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中文名: 3dsmax 9.0最新插件合集

别名: 三大主流渲染器和实用的插件

版本: fro 3dsmax 9.0

发行时间: 2007年

地区:  美国


Autodesk 公司推出3dsmax 9.0已经有一段时间,原有的插件在9.0这个版本中都不能使用了,各大主流的渲染器制作公司相继研发了适于最新版本3dsmax的插件,像Vray、Brazil、Maxwell都已经推出在max 9.0中使用的渲染插件,而Cebas GmbH最近才推出finalRender stage-1 Release for 3dsamax 9.0 32/64bit,不敢独享,献给VC的朋友们。

一、finalRender stage-1 Release for 3dsamax 9.0 32/64bit;

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finaToon Release 2.0 for 3dsmax9 32/64 bit是3dsmax 9.0下的一款卡通渲染器,除了本身强大的功能以外它还完全兼容finaRender stage-1,可以与fianRender结合使用;
三、finalShaders Release 2.0 for 3dsmax9 32/64 bit;

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finalShaders是 finalrender Stage-1的一个附加程序,提供了14种预设的fr高级材质,它们包括轿车漆、X射线、半透明、CD、天鹅绒、线框、多层材质等常用材质。
三、Brazil r/s v1.2.66 Download;

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四、VRay 1.5 RC3 for 3dsmax6/7/8/9 32/64bit+绿色无乱码汉化补丁;

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五、PolyBoost 3.0 for 3ds max 5-9 (强大的polygon建模辅助工具);

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PolyBoost 是一款工作于3dsmax平台下强大的polygon建模辅助工具, 他对polygon下点、线、面等子物体的选择、编辑、转变等功能进行了增强,同时还新增了不少新功能,如:Viewport texture painting tool, UVW mapping等,总共集成了超过100个不同功能的相关工具。
六、Polygon Cruncher 7.22 (强大的模型减面工具);

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很多朋友常常因为在场景中放置了过多的高面数模型导致整个场景的显示速度变慢,文件也变得很大。这时候你就需要Polygon Cruncher来帮忙了。它可以在保留你模型原有细节及材质信息的情况下对你的模型进行优化及减面,并可以将优化后的模型保存为一些常用的3D格式如:3ds、obj等。同时Polygon Cruncher还提供了3dsmax和Lightwave插件,可以让你在3dsmax或Lightwave中直接对模型进行减面优化。
七、Greeble for 3dsmax3/4/5/6/7/8/9+中文版;
Greeble 是一个非常小巧的3dsmax插件,虽然它的功能很简单就是在物体表面随机生成四方体。不过对于像生成城市建筑群或是丰富太空船表面细节等工作,Greeble的简单功能却可以派上大用场。
八、Mankua Texture Layers 2 for Max9 32/64bit(高级贴图插件);

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Texture Layers 2 是一套高级贴图工具,并被广泛应用于CG制作及游戏开发。借助Texture Layer 2,用户可以在单一的修改器中创建出多个贴图通道,并可将其应用于动画。该插件还拥有自己的子对象面/面片选择集功能。

Texture Layers 2 is the latest incarnation of Mankua’s production-proven, advanced mapping and texturing system for 3ds Max and Autodesk VIZ users. With Texture Layer 2, you can create and animate all of your mapping channels within a single modifier, applying different mapping styles to parts of the same object in just minutes. It’s like having a modifier stack within a single modifier! The product offers advanced mapping tools unlike anything else available for 3ds Max including Spline Mapping, Free Form Deformation, UVW Frame and a much needed Pelt system to give you the ultimate power to apply maps to your most detailed models.

Texture Layers 2 also includes its own Sub-Object selection mode so you can choose parts of your model on the fly, while allowing you to read in saved selection sets from elsewhere in the Modifier stack. You can quickly copy, paste, save and load mapping channels within the same modifier, or from one modifier to another to suit your needs. You don’t even need to use Multi/SubObject Material IDs when you assign your materials. After application, you can blend all or parts of the material into other layered materials to control how the final material is displayed. For all of you who’ve been looking for more sophisticated ways of mapping your objects inside of 3ds Max, check out Texture Layers 2 today.
九、Ephere Ornatrix v1.5 Retail for Max9 32bit(毛发模拟插件);

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Ornatrix是一款3ds max平台下的毛发模拟插件,它提供了从毛发建模、动画、渲染等一系列功能。
以上是来自韩国的Kim Hyoung jun (k.jun) 的作品 – Healing,其中女孩栩栩如生的头发就是使用了Ornatrix所制作的!Ornatrix is a hair solution plugin for 3d Studio Max. Starting from scratch it allows you to create, model, animate, and render any type of hair, fur, and almost any other fiber-based object you can think of.
By having a collection of innovative tools at your disposal you can quickly and intuitively set up great looking hair much like a real hair stylist does – style it to your needs. Because Ornatrix is so closely incorporated into 3d Studio Max interface, its skills will come naturally to 3dsmax users. Provided help and tutorials will get those new to the field up and running in no time.
十、Swift 3D Plug-ins for 3ds max6-9(卡通渲染器);

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Swift 3D Plug-in V3 for 3dsmax是一款非常强大的卡通渲染器,由于采用了先进的RAViX® 4渲染技术,Swift 3D Plug-in V3 for 3dsmax允许3ds max用户将他们的3D场景导入到Flash中进行编辑或直接渲染成Flash动画格式文件。

