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Autodesk Moldflow Design Link (MDL)是Moldflow产品系列中重要的数据链接工具。通过它Moldflow各产品不仅可轻松读取IGES、STEP、Stereo Lithography(STL)等格式的3D模型,还可直接读取Parasolid(UG)、Pro/E、I-DEAS、CATIA、Solidworks等高端CAD软件的最新版本的原档3D模型,同时对于其它结构分析CAE软件如Ansys、Patran、Nastran、ABAQUS、LS-DYNA、Hyper-Work等生成的网格模型也可以通过MDL导入到AMI中作进一步分析。另外在MDL6.0以后除了支持数据模型转换的传统功能外,还突破性的增加了以下的全新功能,进一步拓展了MDL的应用范围。

以CAD实体驱动为核心的网格生成方式 – 直接由CAD几何模型生成Dual Domain或3D实体网格,相对于AMI或AMA的边界元素网格划分方法,针对高曲率的产品MDL可获得更高质量的网格模型,在极大的减少前处理的时间的同时,提高了分析的精度。

多部件(装配模型)的直接导入和网格的自动划分 – 支持直接对装配模型中的多个部件的整体导入,并根据配合关系自动进行Dual Domain或3D网格划分,极大的保证了装配模型配合面上网格配合的准确性,大大降低了装配模型网格处理的难度,极大的提高了嵌入成型、双色成型及型芯偏移分析等耦合分析的求解精度。

直接划分3D实体网格 – 以前的处理方式需要先划分出dual domino网格,然后再划分出3D实体网格,在MDL6.0下可以直接划分出3D网格,且保证网格质量符合要求。这极大的提高了3D网格处理的效率。

狭长特征的去除 – 狭长的细小特征会导致网格模型出现很多的纵横比超标的单元,增加分析前处理时间,通过MDL对狭长特征的去处,可显著的提高网格质量。

Autodesk® Simulation MOLDFLOW® Design Link2013

Autodesk® Moldflow® plastic injection molding simulation tools, part of the Autodesk® solution for Digital Prototyping, help CAE analysts, designers, and engineers validate and optimize plastic parts, injection molds, and the injection molding process. With access to over 8,500 grades of commercial plastics and accurate material data, manufacturers can evaluate various material options. Autodesk Moldflow software supports direct data exchange with most CAD software tools and Autodesk® Simulation mechanical simulation tools for more accurate structural simulations. Companies worldwide use Autodesk Moldflow to help reduce the need for costly physical prototypes, avoid potential manufacturing defects, and get innovative products to market faster.

Wizard-based tools
Plastics made perfect

Today, manufacturing processes often include the production of injection-molded plastic parts, a complicated process that can lead to unexpected delays and increased costs. More designers than ever are seeking the ability to confirm the
manufacturability of plastic parts and avoid potential defects.


Validate part designs
Optimize mold designs

Improve manufacturability
Reduce cycle times
Communicate potential manufacturing defects
Get to market faster





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