CBT Nuggets MySQL CMA认证数据库管理教程 CBT Nuggets MySQL CMA Database Administrator Associate DVD-iNKiSO iso
- 29 10 月, 2022
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CBT Nuggets 出品的 MySQL CMA Database Administrator Associate 数据库管理员培训视频教程.
教程名称:MySQL CMA Database Admin Associate——Covers Exam Packs 010-002
主讲人:Timothy L. Warner
教学时长:10个小时 共20个小节教程内容
如果你对开发和管理开源数据库应用程序有兴趣.MySQL是你的选择. Tim Warner的 "MySQL Administrator: Associate"系列教程是你获得MySQL基本要素最快的方法.
Tim”s 的视频教程是为你的MySQL Associate (CMA)认证考试而准备的. 演示了如何管理MySQL 数据库服务器。 对MySQL应用程序开发有个很好的入门概述. 阐述了如何在任何一个平台下设计和建立关系型数据库……
If you”re interested in developing and administering open-source database applications, MySQL is your ticket to ride. And this "MySQL Administrator: Associate" training by Tim Warner is the fastest way to get your MySQL basics down pat.
Tim”s video series prepares you for the MySQL Associate (CMA) certification exam, shows you how to administer a MySQL database server, gives you an excellent intoduction to MySQL application development and explains how to design and build relational databases on any platform.
本文链接: https://www.books51.com/188417.html
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CBT Nuggets MySQL CMA认证数据库管理教程 CBT Nuggets MySQL CMA Database Administrator Associate DVD-iNKiSO iso → https://www.books51.com/188417.html |
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