3D-Coat 数字雕塑软件
- 7 12 月, 2022
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应用平台:Windows 2000, XP, Vista
问题反馈: support@3d-coat.com
网站链接: http://www.3d-coat.com/
1. Unzip & Unrar, check Crack/install.txt
2. Enjoy it
System requirements:
OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Mac OS 10.4.5 (Intel) or later
CPU: 1.2 GHz or better
RAM: 512Mb (4096 recommended)
Video: Radeon 9600/Nvidia 5600 128Mb (256 recommended) or better
DirectX 9.0c or better for Windows, OpenGL 2.0 for MacOS
3D-Coat v3.3 featuring Ptex support released
– Ptex is a texture mapping system developed by Walt Disney Animation Studios for production-quality rendering. Its main features include:
– No UV assignment is required! Ptex applies a separate texture to each face of a subdivision or polygon mesh.
– The Ptex file format can efficiently store hundreds of thousands of texture images in a single file.
The Ptex API provides cached file I/O and high-quality filtering – everything that is needed to easily add Ptex support to a production-quality renderer or texture authoring application. (Sourced from http://ptex.us).
General changes:
– Special simple method for external programmers to make connector between 3D – application and 3D-Coat has been done (Description).
– Possibility to create/install 3d-coat extensions from File menu. Extension may contain any sort of files – shaders, pens, strips, materials, masks etc. It is just an image of additional files in 3D-Coat’s folder. It is a good method to share 3D-Coat’s content. The first extension pack was made due to Oliver Thornton! (Download the Pack)
– Possibility to upload screenshots right from the 3D-Coat onto the web server. It is very useful for sharing your experience with the community.
– Framing improved – you can focus on object or on pen position (scaling depends on radius in this case).
– Text information about current viewport – front/back/left/right…. is being displayed now.
– Now you can assign several actions to the same hotkeys combination. Actions will be performed in consecutive order after each next activation.
– Improved 3DConnexion support.
– Fade on edges in pen options will act on all pens simultaneously.
– Support of big 3B files to open (>4GB)
– Lots of bug-fixes and small improvements.
Paint Mode changes:
– Possibility to pan in texture view with SPACE as in Photoshop. You should choose 3D-Coat preset from [Camera] menu.
– Drawing with CAPS LOCK will hide cursor only while painting, not always. It improves precision of painting and gives better control.
– "Frame" command will move pivot point to the center of the object (and framing itself of course) in custom pivot point mode.
– Much better correspondence between Voxel room and baked color in Paint room.
– Support of multiple SL objects in a scene.
– Splines/Lines in E-panel will not dive into surface in paint room. In such a way you can easily draw over curved surfaces.
– Much better algorithm for limit subdivision surface directly after importing model for microvertex painting and Ptex. Model after import will look much closer to the limit subdivision surface.
– Better padding for PSD files export.
– Normal-map strength in per-pixel mode can be corrected with Depth modulator slider in layer blending panel.
– Eraser will lower normal-map strength when applied over the normal-map layer.
Retopo Mode changes:
– Quadrangulation quality and speed improved.
– In Retopo->select tool Relax will act only on vertices selected in Retopo->Select->Verices. Snap button will work in the same way.
– “Turn off snapping” button in retopo tool.
– Snapping essentially improved! You may choose one of 3 methods of snapping: outer, nearest along normal, absolutely nearest.
Voxel Mode changes:
– New Measure tool in voxels:
It allows to measure and define everything in Voxel Mode using physical units like inches or meters. It is extremely useful for real production and prototyping.
– Improved 3D grid. It can be customized to work with real units. 3D-Coat will fit much better for precise works:
– Voxel primitives will follow grid points while moved with SHIFT (use CTRL, CTRL+SHIFT for smaller step of movement).
– New Pick tool for voxels. It is very helpful if you have many layers and want to select current object visually without VoxTree:
– Lines/curves in ‘E’ panel will not dive into surface in Voxel mode.
– Improved cylinder-like manipulator.
– Selection opacity slider was added to pose tool.
We hope you enjoy this new release!
Welcome to the downloads section
3D-COAT 是继 ZBrush 和 Mudbox 之后来自乌克兰的数字雕塑软件,专为游戏美工设计。
它专注于游戏模型的细节设计,集三维模型实时纹理绘制和细节雕刻功能为一身,加速细节设计流程,在更短的时间内创造出更多的价值。只需导入一个低精度模型,3D-Brush 便可为其自动创建 UV,一次绘制,法线贴图丶置换贴图丶颜色贴图丶透明贴图丶高光贴图就同时生成了。最大材质输出支持到 4096*4096。真正的无缝材质输出。
最新的 3D-COAT 不但可以进行前面说的细节雕刻和各种贴图绘制,还增加了拓扑功能,体积雕塑功能,硬件渲染功能等等,由于软件的更新速度实在太快,以至于我们目前还不能说 3D-COAT 最后会发展成为一款什么样的数字雕塑软件。
3D-Coat 的雕塑功能一直在更新。3.0 以前的雕塑功能显的比较粗糙,到了 3.0 后开发出了体积雕塑功能让情况有所改观。雕塑的模型在细致程度上有不少的进步。与 Mudbox 和 ZBrush 不同的是,它没有以图标的形式提供雕塑笔刷来给用户选择雕塑工具,只提供了一些雕塑工具的按钮来选择。这样在工具的直观性上就远远低于前面的软件。另外这些雕塑工具的易用性也比较值得考究,有的工具在发展上明显还不成熟,只属于实验性的工具。不过体积雕塑对于 3D-Coat 同样也是刚开发出来的功能,有很多部分都需要花时间进一步去修正和提升。
3D-Coat 的绘制同样可以设置图层。而且,图层的功能还相当的强大,有多个图层的混合参数以及图层的效果参数。从图层功能上来讲,相比 Mudbox 和 ZBrush,3D-Coat 做的最好,提供了更多更方便的调节方法。
3D-Coat 的扩展功能中最有特色的是拓扑功能,它的拓扑非常的方便,与 ZBrush 那种老老实实的四个点一个面的拓扑不同。3D-Coat 的拓扑支持多种方式。另外 3D-Coat 的 UV 展开功能也很不错,虽然比不上专门的展UV软件那么方便,但是和 ZBrush 相比那已经是很大的区别。至于 Mudbox,只有一个查看 UV 的窗口而无法进行 UV 的编辑。
最后需要提到的是,软件的开发者在软件的信息中说他们是虔诚的基督徒,所以请用户不要将软件用于开发 XXX 的项目当中。由于软件是可以选择中文界面,所以我们可以很方便的阅读到这些有趣的信息。
[安全检测] 已通过安全检测安全检测软件:卡巴斯基反病毒软件2009
病毒库发布时间:2010-06-16 [安装测试] 未经过安装测试,使用者后果自负与本论坛无关
共用服务器:eDonkeyServer No2
本文链接: https://www.books51.com/304386.html
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