查看网页源码视频教程 TLF-SOFT-Lynda com View Source-iNKiSO iso
- 29 10 月, 2022
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Lynda.com 出品的时长57分钟的查看网页源码视频教程。由Ray Villalobos对网页设计分初、中 、高级三部分进行讲解。内容涉及HTML、PHP、 jQuery和CSS, 以WordPress结合Twitter,YouTube等内容管理解决方案的技术。本教程附带练习文件。
The View Source weekly series offers 10-minute projects on intermediate and advanced web design topics, covering technologies such as HTML, PHP, jQuery, and CSS, as well as content management solutions like WordPress and integration with Twitter, YouTube, and more. Each movie in the course is self-contained and shows how to accomplish an interesting effect and/or technique. Example projects include creating datepickers and custom photo galleries, and mapping and geotagging with Google Maps. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include:
Creating a custom URL in WordPress
Adding breadcrumb links to sites
Creating a toggle button with jQuery
Adding Twitter feeds to a site
Adding PayPal buttons to pages
Uploading photos to your web site
Embedding videos for different browsers and devices
Parsing and placing a YouTube video feed
本文链接: https://www.books51.com/187903.html
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查看网页源码视频教程 TLF-SOFT-Lynda com View Source-iNKiSO iso → https://www.books51.com/187903.html |
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