  Swift 3D Plug-in V3 for 3dsmax是一款非常强大的卡通渲染器,由于采用了先进的RAViX® 4渲染技术,Swift 3D Plug-in V3 for 3dsmax允许3ds max用户将他们的3D场景导入到Flash中进行编辑或直接渲染成Flash动画格式文件。
十一、Map Layers V1.44 for Max8/9 中英文版;

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ADD 在末尾添加一个新图层
CTRL + ADD 插入一个新图层在指定位置
DELETE 删除最后一个图层
CTRL + DELETE 删除指定图层

十二、3dsmax插件-FumeFX 1.0 for 3dsmax9 32Bit(流体动力学插件);
十三、3dsmax插件-DreamScape 2.5c for 3dsmax9 32/64Bit(造景插件);

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MAX插件 DreamScape 2.5c 升级,新版主要是:
-增加了更多DCP的与FR_stage1渲染器、PF粒子系统、Thinking Particle粒子系统的协同性
十四、3dsmax插件-Afterburn 3.2a for 3dsmax9 32/64Bit(烟雾效果插件);


MAX插件 AfterBurn 3.2a 升级,新版主要是:
-增加了更多DCP的与FR_stage1渲染器、PF粒子系统、Thinking Particle粒子系统的协同性
十四、Greeble for 3dsmax3/4/5/6/7/8/9+中文版

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十五、finalRender Stage-1 R2.0 QuickStart Videos(快速入门教程);

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Boston MA,2007/03/30) cebas计算机公司-finalRender®的开发商, 发布的 finalRender Stage-1 R2.0快速入门教程视频教程(finalRender Stage-1 R2.0 QuickStart Videos):
本视频教程是围绕 finalRender Stage-1 R2.0 for 3ds Max的常用渲染功能为主题所制作的。
此集教程分别对:finalRender MTD, GI-AQMC, Caustics, 3S, and Anti-Aliasing 等功能进行了介绍及演示,总长度达到30分钟(英语发音)!
十六、Illustrate! 5.4 for 3dsmax9 (卡通渲染器);

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Illustrate! is the market-leading cel and illustration renderer. This latest version includes a completely new Flash rendering engine that provides many advanced rendering features including shading and support for intersecting objects.

Designed for complete compatibility with 3ds Max 9.0.
Improved speed and accuracy of hidden line calculations.
Object visibility affects the opacity of the rendered object and its lines.
Exporting and importing of Illustrate Artistic Libraries now functions correctly.
Fixed bug when cloning Styles.
Resolved issue where users don’t have to have administration privileges to authorize the plugin.
Several outstanding issues resolved.
十七、AF Export Channels Release 3.21 (PSD输出插件);

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AF Export Channels 可以将渲染后的图片直接保存为Adobe Photoshop的多层PSD格式文件,并根据场景中的物体编号、材质等对进行分层.新版产生的PSD文件可被Corel系列产品兼容.

Powerful multi-layer export.

Export to Adobe Photoshop PSD multi-layer format.

Extract Objects/ Materials/ G-Buffer ID from Rendered Image.

Allow to operate on the materials or objects direct at the Rendered Image
十八、AF Loft Release 1.25D (放样插件);

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AF Loft 是一个多样条放样工具.常被用于构建建筑梁柱、构架、饰边等.
Multi-spline Lofting with advanced control.
As path can be used Spline with any polygon quantity (for ex. TEXT). In registered version it has possibility of distribution animation between polygons.
Also will be useful with visualization interior and architectural projects (creating frames, girders, frieze and other building profiles).
十九、AF Material Correct Release 1.45 (材质校正插件);

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AF Material Correct / AF Texture Correct 可以快速对3dsmax中的材质及贴图进行一个全局控制,包括:色调、饱和度、色彩平衡、亮度、对比度等.新版还增加了Gamma校正功能.
Quick method to change global characteristics of the material or texture: Color hue, Saturation, Color balance, Brightness, Contrast.
二十、AF Tile Release 1.4 (瓷砖生成插件);
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AF Tile 可以让你轻松产生各种瓷砖材质.
Tiles are laid out at random order consist of Sub-Materials. Vary interior effectively. With it help you can achieve effect which looks like “Venetian Mosaic”.
二十一、Autodesk 3ds Max 9 service Pack 1 (SP1补丁包);

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二十二、RPC Plug-In for 3ds max6-9 or Viz;
v3.11.6 为2006.10.6推出的最新版本,支持最新的3dsmax9及Viz 2007,同时支持MentalRay渲染。
Autodesk Max 6, 7, 8, 9
Autodesk VIZ 2005, 2006, 2007
ADT / Viz Render 2005, 2006, 2007 Support Updates
二十三、3dsmax插件-FumeFX 1.0 for 3dsmax9 32Bit(流体动力学插件);

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二十四、3dsmax插件-Afterburn 3.2a for 3dsmax9 32/64Bit(烟雾效果插件);

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二十五、SimCloth3 plugin for max6/7/8/9+快速制作窗帘教程;

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SimCloth 是一款简单易用的3dsmax布料模拟插件, 能快速模仿各种不同类型的织物及布料,是制作窗帘、床单、毛巾等布料的理想选择。
SimCloth 是完全免费的,且开放源代码。SimCloth的开发者正是现在VRay官方论坛的总版主Vlado。
二十六、ColorCorrect v3.0.4 For 3ds max6/7/8/9(材质校色插件);

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