TLF-SOFT-I3D Introduction To 3DS Max 2009-iNKiSO bin
- 30 10 月, 2022
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翻译 gaodeji71@TLF
i3d tutorials推出的教程:3ds max 2009初步(Introduction to 3ds max 2009)
课程内容为3ds max 2009的基础知识与基本技能。课程为基础内容训练,对于深入学习三维动画来说都是非常重要和关键的基础。
I3dtutorials Introduction to 3ds max 2009(适合基础原理学习的MAX教程)
What is covered in this training series?
The basic and fundamental skills that are required by students and newcomers to 3d animation are thought with this product. The material covered in this training series is vital and builds the foundation for further advancement into 3d animation. Without the fundamental skills learned in this training series, it will be difficult to impossible to be able to continue into advanced 3d animation and digital content creation.
Who is this training series for?
Because the material in this training series is geared towards beginners to the world of 3d animation and 3dsMax, this training series is not recommended to experienced 3d artists. However, if you have just begun working in 3d, are thinking about it, or have little to no experience, then this training is for you. The aim of this training series is to take someone who is new to 3d animation in general and get them up and running with 3dsMax as quickly and easily as possible. If you have never worked on a real production with any 3d software, then this training series is right for you.
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