

作者Janet Evanovich,是美国最受欢迎的畅销小说家之一,作品多次获奖。1987年以写爱情小说起家,1994年起改变方向,开始写悬念题材的斯黛芬尼?普拉姆(Stephanie Plum)系列。

她的小说名称有个特色:以数字命名,因此这本书很显然是她的第十二部系列作品;这种作法当然跟“字母女王”葛拉芙顿有异曲同工之妙。Janet Evanovich笔下主角是位女性赏金猎人(bounty hunter),不过工作内容比较偏向递送传票或追踪逃犯等等。其作品风格幽默,对话辛辣,现代感十足。本书讲述的是斯黛芬尼在困境中营救一名失踪儿童的故事。

2 Seven Up

Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum’s got a lot on her mind. How does cigarette smuggler Eddie DeChooch, a fugitive so geriatric that even the hot-to-trot Grandma Mazur won’t go out with him a third time, keep giving her the slip? How did a woman who died of a heart attack end up in DeChooch’s garden shed with five bullet holes in her chest? Who stole a rump roast from Dougie and Mooner, the two lovable potheads who have decided to be crime fighters in Spandex bodysuits? Can Stephanie’s perfect sister Valerie make it as a lesbian single mother without driving her family crazy? And–oh yeah–what should Stephanie do about that damn wedding dress on hold at Tina’s Bridal Shoppe, waiting for her to decide whether vice cop Joe Morelli’s really the one for her?

I did look good in the gown. I looked like ScarlettO’ Hara getting ready for a big wedding at Tara. I moved around a little to simulate dancing.
“Jump up and down so we can see how it’ll look when you do the bunny hop,” Grandma said.

“It’s pretty but I don’t want a gown,” I said.

“I can order one in her size at no obligation,” Tina said.

“No obligation,” Grandma said. “You can’t beat that.”

“As long as there’s no obligation,” my mother said.

I needed chocolate. A lot of chocolate. “Oh gee,” I said, “look at the time. I need to go.”

To complicate matters further, Stephanie’s made a reluctant deal with the devil: if she can’t bring in DeChooch by herself, her sexy but dangerous cohort Ranger is willing to help–for a price that a girl who’s not-exactly-engaged is uncertain whether she should pay. But when Dougie and Mooner disappear, Grandma is kidnapped, and a crazy widow starts taking pot shots, no one who hides her .38 in a cookie jar is going to turn down a little friendly assistance.

In Seven Up, Janet Evanovich serves up her usual bubbly fare: a totaled car, raucous viewings at Stiva’s Funeral Parlor, buffoonish bad guys, and down-and-dirty mud wrestling, all stirred up with some snappy Jersey repartee and a few tart, new twists that will keep her fans impatient. Heaven can’t wait for number eight. –Barrie Trinkle –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


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