美以及不可思议的亲和力。
塔莉莎后来单飞推出专辑,音乐内容基本上为改编传统的苏格兰民谣,她将古老的乐曲加上多声部的和声和特殊的 mouth music 非洲节奏方式,音响效果令人耳目一新。她的音域宽广,可以是浑厚的低音也可以是呐喊的高音,这点在她的《Spiorad (Spirit)》专辑中可以深刻感受到,塔莉莎灵活的转音技巧,委实值得细细聆听。
塔莉莎的作品不算多,网络上看得到的介绍只有1994年的《Sòlas (solace)》(大大树发行),再来就是1996年发行的《Spiorad (Spirit)》,新专辑《INDIAN SUMMER》于去年发行。 就《Sòlas (solace)》和 《Spiorad (Spirit)》这两张专辑而言,个人比较喜欢《Spiorad (Spirit)》 ,节奏感十足,充分展现出曲子的力与美,有别于以往苏格兰音乐给人或是轻柔或是悲伤曲调的刻板印象,算是苏格兰音乐新唱法吧。
New York-born and Edinburgh-based vocalist Talitha MacKenzie has made her greatest impact since adopting the musical traditions of the Scot Gaels. Mouth Music, her short-lived collaboration with computer programmer Martin Swan, yielded a chart-topping album in 1988. Her solo album, Sòlas, reached the top three on the Euro World charts in 1994 and was followed by the equally-successful album, Spiorad, two years later. According to the Manchester Guardian, MacKenzie is “one of the most exciting vocalists on the folk/world stage.”
Studying piano from the age of four, MacKenzie became fascinated with traditional Scottish music before her eighth birthday. Inspired by field recordings of Gaelic music, she taught herself to speak Gaelic as a teenager. She continued to strengthen her connection with the tradition while studying ethnomusicology at the New England Conservatory of Music. She worked as a team teacher at Harvard University from 1982 to 1983 and helped develop a course, “Structure and Form in Music and Movement.” While living in the Boston area, MacKenzie was involved with a variety of musical projects. Working with several dance companies, she increased her understanding of the Russian, Baroque, Balkan and Celtic traditions. In addition to performing in a multicultural acapella duo with Anne Goodwin, she was a founding member of the worldbeat group, Sedenka. In 1985, she recorded an album with Celtic dance band, St. James Gate.
MacKenzie’s debut album, Shantyman, released in 1986, showcased her eclectic tendencies. A collection of traditional maritime songs, the album reflected her experiences as a shantyman on square-rigged ships. The following year, MacKenzie emigrated to Scotland and enrolled in the Celtic department of Edinburgh University’s School of Scottish Studies. She had made her first trip to the area in 1979 and had returned in 1984 to record singers from the Scottish west coast and islands.
以上英文资讯By Craig Harris,感谢原编!

塔莉莎·麦肯芝(Talitha MacKenzie)肖像 Photo by Talitha MacKenzie 官方网站
Talitha MacKenzie (originally from multicultural New York, now based in Edinburgh, Scotland) is widely known for her Celtic albums Mouth Music, Sòlas and Spiorad.
塔莉莎·麦肯芝(Talitha MacKenzie),出生纽约,爱丁堡歌手。
1982-1983 年曾是哈佛大学一名教师,协助了“音乐运动中的形式与结构”这门课程的发展。
1985 年以后她与多个舞蹈乐团有过合作,继续她的俄罗斯、巴尔乾、巴洛克、凯尔特的音乐传统的学习和发扬。
并组有一个 worldbeat 乐队 Sedenka。
她曾与电脑工程师合作过一张《Mouth Music》专辑,
顺便插一句有关凯尔特的 mouth music 好象在加拿大地区有不少流传已久的形式,比如 Cape Breton……
《Sòlas (solace)》,1994 年她的专辑位列欧洲排行榜前三,
而后就是1996 年发行的《Spiorad (Spirit)》,同样获得巨大成功!
最近的专辑《INDIAN SUMMER》于去年发行,Talitha MacKenzie 官方网站上好象有试听下载。

