
英文名称:Longman Active Study Dictionary


QUOTE它跟牛津词典等著名的英文工具书都是不可取代的。此电子版最大的特点有几个,首先它具有标准的英国和美国真人发音,决不是有些所谓软件说的真人发音,一听就知道是机器发的,这绝对是真人。其次,图文声并茂,例如您输入cat,它会查出所有关于猫的信息,并且配有图,可放大,还会给您播放一段猫叫的录音。旁边会有所有的语法信息,众多的例句,并且有延伸含义,例如a rich person 就是 fat cat。还有强大的练习功能,分为语法练习、词汇练习、文化练习、听写练习、实践练习等。另外还有众多强大的功能有待您开发,是学习英文必不可少的工具光盘。本人感觉,它有超越大百科全书的感觉。

45000 words and phrasea, including SPOKEN ENGLISH and NEW WORDS-from website to eco-warrior

Thousanda of examples, based on the British National Corpus and the Longman American Corpus

3000 ACTIVE WORDS tell you which words are the most important, so you can learn these first

16 colour pages with vocabulary exercises give you practice in useing English

Usage Notes and Study Pages, based on the Longman Learners Corpus, help you avoid making mistakes

FREE built-in workbook for classroom practice or self-study-now in full colour

Headwords in colour for easier access

complete contents of the Longman Active Study Dictionary

all headwords pronounced!

exercises to practise your English

CD-ROM edition

The completely new Longman Active Study Dictionary CD-ROM includes:

Full dictionary for quick reference

All headwords prounounced in British and American English

Thousands of example sentences pronounced, so students can hear the intonation of words in a sentence

Record and check your own pronunciation

Photo dictionary ?thousands of photos organised by topic

Hundreds of sound and video clips

Learner's Handbook provides help with writing and grammar

Thousands of varied interactive exercises for self-study or use in class, including FCE and IELTS exam practice

Pop-up dictionary ?instant definitions for words while writing or reading an e-mail or a Word document or browsing on the internet.

QUOTEComputer Specification CD-ROM
Pentium 133 Mhz
32 MB RAM 
100 MB free on hard disk 
32Mb RAM MPC compatible audio card
CD-ROM or DVD drive
Windows 98
Windows NT
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Windows XP Home and Professional

There is no Macintosh version of this product


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