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软件类型:软件> >下载管理
问题反馈: http://www.hidownload.com/support.htm
网站链接: http://www.hidownload.com/index.htm

HiDownload(HD)是一款可以从Web, FTP站点,MMS和RTSP站点下载文件的下载管理工具。允许你以最快的速度下载电影、音乐和Mp3等文件, 同时具备搜索mp3, 分析MMS/RTSP下载地址的功能。它还有一个友好的操作界面。 其特点:HttP/FTP 多线程续传下载;支持MMS协议;支持HttP/FTP/SOCKS 代理;可灵活地进行多文件下载;与浏览器集成;下载文件分类管理;强大的网络分析能力;支持下载Flash等图片等等。

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HiDownload(HD) is leader of all-in-one stream downloader that aims to download multimedia streaming video and audio, enabling you to download movies, music and capture streaming video and audio,record radio from Internet.

HiDownload also offers a built-in Broadcast Manager. In addition, it provides all the standard features of a download manager, including scheduling, drop basket, download history, clipboard monitoring, download categories as well as zip preview and more.

Main Features:

* Accelerated Downloads: By splitting the files into several parts and downloading them at the same time you save time.
* Support multi-protocols: HttP, FTP, MMS, MMSU, MMST, RTSP, PNM, RTMP
* Download all streams files: wmv,wma,asf, asx,rm,ra,rmvb,ram,smil,smi,rpm,mov,flv,pls,m3u,and more
* Support rapidshare, megaupload and other similar sites(Premium Account)
* Download Streaming Video and Record Streaming Audio
All the popular streaming formats are supported, including:
o Windows Media™(wmv, asf, wma, asx, …)
o Real Audio™ and Real Video™(rm, ra, rmvb, ram, rpm, smil, smi, rp, rt, …)
o QuickTime™(mov, mp4, qt, …)
o Flash™ Video (.FLV)
o Shoutcast™, IceCast Streaming MP3(mp3, …)
* Record all kinds of great online media, including:
o Music Videos.
o LiveVideo, You*tu*be, Google, PutFile, iFilm, Break and other Flv Video Sites.
o Live Internet TV and Radio.
o Shoutcast™ and other Streaming MP3 radio.
* Support Meta-files: ram, smil, smi, asx, wax, wvx, m3u, pls, …
* Sniffer: capture stream’s link(URL). (Platinum version)
* Record P2P TV Stream video and audio
* Streaming Checker: Download media clip of range, save your time and money
* Flv Filter: Get flv download address
* Categories:you can easily have files of certain types downloaded automatically to a folder you specify
* Live Broadcast Manager: Schedule to download the URL, decide when and what will be downloaded, manage the downloaded files.
* Build-in Podcast Manager: schedule to download podcast
* Browser Integration
* Zip Preview:view the contents of Zip files before download
* Zip Extract:download & extract specific files from zip archive
* Virus Checking:You may select files that have been downloaded and scan them.
* Support Proxy Server:You may set HiDownload to use a proxy server according to your network configuration.
* Cookies support
* Rename automatically




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