Native Instruments风琴采样音色素材
- 12 12 月, 2022
- 0 条评论
Vintage Organs内置5种60和70年代老式拉杆和combo风琴的音色,都是经过精心的采样制作而成的,带有很丰富的细节。在Organ和Amp窗口里可以调节拉杆、敲击、合唱/颤音、过载、旋转效果,可调包络、EQ和混响。
Vintage Organs的风琴包括:
Hammond B-3, C-3 和 M-3 型号
Vox Continenta II
Farfisa Compact
The tone-wheel and combo organs of the 60s and 70s have long since established themselves as modern classics that no producers sound palette should be without. VINTAGE ORGANS brings the classic organ sounds of the past to your productions and performances today. Five legendary vintage organs have been meticulously sampled, preserving their authentic character and charm in perfect, expressive detail. Part of the KOMPLETE instruments and effects family, VINTAGE ORGANS includes the sounds of the Hammond® B-3, C-3 and M-3 models, the Vox Continental™ II and the Farfisa® Compact, recorded in highest quality from the original instruments exclusively by Native Instruments. The Organ and Amp pages provide full control over sound through drawbars, percussion, chorus/vibrato, overdrive, rotary effect, envelopes, EQ and reverb.
The Organs
HAMMOND® B-3: The most renowned drawbar organ of all time. Classic, distinctive drawbar organ sound.
HAMMOND® C-3: A variation on the B-3, the model sampled for this instrument features subtle tonal differences from the B3.
HAMMOND® M-3: The Baby B-3, a living room model with smaller tonal range and no foldback, slightly lighter in sound with less body.
VOX Continental™ II: The classic transistor / combo organ. Cleaner and more stable than the HAMMOND® range.
FARFISA® Compact: Originally a stripped down answer to the Vox Continental™, it quickly became a classic in its own right for its simpler yet unmistakable tone.
代码 苘苘? 懿哌? 苘苘?
薏卑掭 脖鞍氨? 掭氨槽
苘苒脖斑? 懿哌? 鄄哌? 苘? 苘 卟北辈哕苘 郯 氨?
鄄卑鞍卑 哕苘苘? 鄄?斑哌哕 鄄?掭懿脖? 郾避 哌? 鄄斑? 败苘苘脖败稗?
咣苘?懿? 卟鞭? 苓甙 臂脖?哕捋卑?鄄卑佰? 掭氨槽膊? 郾?捃脖鞍懿卑苒圮?
苘苘卟?捋圮?卑掭 鄄???咣舶 捋脖鞍?卟卑斑?苓?氨鄄辈?郾 薏卑佰脖苒?苘苘
圹草苓 薏咣莅莅 哕脖?卑? 薏卑 鄄氨卑捋苒败?甙鼙?佰北槽薏?馨卑 捋舶哌避薏圹
鄄边 苓败甙辈馨 鞍 舶? 薏卑捋卑鄄卑鄄卑圹苘圻草 佰氨槽郾 圯? 捋舶苘 斑辈?
郾? 斑哌甙氨策圹苘馨?郯? 郾?鄄稗圹脖捋卑?哌?圯 佰鞍槽舶 捋曹苘苒哌哌圮 氨?
郯 鞍氨辈槽圮苘槽圻? 郯?薏卑捋?哌哌?哌 哌卟?圯 佰 氨郯 ?哌圹脖败圹苓?佰
郾鞍辈? 鞍鞍鞍鞍? 懿佰 鄄?鄄?槽圹脖辈圹圹? 圯 ? 氨馨 哌哌氨稗圻 咻?佰
鄄北草 鞍?苘苘苘苘鄄卑坜脖?郾稗? 薏卑辈? 圹? 哕苘苘苘苘苘 鞍 哕懿?氨?
捋脖辈?鞍 苒脖鞍鞍北北鞍坜脖?脖稗? 薏卑氨? 咣圮苘苘苘苘馨氨槽馨? 氨草
咣膊北卑稗鄄卑苓哌卟卑败咿脖卑 甙 哌槽北?薏策哕 哌哌哌哌哌咣馨辈圯鞍鞍氨辈?
