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Autodesk NavisWorks v2009
欧特克软件公司完成对 NavisWorks 私营公司的收购,并完成其营运资本的调整。NavisWorks 总部设在英国设菲尔德市,从事面向设计协调、冲突检测到施工仿真多个领域的应用软件开发。此次收购将使欧克特三维技术的领先地位扩展到施工、厂房和船舶设计领域。
欧特克软件公司计划推出融合 NavisWorks 和 Autodesk 技术的新款全方位解决方案。该融合将使欧特克的用户兼容 Autodesk 和非 Autodesk 的设计信息。
Autodesk AEC 解决方案部门高级副总裁 Jay Bhatt表示:“收购 NavisWorks 是欧特克承诺向整个 AEC 行业提供更完整解决方案的具体实践。将 NavisWorks 技术纳入欧特克产品组合,有助于帮助我们的客户充分利用设计数据,做出更明智的设计和施工决策,提高在设计技术领域的投资回报。”
建筑信息模型 (BIM) 解决方案(其中包括 Revit Architecture、Revit Structure、Revit MEP、AutoCAD Civil 3D 以及 Autodesk NavisWorks 等等)是建立在从设计到施工再到营运的协调、可靠的工程信息基础之上的一个完整的工作流。通过采用建筑信息模型 (BIM),建筑师、工程师、承包商和业主就能轻松制作出协调的数字化设计信息和文件;使用这些信息精确预测性能、外观以及成本;更快、更加节省成本地交付放心工程,同时减少对环境的影响。欧特克公司除在该领域有着绝对领先的技术优势,也在珠江大厦(世界上第一座不用外部电力供应的绿色摩天大厦)等建筑上有了成功经验。
欧特克公司工程建设行业解决方案部高级副总裁 Jay Bhatt对外表示:“对建筑设计、土木工程和施工上的大胆创新和提高效率的需求不断推动着工程建设行业去采用建筑信息模型 (BIM)。欧特克正在不断努力为我们的客户提供能够带来竞争优势和设计创新的技术。我们的建筑信息模型 (BIM) 解决方案带来了完整的、有效的设计分析工具,并延续了我们的 Revit 建筑信息管理平台启动的工程建设行业的工作流革命。”
借助备受推崇的 Robobat、Intelisolve 以及 NavisWorks 分析技术,Autodesk 2009 建筑信息模型 (BIM) 解决方案能够帮助建筑师、工程师和设计人员在他们的设计过程中较早地做出更好的设计决策,并将进一步改善建筑设计、土木工程和施工作业学科之间的合作与整合。
通过整合建筑信息、数据和几何图形,Autodesk NavisWorks 解决方案使理解最全面的整个工程成为可能,即便是在使用了多个软件平台和应用软件的情况下,也可以改善设计和施工工程的协调性、协作性以及工程先后顺序。用户在施工开发前即可全面地理解工程视角、分析,并模拟设计,以做出更好的设计和施工决策。
欧特克软件公司,作为世界领先的二维、三维数字化设计及管理软件,以及数字化内容供应商,不断向制造业、工程建设行业、地理信息业以及传媒娱乐业提供卓越的数字化软件服务和解决方案。自 1982 年 AutoCAD 正式推向市场,欧特克软件公司已针对最广泛的应用领域研发出多种先进的数字样机解决方案,帮助用户在设计转化为成品前体验自己的创意。《财富》排行榜名列前 1000 位的公司普遍借助欧特克的软件解决方案在设计的初期将创意进行可视化处理,并对其在真实世界中的性能表现进行模拟和分析,从而提高生产效率、有效地简化项目并实现利润最大化,把创意转变为竞争优势。欲了解更多有关欧特克的更多信息,请访问 http://www.autodesk.com。
Autodesk NavisWorks
Autodesk® NavisWorks® software solutions enable project design and building professionals to unite their contributions into a single, synchronized building information model. By enabling team members to reliably share, combine, review, and perfect detailed 3D design models of any size or format, Autodesk NavisWorks solutions are at the heart of your building information modeling (BIM) workflow.
The Autodesk® NavisWorks® software solutions comprise four products to help you and your extended teams experience enhanced control, confident collaboration, and information aggregation on even your most complex projects: Autodesk® NavisWorks® Manage, Autodesk® NavisWorks® Simulate, Autodesk® NavisWorks® Review, as well as the free* viewer application Autodesk® NavisWorks® Freedom.
By combining the high-quality information created by BIM applications such as Revit®-based software with geometry and data from other design tools, Autodesk NavisWorks products enable a real-time, whole-project view for effective 3D coordination, 4D planning, photorealistic visualization, dynamic simulation, and accurate analysis.
Autodesk NavisWorks Manage
Autodesk NavisWorks Manage software provides all the tools required for smooth-running construction projects. NavisWorks Manage fuses seamless visualization of all types of models, precise replication of designs, accurate simulation of 4D construction schedules, and powerful clash detection into one product, keeping all project stakeholders on the same digital page, whether creating, viewing, or reviewing 3D models.
Consistent, Coordinated, Correct
Integrating the functionality of both Autodesk NavisWorks Review and Autodesk NavisWorks Simulate with powerful clash detection capabilities, Autodesk NavisWorks Manage provides the most complete NavisWorks design review solution for your construction project. Enabling consistent, coordinated, and, most importantly, correct construction documentation, NavisWorks Manage streamlines workflow across your organization and extended teams, helping to reduce waste, increase efficiency, and significantly reduce change orders.
Faster Navigation and Checking
Autodesk NavisWorks Manage delivers seamless, interactive visualizations, enabling real-time walk-through and review of complex 3D models and all the project information they contain. Use NavisWorks Manage to navigate and explore your designs faster, without the need for preprogrammed animation, advanced hardware, or special skills.
Through effective identification, inspection, and reporting of potential interferences in a 3D project model, NavisWorks Manage reduces error-prone manual checking. NavisWorks Manage enables users to check time and space coordination, improving site and workflow planning. Control and peace of mind are enhanced through advanced analysis and coordination of 3D designs. Early fault prediction and error recognition help to prevent eventual, more costly, miscalculations. Combine all your 3D data, no matter what file size and from multiple formats, into a comprehensive, realistic building information model for viewing and analyzing all digital information.
NavisWorks Manage combines precise fault-finding with hard and clearance clash management. Quickly review and cross-check geometry created by competing 3D design software. Maintain a complete and valuable record of all interferences found throughout your project. Check for time and space coordination and virtually eliminate workflow issues at the planning stage. Point- and line-based clashing enable coordination of a laser-scanned as-built environment with the virtual model.
Autodesk NavisWorks Simulate
Autodesk NavisWorks Simulate software helps you perform precise replication of designs and accurate modeling of 4D construction schedules, improving productivity and quality by enabling precise previsualization of construction projects.
Virtually experiencing your project in a visual context before physical work begins provides the opportunity to evaluate and verify the materials and textures appropriate to your intended design.
Autodesk NavisWorks Review
Autodesk NavisWorks Review software enables seamless visualization of all types of models, regardless of format or file size.
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