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WinWay Resume Deluxe Version 12

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WinWay Resume Deluxe 正是这样一款专业的履历表设计软体,功能强大,容易上手,借助 WinWay Resume Deluxe 的帮助,相信很快就能找到一份令你称心的工作。

WinWay Resume Deluxe 12 新版增强了履历表检验技术,能在你的准雇主之前发现履历中存在的错误,它能自动捕获 100 多个常见错误并提醒你修正。WinWay Resume Deluxe 12 的输出为 PDF 格式的功能,在为你的准雇主送达履历表时将显得比以往更为容易。


· 加强的履历表审计功能
· 14000 + 可定制履历表实例
· 116000 + 求职成功获奖短语,以保证最终的结果!
· 400 + 求职信样本
· 可保存为适用于电子邮件的文档格式,如 PDF、DOC
· 多媒体仿真面试模拟器为你做最艰难的面试准备
· 保证你获得聘用,不然可全额退款


·微软 Windows 98、ME、2000、XP、Vista
·32 MB 记忆体
·CD-ROM Drive

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Home Page:

Resume Wizard creates your resume in seconds

Simply choose a profession and fill-in the blanks

Don’t start your resume from scratch. Simply enter the job title and let the new Resume Wizard find the closest matches from over 14,000 resume examples. The examples were created by professionals and contain the keywords that employers are looking for.

Go through the wizard steps and fill-in the blanks. Watch your resume coming to life in front of your very eyes. Customize your resume further by adding specific information about your experience and skills.

Add Job-winning phrases™ with AutoWriter®

We do not believe in cookie-cutter resumes. That’s why we included 100,000+ job-winning phrases you can use to customize your resume.

You’ll find job-specific phrases such as "Recommended car make and model to potential customers" – as well as skill-oriented phrases such as "Professional team player who excels in motivating others." These are just two examples – more than 100,000 phrases are included.

These powerful features will help you complete your resume quickly and efficiently, in less time than it takes to drink a cup of your favorite hot beverage!

Create resumes of any kind

Functional Resumes, Chronological, or Mixed. Add optional resume sections such as Accomplishments, Training, Personal, Affiliations, Community, Languages, Hobbies, Military, License, Publications, Awards, Security, Testimonials, Keywords, and more!

Ideal for every career situation

High School Graduate, College Graduate, Master’s Degree, Doctorate Degree, New Occupation, Similar Position in the Same Field, Advancement, Relocation, Community Service, Freelance or Part Time, Military to Civilian, Variety of Past Experience, and more!

It’s that easy

If you can choose phrases from a list, and fill-in the blanks, you can create a job-winning resume with WinWay Resume Deluxe – the leader in resume software.

Look sharp with professional-looking themes

Expert-made themes

Beauty may only be skin deep, but the good looks of your resume can make or break your career. WinWay’s professional-looking themes can beautify your whole resume with a single click.

More than 250 themes are included, each with a coordinated set of fonts, bullets, borders and/or graphics.

Attractive styles

Styles can customize each section of the resume separately. The new style palette makes it easy to try different styles and achieve that special look.

Smart Name Styles

The Name section is the "headline" of your resume. There are many possible layouts, and the choice depends on how much space you have available.

If your resume is very long and you are struggling to fit it on one or two pages, WinWay Resume offers you space efficient name styles that only take one or two lines.

If, on the other hand, you are struggling to fill one page, WinWay Resume offers more expansive styles that take 4 and even 5 lines. Whatever your situation is, WinWay Resume has the solution for you.


SuperText can dramatically enhance every resume it is applied to. It is typically used to make a bold statement about your name or your occupation. SuperText can be used at the top or bottom of the resume.

Graphics library

You can bring your resume to life with a well-chosen graphic. The built in graphics library gives you plenty of choices. Plus, you may use your own graphics to enhance your resume.

Borders and bullets

WinWay Resume provides a wide choice of borders for your resume. Some are very conservative, consisting of a simple black line. Others are more elaborate. You can also add bullets to your resume – making it cleaner and easier to read.

