
Lynda.com 出品的时长达12小时07分钟的 Ruby on Rails 3 基础培训 视频课程。由 Kevin Skoglund 演示了如何创建功能齐全,面向常见类型的Web应用程序的开源Ruby on Rails框架,从基本概念和Rails框架的最佳使用到如何开发一个动态数据库的完全应用。(xuehui@TLF)

In Ruby on Rails 3 Essential Training, instructor Kevin Skoglund shows how to create full-featured, object-oriented web applications with the latest version of the popular, open-source Ruby on Rails framework. This course explains the complete process—from the fundamental concepts and best practices behind the Rails framework, to how to build a complete application with dynamic, database-driven content. Using a content management system as an example project, this course explains how to structure databases, build database-driven, object-oriented models, route incoming requests, render pages with dynamic content, and to process and validate form data. Previous experience with Ruby is recommended, but not required. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:

* Understanding MVC (Model View Controller ) architecture
* Routing browser requests through the framework
* Responding to requests with dynamic content
* Defining associations and database relationships
* Creating, reading, updating and deleting records
* Working with forms
* Validating form data
* Reviewing built-in security features
* Authenticating users and managing user access
* Debugging and error handling




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