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MSC Easy5是一套面向控制系统和多学科动态系统的仿真软件,用于在产品的概念和系统级设计阶段快速地建立完整、可靠的功能虚拟样机。
MSC Easy5诞生于波音公司,是由各学科领域富有经验的工程师和数值计算专家根据实际的工程问题和需求合作开发的,经过近30年的不断积累和大量工程问题的检验,发展成为独一无二的控制与多学科动态系统仿真分析工具,可谓波音公司工程仿真经验的结晶,被广泛应用于航空航天、国防、汽车、工程设备、重型机械等工业领域。借助MSC Easy5强大的专业应用库、精确的模型元件、性能卓越的求解器和丰富的分析手段,可以建立控制及多种学科领域的动态系统模型,进行有效的仿真评价,帮助用户对各类系统进行参数选定、功能评价、响应分析或控制逻辑设计,从而减少物理样机试制的风险。
MSC Easy5兼具完全的图形化建模环境、强大的仿真和分析能力、连接其它多种工程软、硬件的开放结构,可以对各种由微分、差分和代数方程描述的动态系统进行仿真。MSC Easy5的独到之处在于:其一,强大的控制系统仿真分析能力,可以建立各种复杂的控制系统模型,包含稳态分析、线性系统分析、频域响应、根轨迹分析等完整的控制系统分析类型;其二,多学科专业应用库,借助专业应用库中的预定义模型元件,向用户提供独一无二的建立系统级模型和研究多学科系统耦合问题的能力;其三,卓越的代码生成和求解器,可以由图形化系统模型自动生成相应的FORTRAN或C源代码,这些代码可以通过编译生成可执行程序,并可被用户调用;其四,高效的高级建模和二次开发功能,方便用户创建用户化模型元件,并可调用外部FORTRAN或C子程序;其五,与其它CAE软件良好的集成能力,可以将不同CAE软件所建立的模型集成到MSC Easy5中建立完整的虚拟样机,是真正的协同仿真平台。
Corporation MSC.Software (Santa Ana, California, USA), since 1963 working in the field of computer technology engineering analysis, offers a wide range of integrated VPD-systems – computer technology engineering analysis and virtual simulation. Technology VPD are the highest, most modern, qualitatively new level of systems engineering analysis (CAE – Computer Aided Engineering) and are designed to improve the quality and reliability while dramatically reducing the timing of design and manufacturing, as well as significantly reducing the number of prototypes and field tests.
MSC.Software The company delivers its programs and services to aerospace and automotive companies, electronics manufacturers, other industries, higher education institutions. A strong reputation is deserved MSC.Software successful cooperation with renowned companies such as BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Fiat, GM, Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, United Technologies, DuPont, Eastman Kodak, Motorola, etc.
EASY5 – a specialized product for modeling a wide range of complex technical systems and devices on the schematic level. By means of this software are modeled digital and analog control systems, hydraulic drives and transmission, internal combustion engines, pneumatic, mechanical and electrical equipment, air conditioning systems, aerodynamic control surfaces, injection systems, etc.
Easy5 system is an important component of modern VPD (Virtual Product Development) technologies, which allow you to create full virtual prototypes of products.
A distinctive feature is the ability to Easy5 simulation models of complex digital and analogue systems at the functional level of the blocks, which are as simple mathematical operators and expressions, transfer functions, data tables, etc., and finished the mathematical models of complex technical devices ( Controllers, Switches, etc.). Modelled in EASY5 system included in the model, created in Patran and / or Adams to conduct comprehensive research products functioning in different modes in different operating conditions. It is modeled design of machines, appliances and other technical facilities to work together with control systems, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical systems, etc. For in-depth analysis and simulation using tight integration with other systems msc, as well as with systems of other companies: MSC Nastran, Adams, Marc, Dytran, LS-Dyna, Flight Loads & Dynamics, Fatigue, Mvision, Simdesigner, Sofy, Explore, matlab / simulink, dads, ricardo wave, ANSYS, Abaqus, etc.
The software package includes many ready EASY5 mathematical models, implemented as separate functional units (adders, dividers, filters, integrators, valves, motors, heat exchangers, gearboxes, clutches, etc.). With the help of languages c or fortran can create your own function blocks.
User EASY5 – specialist in the particular field of technology – connects these "devices", modeling the product at the level of functional blocks, and optimizes system development products.
EASY5 supports the ability to export the model (for example, the control scheme) in the Adams model, or, conversely, import model of the mechanism of Adams in EASY5. In addition, the model EASY5 can be built into the system model matlab / simulink. The structure includes a module EASY5 matrix algebra tool, designed to perform operations on matrices (may be used for data preparation, analysis results, etc.).
User EASY5 proposed component library for multidisciplinary analysis, including specialized kits for the aerospace, automotive and other industries. Module library developer toolkit allows you to create your own library of components.
Key features of modeling in MSC Easy 5
– Hydraulics
Actuation systems, power transmission, antilock braking systems, chassis, fuel injection systems, active suspension systems, lubrication systems
– Gas Dynamics
Pneumatics, power plants, air purifiers and high-pressure steam, the transfer of the adsorption of gas phase reactions, HVAC, ECS, several types of gas systems
– Multiphase Systems
refrigeration, air conditioning, climate control, cryogenic network, steam / water supply systems, fuel systems, or with exotic systems, volatile liquid aerosol. Evaluation of control systems hardware and software (from the data sampling rates, asynchronous communication, analog and digital electronic filters, control the execution cycle number, the network (CAN) and many more)
– Fuel Cells
Stationary or mobile phone.
– Electric system
AC / DC machines, power electronics, batteries, and more. Flight dynamics and control systems of all types, including digital filters.
On the basis of the listed capacity of the system EASY5 and the integration with other systems msc create a full functional model planes, cars, tanks, excavators, equipment, etc, study their work in carrying out various tasks in different environments. The result is an optimal solution found by the exact complex computer modeling.
Among users EASY5 – the world’s leading companies in aviation, space, missile, automotive, electronics, energy and other industries.
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Install MSC.Flexlm, use MSC_Calc.exe to get
your license, and point to it when asked for.
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