Fit to one page

Is your resume just over one page? Not to worry. With the "fit to one page" feature all it takes is a single click and the resume will be re-formatted to fit the page.

Resume Auditor – Catch mistakes before employers do®

Check for 100+ mistakes, automatically

WinWay Resume Deluxe 11 includes Resume Auditor® – a new feature that checks your resume and letter for 100+ mistakes.

Employment gaps, mis-ordered jobs, missing or extraneous information – any one of these can cause your resume to be rejected.

Don’t let resume mistakes get you out of the race

Employers get a huge number of resumes in response to their job ads. They MUST reduce that number to a manageable size. Your resume may be eliminated if it has mistakes in it.

Resume mistakes reflect on you

To the employer, your resume is a sample of your work. It reflects your attention to detail, your motivation, and, whether you like it or not, your intelligence. How can you survive that first level of error screening? Simple. Check your resume and eliminate the mistakes.

Spell check is not smart enough

You probably know that running a spell-check alone does not protect you from errors. Spell checkers do not catch many common mistakes, and are absolutely incapable of finding errors that are specific to resumes.

Let’s face it – your common spell checker cannot tell a resume from a chocolate-cake recipe!

Catch mistakes before employers do!®

You need something better for your resume – you need the WinWay Resume Auditor®. This patent-pending marvel looks for more than 100 mistakes that can cause rejection of your resume and letter.

Don’t take a chance – catch mistakes before employers do!®

PDF and e-mail

Print or fax

Print your resume to any printer, or fax with Windows fax software. Mail-merge with contacts from the built-in contact manager.

e-mail in Acrobat PDF or MS Word-compatible format

Send your resume via e-mail in Acrobat® PDF, or export to Microsoft Word®.

Envelopes with Endorsements

Print attractive envelopes that demand attention. Add attention-grabbing endorsements such as "Recent Graduate" or "Experienced Engineer"

Find jobs in your area

Get the job you want

You must have heard the expression "it’s a number’s game." The more jobs you can consider, the more likely you are to find the job that you want. With WinWay Resume Deluxe, you’ll be sure to access the best job sources available.

Search all the important job banks

Simply indicate which state you wish to work in, and the desired job title. WinWay Resume taps many job banks and brings you the jobs that best suit your need.

Find a job that’s close and convenient

With so many choices at your fingertips, you will waste no time at all, and find the job that suits your skills and talent.

Publish your resume

Post your resume to online resume banks. Also convert your resume to HTML for posting to a web site.

Maximize your salary

Video: Learn to answer difficult salary questions, such as:

"What is the least you’d feel comfortable taking?"
"Would you consider anything lower?"
"What are your salary goals for five years from now?"
"What would you say if I offered you this salary? "

Video: Learn to handle salary objections, such as:

"I don’t think we can afford you"
"This position does not pay more than that"
"You’ll earn more after you prove yourself"
"I’m sorry. The salary is not negotiable"

Video: Find answers to 200+ interview questions, such as

"What would make you leave us?"
"Tell me the worst thing you’ve heard about this company"
"If someone were to question your credibility, how would you react?"
"Evaluate my performance as an interviewer"
"How long would you stay with our company?"
"Why should we hire you?"
Plus many more.

Money Back Guarantee

– We are so sure that you will like WinWay Resume Deluxe, that we offer unconditional 90-day money back guarantee

