3DS MAX VRay室外全局照明 (Gnomon Global Illumination :Exteriors Vray Lighting Tec
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英文名: Gnomon Global Illumination :Exteriors Vray Lighting Techniques
资源格式: RMVB
版本: 有中文字幕
发行时间: 2006年12月
Gnomon Global Illumination Exteriors Vray Lighting Techniques 是Gnomon发行为数不多的3D Max教程之一,是不可多得的又一精典之作!那么到底什么是Global Illumination呢?它的作用如何呢?
Global Illumination(全局照明)是一个和Local Illumination(局部照明)相对的概念。绝大部分简单的3D软件都能提供Local Illumination的支持。但是Local Illumination在应用上有极大的局限。Local Illumination只考虑光源对目标物体的改变,而不去考虑该光源对其他对象的影响。而在Global Illumination中光线对于目标对象以外的影响将会被同时计算。现代的全局照明往往同时包含了光线追踪渲染和辐射度渲染,渲染器用辐射度计算出全局与视图无关的照明方案,然后Ray tracing使用这个方案渲染跟视图相关的图像并增加镜像高光和反射。现阶段应用最广泛的Mental Ray、Final Render等渲染器都提供了对GI的支持。
In this lecture on the subject of Global Illumination lighting techniques, Christopher Nichols discusses the subject of exterior lighting. This DVD covers a general introduction to the principles of Global Illumination, which are essential to the understanding of this specialized form of lighting. While the series primarily uses V-Ray as the render engine in a 3ds Max environment, those using other GI renderers will also benefit from the conceptual techniques described. From the general concepts of reflected specular and diffuse light, to sky lights and image based lighting with HDRIs, Christopher shows how to light scenes using real world lighting in a fully reflective environment. He also demonstrates how to tackle the issues of animation by finding the most optimal way to bake lighting for exterior sets. This series is geared toward the CG artist that already has an intermediate understanding of direct lighting and is making the transition to GI lighting.
Principles of Global Illumination (全局照明原理)
Specular and Diffuse Reflection (镜面反射和漫反射)
Comparison of Different Techniques Sky Lights (Sky 灯光的不同技术比较)
mage Based Lighting (基于Mage的灯光照明)
Using HDRIs (HDRIs的使用)
Animation Issues in GI (GI中的动画问题)
Baking Lighting Animation (动画烘焙照明)
01: It Is All About Reflection(关于反射)
02: Methods of Producing Diffuse Scatter(产生漫反射分布的方法)
03: Environment Light(环境灯光)
04: Image Based Lighting(图像照明)
05: Lighting an Exterior Scene(室外场景照明)
06: Changing the Mood(模式转换)
07: The Problem with Animation(动画中的问题)
08: Animation for Large Scenes(大场景动画)
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3DS MAX VRay室外全局照明 (Gnomon Global Illumination :Exteriors Vray Lighting Tec → https://www.books51.com/157957.html |
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