- 6 12 月, 2022
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软件分类: 国外软件 / 零售版 / 教育教学
文件大小: 81M
适用平台: 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/.Net/
[已通过安装测试]WinXP+SP2和WIN2003专业版 WIN98
共享服务器:DonkeyServer No1-3 . DonkeyServer No5
Thomson Endnote X v10 (参考书目管理):
EndNote是一款参考书目管理工具,有数以百万计的研究人员、学生和图书管理员使用,它能方便地扩展任何语言参考书目,允许你创建任意大小的文献库。通过EndNote你可搜索在线书目数据库、组织参考书及图片、快速创建参考书目。它兼容下列字处理和文本格式:Microsoft Word 2000, XP, 2003;WordPerfect, StarOffice, OpenOffice, FrameMaker 富文档格式等。
Introducing EndNote X
EndNote® is the industry standard software for organizing references and creating bibliographies. With EndNote X, we are creating a new standard for ease-of-use. And that has millions of students, researchers, writers and librarians worldwide—jumping for joy!
Organize your PDF files with EndNote libraries
EndNote X introduces a new way to manage your PDF files. Now you can drag and drop a PDF file onto an EndNote record saving many steps and creating a link automatically. The PDF files are stored along with the EndNote references. And when you need to move your EndNote library between computers, the new compressed library option creates a single-file backup for easy transport.
View more—or less—detail as desired
EndNote X expands your library view with up to eight fields enabling you to sort columns quickly. A new icon identifies references containing links to PDF and other files. The reference edit window now includes a show/hide empty fields option to reduce scrolling for reference detail.
Other new features:
Reference type lists are now alphabetized for locating easily
Four new reference types—Grant, Ancient Text, Dictionary, and Encyclopedia
The "Electronic Source" references type is renamed to "Web Page."
New—compressed library option creates a single-file backup for moving EndNote libraries between computers
Store up to 45 links per reference in the "Link to PDF" field
Convert existing PDF links to the new EndNote-relative link in one step
Use the PDF icon in the EndNote toolbar to open the first linked file in the highlighted reference
"Change Text" and "Change Fields" include a new option for tab and carriage returns used in phrases
Search fields and words using "begins with" and "ends with"—replaces "Use Full Text Index" of previous versions
"RTF Document Scan" is renamed to "Format Paper"
Search and collect references in new ways
EndNote X offers new search options including “begins with” and “ends with” for field and word searching. With continued suggestions from users, EndNote X includes new and updated files for searching online resources, importing references, and formatting bibliographies. You’ll find 800+ connections to online sources, 540+ import filters and over 2,300 publishing styles!
本文链接: https://www.books51.com/303613.html
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参考书目管理 → https://www.books51.com/303613.html |
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