– Don’t miss this opportunity to get the job you want and the salary you deserve

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蔡鄄鄄鄄弁屯屯屯屯屯屯屯?Society of Sharing 1998-2008 餐屯屯屯屯屯屯鄄鄄鄄酃共
菜税? 舶怂?
畚污? 圹挝?
彩拾? 苒圹圹苘? 薨? 苒圹圹苘? 郯适?
鬯傈 圹策咣圹圯? 薇圮 圹策咣圹圯? 鬯傈
参伟 圹圻 咣圹? 捋槽圹埝? 圹圻 咣圹圯 拔尾
凼售 捋圯 圻 圹捱 圹圹? 捋圯 圻 凼售
槽郯 捋鄄 ? 捋葺 咿圯? 捋鄄 ? 佰鄄
鬯傈 圹鄄? 圹? 捋圹? 圹鄄? 鬯傈
参伟 捋圹膊苘 ? 捋葺 圹圯 捋圹膊苘 ? 拔尾
凼售 捋圹圹圹圮? 捋葺 圹? 捋圹圹圹圮? 凼售
菜税 捱圹圹圹圹 捋葺 圹? 捱圹圹圹圹 八瞬
凼售 咣圹圹? 捋葺 捋坜 咣圹圹? 凼售
槽郯 ? 咣圹圯 圹? 圹? ? 咣圹圯 佰鄄
鬯傈 ? 圹? 圹葺 捋葺 ? 圹? 鬯傈
参伟 圯 圹? 蒇坜? 圹? 圯 圹? 拔尾
凼售 捋圮 苘苒圹? 唼圹圹槽 捋圮 苘苒圹? 凼售
菜税 圹鄄膊圹圹? ?鄄? 圹鄄膊圹圹? 八瞬
凼售 捱 哌哌哌? 薨? 捱 哌哌哌? 凼售
舶圹 荥 荥 圹安
?? ??
槽 苘荥苘 鄄
? 苘? 哌? ?
苘苘苘苘苘鄄槽 SoSISO 鄄槽苘苘苘苘苘苘?
苘苓卟 苘苘苘懿 Division Presents 曹苘苘苘?策哕苘
苘哌槽 苘苒哌 哌哌哌弑哌哌哌 哌圮苘 鄄哌苘
苓卟圮苘圻? 哌圮苘鄄哌?
苓卟圮圻 咣苒策哕
苓槽苒哌 哌圮鄄哕
槽槽槽槽? 槽槽槽槽?


? ?
餐瓮? TYPE : . . . . . . . . . . . . Util 餐瓮?
? ?
? DATE : . . . . . . . . .Feb 27,2008 ?
? ?
郯? FILES : . . . . . . . . . . 11x15MB 郯?
鄄筒? 鄄筒?
郯? ARCHIVE : . . . . . . .soswrd12.rar 郯?
? ?
? ?
? ?
餐瓮? ? ? 餐瓮?
? ?

Create resumes of any kind
Functional Resumes, Chronological, or Mixed. Add optional resume
sections such as Accomplishments, Training, Personal, Affiliations,
Community, Languages, Hobbies, Military, License, Publications,
Awards, Security, Testimonials, Keywords, and more!
Ideal for every career situation
High School Graduate, College Graduate, Master’s Degree, Doctorate
Degree, New Occupation, Similar Position in the Same Field, Advancement,
Relocation, Community Service, Freelance or Part Time, Military to
Civilian, Variety of Past Experience, and more!

? ?
? ?

Burn or Mount

荥哌 苘荥 苘 哌
苘苘苘苘苘鄄槽 About Us 鄄槽苘苘苘苘苘苘
苘苓卟 苘苘苘懿 哌哌哌弑哌哌哌 曹苘苘苘?策哕苘
苘哌槽 苘苒哌 哌圮苘 鄄哌苘
苓卟圮苘圻? 哌圮苘鄄哌?
苓卟圮圻 ? 咣苒策哕
苓槽苒哌 ? 苘佰败? ? 哌圮鄄哕
槽槽槽槽? 弁餐弁餐弁餐瓮餐弁餐弁餐? 槽槽槽槽?
? 哌佰斑? ?
? ?
餐瓮? Founded in 1998. The Society of Sharing is dedicated to 餐瓮?
? sharing knowledge and resources, and doing whatever it ?
? takes to get them to the inexperienced and experts alike. ?
? We earned our name, as we work strictly on a donation ?
郯? basis, and take pride in that fact. 郯?
鄄筒? 鄄筒?
郯? 郯?
? ?
? SoS can be reached at sosfxp@hush.com ?
? ?
? ?

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