Camel 实战 (Camel in Action)英文文字版/更新源代码 Claus IbsenJonathan Anstey (Camel in Action) Claus Ibsen&Jonathan Anstey 文字版 pdf
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原名: Camel in Action
作者: 图书分类: 软件 资源格式: PDF 版本: 英文文字版/更新源代码 出版社: Manning 书号: 9781935182368 发行时间: 2010年12月 地区: 语言: 简介: 内容介绍: Apache Camel is a Java framework that lets you implement the standard enterprise integration patterns in a few lines of code. With a concise but sophisticated DSL you snap integration logic into your app, Lego-style, using Java, XML, or Scala. Camel supports over 80 common transports such as HttP, REST, JMS, and Web Services. Camel in Action is a Camel tutorial full of small examples showing how to work with the integration patterns. It starts with core concepts like sending, receiving, routing, and transforming data. It then shows you the entire lifecycle and goes in depth on how to test, deal with errors, scale, deploy, and even monitor your app—details you can find only in the Camel code itself. Written by the developers of Camel, this book distills their experience and practical insights so that you can tackle integration tasks like a pro. 内容截图:
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