Adobe Premiere Elements 11视频编辑软件教程 TLF-SOFT-Lynda com Up and Running with Premiere Elements 11-QUASAR iso
- 29 10 月, 2022
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由Lynda出品的Adobe Premiere Elements 11视频编辑软件教程
主讲:Steve Grisetti
教程所使用的软件:Premiere Elements 11
Adobe Premiere Elements 11软件可帮助您使用智能的自动选项编辑视频,通过专业品质的效果优化影片,然后在几乎任何屏幕上分享影片。您可以将日常视频轻松转换为有纪念意义的家庭影片,尽享生活中的精彩瞬间。
通过“即时影片”利用好莱坞导演的技术,自动编辑您的最佳剪辑并配上所选影片主题的的音乐、字幕和效果。包含新主题。使用 Adobe Premiere Elements 11 满足所有视频需要。导入和组织剪辑,手动编辑这些剪辑或使用自动选项,以及在几乎任何屏幕上分享您的影片。使用 FilmLooks 功能为您的影片应用喜爱的电影风格。轻松组合不同场景的元素来获得娱乐效果。以及添加数百个令人惊讶的特殊效果和过渡,包括新选项。
使用 Adobe Premiere Elements 自动修复摇晃镜头、颜色和光线问题,修剪掉除最佳镜头外的所有镜头,平衡音频元素使整个影片获得专业质量的音效。用视频或照片记录您的过往,使所有的记忆都熠熠生辉。例如,像处理照片一样轻松增强视频剪辑的色彩,以及使用自定义的平移和缩放动作让照片具有电影般的效果。
Whether you’re new to the program altogether or a pro who needs a refresher on the latest features, author Steve Grisetti gets you up and running quickly with Premiere Elements 11, the affordable and intuitive video-editing program from Adobe.
The course walks through the entire editing workflow, from importing and organizing your raw assets, to timeline editing in Quick view and Expert view, to sharing your work on DVD, Blu-ray, or on the web. Along the way, you’ll discover how to enhance your basic videos with voiceover, slow motion, transitions, titles, and a solid soundtrack. In less than three hours, this course will show you what you need to know to create polished gems from almost any kind of raw footage, from tape-based DV, to AVCHD, to smartphone and iPad video footage.
Topics include:
Capturing video from a camcorder
Importing media on your computer
Managing media with the Organizer
Adding clips, slice, trim, and ripple edits
Creating a motion path with the Pan & Zoom tool
Speeding up or slowing down video segments with Time Remapping
Color-correcting video
Building custom music tracks with Quicktracks
Creating fade-ins and fade-outs
Adding text animation
Keyframing video effects
Burning a DVD or Blu-ray disc
Uploading your video to Facebook or YouTube
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