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游戏下载www.books51.com: 机械师

英文名称: Loadout

别名: 机械师/Loadout

资源格式: 压缩包

版本: 免安装Steam硬盘版

发行时间: 2014年2月1日

制作发行: Edge of Reality

地区:  美国

语言:  英文


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 Loadout这款游戏拥有一个健全的模块化的武器DIY系统来支持玩家设计自己想要的武器,然后由不同武器装备组成的军械库来满足玩家自己的游戏风格。 这款游戏并没有职业之分,玩家的职业将由玩家自己的双手和武器来创造。
 Loadout也拥有搞怪暴力的战斗场面和奇葩的角色模型。游戏开发商致力于为玩家提供崭新的射击体验,让玩家在战斗过程中能体验到血脉喷张的快感,从搞笑而又血腥的伤害系统到怪诞的角色定制。 Loadout绝对会让人疯狂到顶点,但也不仅仅如此,从核心要素来说,loadout绝对是一款简单上手,难于精通的射击游戏。
 最重要的是,游戏开发商正积极的为游戏增加新的内容, 例如新的武器部件、新的地图以及新的战斗模式。
Loadout is an outrageous new multi-player shooter that’s all about the guns, baby! Build a massive variety of absolutely insane weaponry – billions of combinations – totally customized, totally unique, and totally deadly.
Our robust and modular Weaponcrafting system allows players to make their own weapons from a wide variety of weapon parts, and then modify their entire arsenal to suit their play style. There are no defined classes in Loadout. You define your own class through the weapons you create.
Loadout is also loaded with over-the-top comedic violence, stylish character models, and crazy player animations. We aim to add a fresh, new look to the shooter experience that gives players a full-adrenaline rush that is totally different from the vast array of modern combat titles. From our hilariously gory damage system, to our wacky character customizations, Loadout will appeal to the lunatic in us all. But don’t let the demented humor fool you. At its core, Loadout is a skill-based shooter that’s easy to learn, but hard to master.
Most importantly, we are 100% dedicated to adding more content to Loadout such as new weapon parts, maps, game modes, and much more. We base many of these decisions from community feedback, so join our forums at http://www.loadout.com/forums to be a part of the discussion and join your friends in some crazy, competitive gameplay!
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