咣膊北卑咣脖? 哌哌 鄄北鞍鞍辈槽卑 捋脖北曹 捋荼策鞍氨辈策
哌圹圹圹膊? 卟膊北膊圹郯 圹鄄膊膊? 苒甙辈圹圹圻?
哌咣圹膊? 圯 懿 苒圹圹圹哌?
CRACKER…: N/A DATE….: Sep 2010
懿圹鄄? 卟圹鄄?
懿北膊? 卟脖辈?
败苓哌哕脖辈? 苘苘 ? ? 苘苘 卟北曹哌哌苘?
苘哌 鞍北卑氨草 郾膊? 氨 卑 懿脖? 薏卑氨北鞍 哌苘
鞍辈哌哌脖氨曹苘?氨膊? 懿膊茌 捃膊曹 薏脖?哕苘脖氨策哌卟卑?
鞍辈圮苘 卟卑鞍 懿辈草 苘苘 ?斑脖哕苓辈? ?苘苘 薏脖曹 鞍氨策 苘苒脖鞍
辈? 氨曹 哌哌哌 鄄槽? 薇卑哕 薇稗莅陛 苓氨陛 捋膊?哌哌哌 懿卑 卟?
? ?鞍避 哌策哌咣鄄苘鄄草稗?苓败哌馨哕 掭稗膊圮懿圹哌哌策? 鼙鞍 ? ?
败哌哕 弑 氨? 掭败?咣圹膊?懿苓败咻 捱馨哕曹 卟槽圹?苘 掭 鼙? 边 苓哌馨
? 掭 薏? 氨苘?掭 哕 哌? 哌甙苓? 斑馨哌? 哌?苓 掭 哕鼙? 懿?掭 ?
苓败甙 哕 鞍鞍苓 斑苘 败哌懿? 薏苓哕?苘甙 哕鞍鞍 苓 斑馨哕
鼙败? 哌哌? 苓鞍苓 卟 策 哕鞍哕 哌哌? 哕氨?
鄄策 薏氨? 弑安? 卟槽
卟? 卟? – RELEASE NOTES – 薏? 薏?
? ? ? ?
The tone-wheel and combo organs of the 60s and 70s have long since
established themselves as modern classics that no producer’s sound palette
should be without. VINTAGE ORGANS brings the classic organ sounds of the
past to your productions and performances today. Five legendary vintage
organs have been meticulously sampled, preserving their authentic character
and charm in perfect, expressive detail.
Part of the KOMPLETE instruments and effects family, VINTAGE ORGANS
includes the sounds of the Hammond?B-3, C-3 and M-3 models, the Vox
Continental?II and the Farfisa?Compact, recorded in highest quality from
the original instruments exclusively by Native Instruments. The Organ and
Amp pages provide full control over sound through drawbars, percussion,
chorus/vibrato, overdrive, rotary effect, envelopes, EQ and reverb.
懿圹鄄? 卟圹鄄?
懿北膊? 卟脖辈?
败苓哌哕脖辈? 苘苘 ? ? 苘苘 卟北曹哌哌苘?
苘哌 鞍北卑氨草 郾膊? 氨 卑 懿脖? 薏卑氨北鞍 哌苘
鞍辈哌哌脖氨曹苘?氨膊? 懿膊茌 捃膊曹 薏脖?哕苘脖氨策哌卟卑?
鞍辈圮苘 卟卑鞍 懿辈草 苘苘 ?斑脖哕苓辈? ?苘苘 薏脖曹 鞍氨策 苘苒脖鞍
辈? 氨曹 哌哌哌 鄄槽? 薇卑哕 薇稗莅陛 苓氨陛 捋膊?哌哌哌 懿卑 卟?
? ?鞍避 哌策哌咣鄄苘鄄草稗?苓败哌馨哕 掭稗膊圮懿圹哌哌策? 鼙鞍 ? ?
败哌哕 弑 氨? 掭败?咣圹膊?懿苓败咻 捱馨哕曹 卟槽圹?苘 掭 鼙? 边 苓哌馨
? 掭 薏? 氨苘?掭 哕 哌? 哌甙苓? 斑馨哌? 哌?苓 掭 哕鼙? 懿?掭 ?
