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Lynda.com 出品的时长26分钟的 After Effects学徒: 预览界面 视频教程。这部简短培训是为那些从来没有使用过Adobe After Effects或可能需要它是如何布局的进修课程。Chris Meyer带你了解程序界面,帮助你克服许多“空白绘画“人首次使用该程序面临的担心。是一部优秀的教学,对任何新用户开始使用前的首个指导教学。本教程附带练习文件。(转自TLF)


This short course is designed for those who have never used Adobe After Effects, or those who might need a refresher course on how it is laid out. Chris Meyer takes a whirlwind tour through the program, helping overcome the blank canvas fear that confronts many the first time they launch the program. It will serve as both an excellent introduction to the After Effects Apprentice lessons on lynda.com, as well as a preliminary overview for any new user before launching into their first tutorial or class. Exercise files are included with the course.
The After Effects Apprentice video lessons on lynda.com are designed to be used on their own or as a companion to Trish and Chris Meyer’s acclaimed tutorial book, After Effects Apprentice.

Topics include:
Understanding the user interface
Customizing the user interface
Importing sources, including using Adobe Bridge
Managing compositions
Previewing work
Rendering (exporting) a creation


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Lynda com出品After Effects学习01 预览界面 视频教程 TLF-SOFT-Lynda com After Effects Apprentice Pre-Roll-QUASAR iso → https://www.books51.com/186868.html



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