Talitha MacKenzie, a native of New York, has been singing all her life. Whistling and humming tunes from the age of six months, her first public performance was at a family wedding, a week before her third birthday. She began studying classical piano at the age of four and by thirteen she already had music students of her own.
Growing up in multicultural New York, she became enthralled with traditional singing from all over the world. Having first heard Gaelic song at the age of seven, she was in her teens when she began to collect field recordings of old-style traditional singing. With nothing but a Teach Yourself Gaelic textbook, she began the arduous task of learning the language, so that she could perform songs that she loved. At the same time, she was studying French and Russian at school and consuming Slavic and Impressionist piano music by the book.
First enrolling as a student of Russian at Connecticut College, she transferred and then graduated from the New England Conservatory of Music, her degree in Music History/Ethnomusicology. It was here that she led the Eastern European Music Ensemble and sang in the Conservatory Choir, performing with the Boston Symphony Orchestra (under conductors Seiji Ozawa, Colin Davis and Claudio Abbado). Her first job after graduation was team-teaching a course in Music & Dance at Harvard University.
Between college and conservatory, a job at World Tone Music (on Manhattan’s 7th Avenue) placed Talitha at the centre of the International Folk Dance Scene, where she was inundated with exotic modes and unusual rhythms. She also became involved in a number of specialist dance ensembles (including Renaissance/Baroque, Balkan and Celtic). This, along with her work as shantyman and deckhand on Tall Ships, gave her a unique insight into the organic rhythms of movement-related music.
By the mid-1980’s she had recorded an album with Boston-Irish group ST. JAMES GATE and her first solo album, SHANTYMAN!. After several years of touring solo across America and performing mouth music with Scottish dancebands, Talitha moved to Scotland in 1987, where she performed with the Scottish Folk Ensemble Drumalban.
In 1988, she co-founded the duo Mouth Music, whose groundbreaking eponymous album (featuring contemporary World Music arrangements of traditional Gaelic songs) topped charts in Music Week and Billboard, receiving international critical acclaim. While her music partner left to pursue other projects (still using the name Mouth Music), Talitha continued the original Mouth Music project under her own name, releasing a second solo album, SÒLAS (solace), in 1993.
In 1995, a role in the Gaelic play, REITEACH, took her on tour throughout Scotland. Later that year, she signed a contract with Shanachie Entertainment Corp., recording her third solo album, SPIORAD (spirit), in France, with producer Chris Birkett (whose credits include Sinéad O’ Connor, Buffy Sainte-Marie and Alison Moyet).
Talitha has spent much of the past ten years composing, teaching and directing the a cappella Women’s Group Sedenka, who have performed at the Edinburgh Peace Festival, the International Festival of the Sea and the Thames Festival (London), among many other venues.
Having worked in Hollywood (where she sang with Dessislava Stefanova, director of the London Bulgarian Choir) on the soundtrack of the blockbuster film TROY), Talitha has invested her earnings in setting up her own label, SONAS Multimedia, and recently released her fourth solo album INDIAN SUMMER. She will be returning to work on her next recording project, GLOBAL SEQUENCE, later this year.
以上英文资讯From Talitha MacKenzie 官方网站,感谢原编!

爱丁堡(Edinburgh Castle)入口 Photo by Nina Cheng (Blog)
Mouth Music 相关:
Mouth Music is the Edinburgh -based collaboration of Talitha MacKenzie and Martin Swan , whose combination of traditional Gaelic song and contemporary instrumental settings led them to international fame in the early 1990s.The name Mouth Music is a translation of the Gaelic term puirt a beul (the vocalisation of instrumental music).
The performance of Gaelic word rhythms using ethnic instruments and computer samples created an African feel to some of the tracks, which has led to the categorisation of Mouth Music as an Afro-Celtic music project.
Their album, Mouth Music , reached number one on the Billboard Top World Music Albums chart in 1991. Piper and fiddler Martyn Bennett was a featured collaborator on this album.
In June 1991, Swan made the decision to abandon his focus on Gaelic and leave the duo, creating a quintet under the name Mouth Music. His next album Mo-Di rose to number two in the same category in 1993. MacKenzie carried on the Mouth Music project in two subsequent solo albums, Sòlas (solace) in 1993 and Spiorad (spirit) in 1996. She has recently released a new CD, Indian Summer (which includes two of her own Gaelic compositions) on her label SONAS Multimedia. Since then, several further albums with an ever-changing line-up have been released by Martin Swan under the name Mouth Music.

以上英文资讯From Wikipedia,感谢原编!

The 2005 album The Order of Things contains the track The Dae Doers , which is the oldest known written Scottish music extant.
Some of the most unusual sounds in contemporary Celtic music were created by Edinburgh-based band, Mouth Music. Combining the mouth music (puirt-a-beul) tradition of Gaelic Scotland with African rhythms, the group fused the two musical cultures into a truly unique sound. According to Entertainment Weekly, “Mouth Music’s combination of intelligence, beauty and nerve has the power to unite both world beatniks and mainstream rock fans in mutual exhilaration.”
The concept that resulted in Mouth Music was conceived after British composer Martin Swan heard American-born and Scotland-based vocalist Talitha MacKenzie performing Gaelic tunes in a village hall in South Uist. Inspired by David Byrne and Brian Eno’s album, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, Swan convinced MacKenzie to fuse their diverse talents as a duo, Mouth Music. Much of the group’s early repertoire was based on traditional Gaelic songs discovered by MacKenzie while she was studying Scottish and Gaelic cultures in Edinburgh.
After MacKenzie left to pursue a solo career, following the release of Mouth Music’s self-titled debut album, Swan reorganized Mouth Music with Jackie Joyce, a Scotland-born singer of Ghanaian descent, assuming lead vocal responsibilities. The band was rounded out by James MacKintosh, Queen MacArthur, Michaela Rowan and Jeremy Black. The larger group made its recording debut, in 1992, with an EP, Blue Door Green Sea, recorded with vocalist Mairi McInnes. Since the demise of Mouth Music in 1995, members have gone on to perform with a variety of bands.
以上英文资讯出处 wc04.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:dpfixq85ldde~T1,感谢原编!
Talitha MacKenzie 官方网站 http://www.talithamackenzie.com
Mouth Music
Mouth Music on allmusic.com
Talitha MacKenzie on MySpace talitha


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01. Bratach Bàna (White banners)
02. Có nì mire rium (Who will have fun with me)
03. Mór à Cheannaich
04. Martin Martin
05. Chì mi na Mórbheanna (I see the great mountains)
06. I bhì a da
07. Seinn O! (Sing!)
08. Mìle marbhàisg air àghaol (A thousand death shrouds on love)
09. Air fail a lail ó (Falalalo)
10. Fraoch a Rònaigh (Heather of Rona)



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