苓败甙 哕 鞍鞍苓 斑苘 败哌懿? 薏苓哕?苘甙 哕鞍鞍 苓 斑馨哕
鼙败? 哌哌? 苓鞍苓 卟 策 哕鞍哕 哌哌? 哕氨?
鄄策 薏氨? 弑安? 卟槽
卟? 卟? – iNSTALL NOTES – 薏? 薏?
? ? ? ?
1. Unpack and burn or mount
2. Copy the library to the desired location and import it in Kontakt
3. Use
Remember to BUY the stuff if you USE it.
懿圹鄄? 卟圹鄄?
懿北膊? 卟脖辈?
败苓哌哕脖辈? 苘苘 ? ? 苘苘 卟北曹哌哌苘?
苘哌 鞍北卑氨草 郾膊? 氨 卑 懿脖? 薏卑氨北鞍 哌苘
鞍辈哌哌脖氨曹苘?氨膊? 懿膊茌 捃膊曹 薏脖?哕苘脖氨策哌卟卑?
鞍辈圮苘 卟卑鞍 懿辈草 苘苘 ?斑脖哕苓辈? ?苘苘 薏脖曹 鞍氨策 苘苒脖鞍
辈? 氨曹 哌哌哌 鄄槽? 薇卑哕 薇稗莅陛 苓氨陛 捋膊?哌哌哌 懿卑 卟?
? ?鞍避 哌策哌咣鄄苘鄄草稗?苓败哌馨哕 掭稗膊圮懿圹哌哌策? 鼙鞍 ? ?
败哌哕 弑 氨? 掭败?咣圹膊?懿苓败咻 捱馨哕曹 卟槽圹?苘 掭 鼙? 边 苓哌馨
? 掭 薏? 氨苘?掭 哕 哌? 哌甙苓? 斑馨哌? 哌?苓 掭 哕鼙? 懿?掭 ?
苓败甙 哕 鞍鞍苓 斑苘 败哌懿? 薏苓哕?苘甙 哕鞍鞍 苓 斑馨哕
鼙败? 哌哌? 苓鞍苓 卟 策 哕鞍哕 哌哌? 哕氨?
鄄策 薏氨? 弑安? 卟槽
卟? 卟? – GREETS – 薏? 薏?
? ? ? ?
We hate you all.
懿圹鄄? 卟圹鄄?
懿北膊? 卟脖辈?
败苓哌哕脖辈? 苘苘 ? ? 苘苘 卟北曹哌哌苘?
苘哌 鞍北卑氨草 郾膊? 氨 卑 懿脖? 薏卑氨北鞍 哌苘
鞍辈哌哌脖氨曹苘?氨膊? 懿膊茌 捃膊曹 薏脖?哕苘脖氨策哌卟卑?
鞍辈圮苘 卟卑鞍 懿辈草 苘苘 ?斑脖哕苓辈? ?苘苘 薏脖曹 鞍氨策 苘苒脖鞍
辈? 氨曹 哌哌哌 鄄槽? 薇卑哕 薇稗莅陛 苓氨陛 捋膊?哌哌哌 懿卑 卟?
? ?鞍避 哌策哌咣鄄苘鄄草稗?苓败哌馨哕 掭稗膊圮懿圹哌哌策? 鼙鞍 ? ?
败哌哕 弑 氨? 掭败?咣圹膊?懿苓败咻 捱馨哕曹 卟槽圹?苘 掭 鼙? 边 苓哌馨
? 掭 薏? 氨苘?掭 哕 哌? 哌甙苓? 斑馨哌? 哌?苓 掭 哕鼙? 懿?掭 ?
苓败甙 哕 鞍鞍苓 斑苘 败哌懿? 薏苓哕?苘甙 哕鞍鞍 苓 斑馨哕
鼙败? 哌哌? 苓鞍苓 卟 策 哕鞍哕 哌哌? 哕氨?
鄄策 苘荥 苘 苘 苘 薏氨? 弑安? 卟槽
卟? 薨? ?拜揶苘葺 卟? 薏? 薏?
? 哌哌 哌 哌 葺 ? ? ?
CoH<CPH> 哌
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