Linux宝典 2010版 (Wiley Linux Bible 2010 Edition)(Christopher Negus)文字版 Christopher Negus
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中文名: Linux宝典 2010版
原名: Wiley Linux Bible 2010 Edition
别名: Linux,Bible
图书分类: 计算机与网络
资源格式: PDF
版本: 文字版
出版社: Wiley
书号: 978-0-470-48505-7
发行时间: 2010年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
本书不仅可作为Linux新手的入门指南,而且对于Linux专业人员也极具参考价值。引用软考官方指定教材及同步辅导书下载 | 软考历年真是解析与答案
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The definitive guide to the basics of one of the most popular operating systems in the world
Whether you’re a first-time Linux user or you’re migrating from another operating system, this book is an ideal introductory guide for getting comfortable with the building-block nature of Linux. Written by bestselling author Christopher Negus, this guide is packed with in-depth descriptions on the basics of Linux desktops, servers, and programming tools and gets you up to speed on all the new and exciting features of the newest version: Linux 2010. Negus walks you through transitioning from Windows or Mac and helps you find the Linux distribution that best meets your needs.
You’ll explore more than 18 Linux distributions, including the latest versions of Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, OpenSUSE, Slackware, Knoppix, Gentoo, Mandriva, SLAX, and more. Plus, you’ll discover how to set up secure, fully functioning Linux server systems and get up-to-date installation advice.
Topics Covered:
* Getting off the Ground with Linux
* Running a Linux Desktop
* Learning System Administration Skills
* Setting Up Linux Servers
* Choosing and Installing Different Linux Distributions
* Programming in Linux
Linux Bible 2010 Edition walks you through the details of the various Linux distributions and updates you on the latest networking, desktop, and server enhancements.
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Linux宝典 2010版 (Wiley Linux Bible 2010 Edition)(Christopher Negus)文字版 Christopher Negus → |
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