Python3基础教程 ( Enssential Training)[光盘镜像] LYNDA COM PYTHON 3 ESSENTIAL TRAINING-JGTiSO iso
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英文名: Enssential Training
资源格式: 光盘镜像主讲人: Bill Weinman发行日期: 2010年07月29日
地区: 美国对白语言: 英语文字语言: 英文
由于python的功能强大,简洁和完全的面向对象,python已经成为很多大型组织包括谷歌,雅虎和IBM的脚本语言的理想选择。 在本教程里, Bill Weinman 致力于教给大家怎样用 python 3 来创造出完美设计的脚本和管理已经存在的项目。 本教程覆盖了基本的python3的语法和用法,包括高级特性比如面向对象,扩展和异常。 教程中示范项目包括了一个标准化的数据库借口和一个完全实现数据的创建,查询,更新,删除的应用程序。 练习是和教程同步的。
* 面向有经验的开发者的 Python3的快速介绍。
* 创建函数和对象
* 使用python的内置对象和类
* 使用循环和迭代来让代码循环执行
* 理解并使用条件表达式
* 用继承来创建语句
* 用对象和库来重用代码
* 使用异常来处理错误
Due to its power, simplicity, and complete object model, Python has become the scripting language of choice for many large organizations, including Google, Yahoo, and IBM. In Python 3 Essential Training, Bill Weinman demonstrates how to use Python 3 to create well-designed scripts and maintain existing projects. This course covers the basics of the language syntax and usage, as well as advanced features such as objects, generators, and exceptions. Example projects include a normalized database interface and a complete working CRUD application. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* A Python 3 quick start for experienced developers
* Creating functions and objects
* Using Python’s built-in objects and classes
* Repeating code with loops and iterators
* Understanding and using conditional expressions
* Creating sequences with generators
* Reusing code with objects and libraries
* Handling errors with exceptions
Exercise Files
ex. files video
The advantage of exercise files.
Exercise files are copies of the identical files (documents, photos and so on) the author uses throughout this course. The files will help you make the most of your learning experience by providing you the opportunity to open them in your own software and follow along with tutorials. Exercise files are available to Premium Subscribers only. Learn more.
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Python3基础教程 ( Enssential Training)[光盘镜像] LYNDA COM PYTHON 3 ESSENTIAL TRAINING-JGTiSO iso → |
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