三维景观制作软件 v2.0.51 Win32
- 2 12 月, 2022
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[三维景观制作(地形生成)软件].GeoControl.v2.0.51.Win32-XFORCE.zip | 52.58MB | |
中文名: 三维景观制作(地形生成)软件英文名: GeoControl资源格式: 压缩包版本: v2.0.51 Win32发行时间: 2011年制作发行: Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.语言: 英文简介:
GeoControl 革命性地开辟了创建虚拟景观是一个完全新的层面。更多的艺术手段和科学方法的独特的组合使我们能够创建逼真美不胜收的虚拟景观,即使是基于概念的布局或幻想。
GeoControl 创造性地控制的景观形式是没有损失的,你可以创建,随后调整,关闭或更改等值线或层。艺术的“形”过滤器提供全面的景观,像典型的丘陵或山脉脊结构。半侵蚀算法把这些科学幻想变成现实,河流甚至河网可以添加到地形。该算法是独一无二的,极值快速。你可以使用它来整合的道路,城市地区,甚至控制河流。
GeoControl2 –
the professional terrain generator
The revolutionary concept of GeoControl2 opens up totally new dimensions of creating virtual landscapes.
The unique combination of more artistic tools and semi-scientific algorithms makes it possible to create realistic, breathtaking landsapes, based on conceptual layouts or on fantasie.
The creative tool isolines is completly selfdeveloped and offers the first time the opportunity, to creatively control the form of the landscape.
The interventions are none destructive, layerbased and you can allways, also afterwards, readjust, switch off or change an isoline or layer.
The artistic shape filters give the landscapes a typical structure, like round hills or ridged mountains.
The semi-scientific erosion algorithms turn these outlines into fantastic realistic and so believable landscapes.
Beside that flows, rivers or even river networks can be added to the terrain. The algorithm is unique, extrem fast and satisfies even scientific requierements.
But landscapes are not only defined by nature. The human factor also is a very important element. The vector tool simulates this part of a landscape. You can use it to integrate roads, urban areas or even controled rivers.
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