英语语音训练 (Pronunciation Practice Activities)wma+pdf
- 27 10 月, 2022
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这本《英语语音训练》由剑桥大学出版社出版,英语原名叫Pronunciation Practice Activities – A Resource Book for Teaching English Pronunciation,作者Martin Hewings,是剑桥的Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers(剑桥语言教师手册)系列。书中包含各种精心设计的语音练习,部分内容配有高质量录音(凡是有录音的练习,书上都标了CD图标)。原本是为教授英语语音的教师设计的,但也适合学生自学,学生自己使用时,可以专注于有录音的练习,并适当学习其它讲解。
wma音频文件 64kbps+44khz 英音 + 扫描版pdf 246页 (不是自己扫的 质量一般 请见谅)
This is a resource book for teachers looking for ideas on making pronunciation teaching more interesting. It contains a collection of pronunciation practice activities for a wide range of levels, using a variety of methods. Divided into two parts, the first part introduces information about phonetics and phonology as background to the teaching activities, without being overwhelming. It also highlights some of the current areas of debate and discussion in the teaching and learning of English pronunciation. The second part of the book contains nearly 100 pronunciation activities divided into eight sections: Developing awareness; Sounds; Connected speech: Syllables and stress; Intonation; Pronunciation and spelling,grammar and vocabulary; Testing and Resources for pronunciation teaching. Teachers are encouraged to use a variety of demonstration aids such as rubber bands and kazoos to highlight the sounds and patterns, making pronunciation lessons fun. The book is packaged with an audio CD with material to support the activities.
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