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由Lynda出品的Drupal 7创建和编辑自定义主题教程。
主讲:Chaz Chumley
教程所使用的软件:Drupal 7

Drupal是一个开源的内容管理系统(CMS) 平台,它是用PHP写成的。主要用于构造提供多种功能和服务的动态网站,这些功能包括用户管理(UserAdministration)、发布工作流 (Publishing Workflow)、讨论、新闻聚合(NewsAggregation)、元数据(Metadata)操作和用于内容共享的XML发布。

Drupal有一 个优秀的模块化结构,提供了许多模块,包括短消息、个性化书签、网站管理、Blog、日记、电子商务、电子出版、留言簿、Job、网上电影院、论坛、投票 等模块。并且Drupal模块的下载、安装、定制非常方便。Chaz Chumley概述了Drupal的主题管理,并概述主题化的基本概念,如模板,地区和变量。课程探讨Drupal的默认主题如何配置和结构以及如何安装和编辑主题。本课程还探讨了设计人员需要创建一个Drupal 7主题的工具,使用HTML, CSS ,PHP和Drupal的模板,或迁移现有的Drupal 6到Drupal 7的主题。这门课程包括练习文件。

Drupal 7: Creating and Editing Custom Themes shows the tools and techniques needed to build custom web sites with Drupal. Author Chaz Chumley introduces Drupal theme administration and takes a look at basic theming concepts, such as templates, regions, and variables. The course explores how Drupal default themes are configured and structured and how to install and edit a theme. The course also explores the tools a designer needs to create a Drupal 7 theme, using HTML, CSS, PHP, and Drupal templates, or migrate an existing Drupal 6 theme to Drupal 7. Exercise files are included with this course.

Topics include:
Installing Drupal 7 on Mac or Windows
Using the Devel and Theme Developer modules
Understanding templates and variables
Choosing global and theme specific settings
Exploring how CSS and JavaScript references work in Drupal
Creating a theme roadmap
Creating the theme folder, structure, and .info file
Customizing HTML templates and variables
Creating template regions and rendering page variables
Optimizing site CSS and JavaScript
Understanding performance considerations such as caching
Migrating themes from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7

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Drupal 7创建和编辑自定义主题教程 TLF-SOFT-LYNDA COM DRUPAL 7 CREATING AND EDITING CUSTOM THEMES-JWARE iso → https://www.books51.com/186948.html



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