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中文名: Lynda.com Flash CS3 Pro新功能教学

英文名: Lynda.com Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training

资源格式: 光盘镜像

发行时间: 2007年



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Lynda.com Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training

Lynda.com出品的Flash CS3 Pro新功能教学视频教程,MOV格式。讲师Rich Shupe,教学內容详实,是学习Flash CS3的绝佳教材。

Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training
with: Rich Shupe
In Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training, instructor Rich Shupe delves into the key aspects of working with Flash CS3 to create professional animations, design interactive websites, and incorporate audio and video into self-contained presentations. The training covers using the drawing and color tools, mastering the essentials of animation, and working with type, graphics, sound, and video. Rich also introduces the essentials of working with ActionScript 3.0. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.


02.Getting Started
03.Drawing Essentials
04.Color Essentials
05.Symbols Essentials
06.Timeline Essentials
07.Testing and Publishing Your Files
08.Image Essentials
09.Animation Essentials
10.Text Essentials
11.Using Filters and Blend Modes
12.Using Components
13.Sound Essentials
14.Video Essentials
15.Introduction to ActionScript
16.Putting it All Together

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     ?    C A F F E i N E ( C F E ) (C) ???稗 哕 ?????????????
    策哌咣      P R E S E N T S . . .     ???蒉 鞍 ????????????
   哕?  ?                                                    
    曹? 卑 Lynda.com.Flash.CS3.Professional.Essential.Training.DVD-CFE
    槽   ?                                            
    曹?    Packager ……. : CFE Team  
    曹?    Our Rls Date … : April 2007                  
    槽      Store Date ….. : April 2007
   哕?     Platform ……. : ALL                              
    曹?    Program Type … : Training                              
   哕?     Protection ….. : Condom                                              
    曹?    Cracker …….. : N/A        
    槽      Size ……….. : 16 x 50mb
   哕?     Format ……… : ISO

    Release Notes .. :
    In Flash CS3 Essential Training, instructor Rich Shupe delves into the key aspects
    of working with Flash CS3 to create professional animations, design interactive web
    sites, and incorporate audio and video into self-contained presentations. The
    training teaches how to use the drawing and color tools, the essentials of animation,
    and how to work with type, graphics, sound, and video. Plus, the training introduces
    the essentials of working with ActionScript 3.0. Exercise files accompany the tutorial.

    02.Getting Started
    03.Drawing Essentials
    04.Color Essentials
    05.Symbols Essentials
    06.Timeline Essentials
    07.Testing and Publishing Your Files
    08.Image Essentials
    09.Animation Essentials
    10.Text Essentials
    11.Using Filters and Blend Modes
    12.Using Components
    13.Sound Essentials
    14.Video Essentials
    15.Introduction to ActionScript
    16.Putting it All Together


   哕? ?  We Need:                                        
    槽        [X]  10mbit + 4TB+ Archive sites.
   哕?       [X]  100mbit+ Affil Sites. (this includes sites with german sections
    曹?           not located in .at/.de/.ch);)  …  EDU sites, take a hike.
    曹?      [X]  30mbit + Dumpsites 200GB+ (legit) for exclusive group use.
    槽        [ ]  Experienced Crackers/Cappers/Rippers
   哕? ?    [ ]  Suppliers of pre-retail items.
    槽            Email: say@what                        
   哕? ?                                    Rewards Available!!                        
    槽      Greets ……… :                                        
    曹??   HiV, AIDS, NBS, TV, LOL, CTP, Deviance, Replica, AG          
    槽 ? ?   and all other groups out there who still bring quality stuff to the scene!                                                
    薏 ??      Respects to FLT and other groups that are/were in peril  
   苒圯 ??                                                      
  槽圹? ?     ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?
捋圹圹曹 懿哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策??
  哌鄄哌卟 哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哕  ??? ?
                                                    ? ??  ?鞍 ?苘圹苘??
             – [ ASCii By j0h2n Of HighOnASCii ] –        ? ?  败圹膊膊槽??
                                                   ? ? ??  ?圹??  膊槽 ?
                  – [ Edited By `high!HoA ] –        ?     ??薏郯??  膊草
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