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应用平台:Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7
问题反馈: http://veridium.net/contact/

HomeGuard提供全面的网上活动监视器,并与家庭/儿童安全的重点,通过广泛的家长控制和计算机监控功能,离线监测。 HomeGuard家长控制和监视功能,是非常低的维护,一旦安装他们需要从你和没有配置对大多数设置不需要干预,HomeGuard会默默地监视并记录一切阻止任何内容或活动,您认为有害的或不恰当的,并选择性地向您发送电子邮件这样的内容时收到通知/活动受阻。它还具有先进的记录查看功能使您能够迅速查明某项活动或某些一段时间或某一个用户。

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HomeGuard Activity Monitor provides comprehensive online and offline monitoring with emphasis on family/child safety through extensive parental control and computer monitoring features. HomeGuard Parental Controls and monitoring features are very low maintenance once installed they will require no intervention from you and no configuration is needed for most settings, HomeGuard will silently monitor and record everything blocking any content or activity you deem harmful or inappropriate and optionally send you Email notifications when such content/activity is blocked. It also has advanced record viewing features enabling you to quickly pinpoint an activity or focus on certain period of time or a certain user.

Key Features:
Porn filtering based on websites content not just names
Automatic content filtering of websites, Chat messages/instant messages and Email for pornographic or inappropariate content or for a list of words defined by you. Internet content filtering cannot be circumvented through the use of proxy servers, all Internet traffic is filtered regardless of ports or destination, all while keeping the use of CPU and memory to a minimum through the use of advanced search and identification algorithms, thus adding very little to no overhead to computer and Internet speed.
Websites blocking by name or URL, blacklists and whitelists
Block access to websites in a predefined ‘black’ list. Or allow access only to websites on a ‘white’ list, blocking all other websites. Recorded details include time spent on each website and which program was used to visit the website. As in content/porn filtering above, the use of proxy servers to defeat websites blocking won’t work.

Time and event based screenshots capture
Take screenshots at predefined intervals and times of day and days of week. By default it will take screenshots every 10 minutes everyday but can be set to take screenshots as often as every 2 seconds. It can also take screenshots when a website is visited, a keyword is found, a chat message/instant message or Email is sent or received, a program is tarted, a file is printed or blocked events only.

Restrict programs/games usage times or completely block a program
Set the times at which each program can be used and for how long. Or completely block certain programs. This feature is designed with excessive/addictive gaming in mind. Blocked programs cannot be opened by renaming the program, once a program is added to a blocking list its signature is computed and saved and it will be recognized no matter where it is on the hard disk or what its name is.

Keylogger Tool
Quietly record all keystrokes typed, time of typing, program keystrokes were typed in and window title at the time of typing. HomeGuard keylogger includes full support for languages using non Latin scripts (Unicode).

Web search monitoring and blocking
View and/or block keywords searched for in search engines. Currently supports Google search, Yahoo and Bing (MSN).

Email and chat monitoring and blocking
Record full text of chat messages (Currently supported are Yahoo and MSN/Windows Live messengers) and Email (pop3/smtp). Or (optionally) block all Chat and Email traffic. And filter chat messages and Email for harmful/inappropriate words.

Restrict Internet and computer usage times
Set the time of day and/or days of week at which the computer and internet can be used. Time restrictions cannot be manipulated by changing system time, by default HomeGuard blocks system time changing for all users and you can define a list of users to allow to change time.

Detailed program usage statistics
Record total running time of programs and actual time spent on each program, how many words and characters typed and how many times the mouse was clicked in each program, total bytes sent and received by each program and more.

Web files content type blocking
This feature is rather radical but can prove useful…Blocks internet content by its type, for example you can bock all online video and flash (e.g. PornTube and the like but also YouTube, Metacafe, Vimeo…etc) other web page elements will still show (unless they were of blocked types too) but all videos will be blank. Use the built in list of types (includes: exe downloads, scripts, videos..) or add a custom (MIME) type.

Network monitoring and blocking
Allows monitoring and blocking of individual internet connections by port and IP addresses. Can be used to block certain Internet protocols (e.g. Peer to peer file sharing.) HomeGuard also attempts to detect protocol type of the connection and will show detailed statistics of the connection’s duration and bandwidth used.

USB storage media monitoring and blocking
Monitor and optionally block removable devices like USB thumb drives, external hard disks…etc useful for preventing sharing of pornographic files or protecting your computer against viruses and spyware transmitted on thumb drives.

File monitoring and blocking
Monitor and block copying, deleting and moving of files.
Printer monitor
Monitor printed files and/or block printing altogether.
User and time specific monitoring
Choose which users to monitor and at what times.
Automatic clean up of old records
By default records older than 30 days will be deleted auto. You can change this as needed or start a clean up at anytime.





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