走進我的交易室 Come Into My Trading Room Dr Alexander Elder 英文文字版
- 21 11 月, 2022
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This book is the follow-up to Trading for a Living, which is very popular among futures traders. It is important to note that the author is a professional trader and a practicing psychiatrist. Obviously, he focuses on the psychology of trading and the mental reasons why traders either thrive or they are habitual losers. This book covers many of the same topics as his prior book, but his trading system has some revisions and his coverage of the psychology of trading has expanded, and is always worthwhile reading.
Mind Method and Money
Like many books on trading, the author chooses to cover trading in both futures and stocks. In reality – trading is trading. It doesn’t matter what you trade, most of the same trading principles apply. You just need to get a better feel for the unique characteristics of each market.
The title Come Into My Trading Room summarizes what the book is all about. Dr. Elder is a professional trader and he explains the trading system that he uses and the money management principles that are necessary to succeed in trading. Many people buy trading books solely for a revelation of the latest and greatest trading system. However, I believe that his discussion of the mental aspects of trading may be the most important information in the book.
Psychology of Trading
According to the author, many traders fail because they don’t follow some simple rules of trading. Many are in it for the excitement, which is a recipe for disaster. They will overtrade or they are under-capitalized and they don’t respect the risks involved.
Having analyzed many amateur and professional traders, I think he has a good idea on what makes traders tick. Dr. Elder gives a good summary of the characteristics of winning traders and losing traders as well as several real world examples. He also explains the progression from novice trader to professional trader. However, most will never achieve that level – the reasons why are explained throughout the book.
I like to see authors that actual trade for a living and they are successful at it. Many authors write about trading commodities and futures and have little experience or success in trading. The more I trade, the more I realize the importance of the mental aspect of trading. Dr. Elder is considered one of the experts in this area and his education and advice in this book might help many would-be and struggling traders.
来自: 夕饮冰 (知道得越多越发现自己的浅薄)
自助者天助也!无意中下载了一套国外经济书籍大全,无意中看到了这本书《Come into my trading room》,看得不知晨昏。打印装订起来再看。很抱歉如此一本有益于自己的书竟然如此盗版来看。其实也是被逼无耐,我实在不知道在哪一个书店找到这样一本原版好书。这本书让我自己交易系统最关键的部份得以成型,如果遇不到它,自己还不知道在黑暗中摸索多久。读这本书对于我的最直接的益处是,在近8个月可以载入史册的熊市中我毫发未伤还小有斩获。它肯定不是我读过的最重要的书,但肯定是起了最关键作用的书。
前几天路过王府井,顺路拐入书店,赫然发现这书的中译本摆在一个很不起眼的角落里。如获至宝捧回来再读,鲍烈先生的翻译水平是我读过的财经书里少见的。有些中译本的书甚至会让我频繁地拿出原版书来对照才能理解。匆匆再读一遍,努力发现自己以前还漏掉了什么,最后抑制不住给Dr. Alexander Elder写了封信表示感谢并索要他的一张照片。很快收到回复,如上照片便是真神,他很快会出现在我的墙上作为一个提醒。他在信中讲,又出了一本新书《 Sell & Sell Short》,这正是他前几本书中忽略过的部份,我得找来一本拜读。
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走進我的交易室 Come Into My Trading Room Dr Alexander Elder 英文文字版 → https://www.books51.com/265237.html |
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