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中文名: ID 精华教程

英文名: VTC MasterClass Adobe InDesign Productivity Essentials Tutorials

资源格式: 光盘镜像

发行时间: 2008年



IPB Image


VTC 的大师班教程 – Adobe InDesign 生产力精华教程,Brian White 主讲,时长1个半小时,44 节课程。

Adobe InDesign 是一个全新的,宣告针对艺术排版的程序,提供给图像设计师、产品包装师和印前专家。InDesign 内含数百个提升到一个新层次的特性,涵盖创意、精度、控制在当今的诸多排版软件所不具备的特性。

本教程提供给经验丰富的 InDesign 用户以提示和技巧,将提高他们的使用及生产力。课程主要教导使用 InDesign CS3,但是许多教学视频涉及到所有版本。

VTC's MasterClass! – Adobe InDesign Productivity Essentials offers experienced InDesign users tips and tricks which will enhance their use and productivity. The tutorial is taught using InDesign CS3 but many movies relate to all versions.

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    ?    C A F F E i N E ( C F E ) (C) ???稗 哕 ?????????????
    策哌咣      P R E S E N T S . . .    ???蒉 鞍 ????????????
  哕?  ?
    曹? 卑 VTC.Fundamentals.of.Computer.Security-CFE
    槽  ?
    曹?    Packager ……. : CFE Team
    曹?    Our Rls Date … : June 2008
    槽      Store Date ….. : 2008
  哕?    Platform ……. : All
    曹?    Program Type … : Training
  哕?    Protection ….. : Condom
    曹?    Cracker …….. : N/A
    槽      Size ……….. : 34 x 15mb
  哕?    Format ……… : Bin/Cue

        Release Notes .. :

        In this age of malware, identity theft, and hackers, both computer users and network administrators
        have to know how to secure their systems. VTC's Fundamentals of Computer Security will take you
        through the basics of protecting your computer systems and networks from these threats.
        Veteran VTC author Bobby Rogers will provide in-depth explanation on the foundational concepts and
        terms necessary to lock down your system and prevent attacks from both the Internet and malicious users.

        Link: [url]http://www.vtc.com/products/Fundamentals_of_Computer_Security_Tutorials.htm[/url]

        Enjoy !        

        PS: A few HQs are needed! U know how to find us!

  哕? ?    We are currently looking for:
  哕?      [X]  100mbit+ .EU legit affil sites (CZ DK FI HU GR LT NO PL RO RU SE SK UK)
    槽        [X]  Suppliers WANTED for unreleased bookware/samplecds/videostock such as:
  哕? ?        Total Training/Digital Tutors/Digital Juice/Artbeats or anything similar.
    曹?          Don't hesistate to contact us NOW!
  哕? ?
    曹??    Greets ……… :
    槽 ? ?
    圹??    AG SoSISO JGTiSO SaG W3D and the ones we forgot.. :)
    薏 ??
  苒圯 ??
  槽圹? ?    ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
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  哌鄄哌卟 哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哕  ??? ?
                                                    ? ??  ?鞍 ?苘圹苘??
            – [ ASCii By j0h2n Of HighOnASCii ] –        ? ?  败圹膊膊槽??
                                                  ? ? ??  ?圹??  膊槽 ?
                  – [ Edited By `high!HoA ] –        ?    ??薏郯??  膊草
                                                    ???? ? 鄄鞍鞍?鞍 膊?
                                                    ?  ?? ?槽鞍鞍鞍??佰
      Group Info:                                  ?    ? ?稗脖北北北卑安莅
        Email:                                        ?  ??槽郾脖卑北辈坜
        WWW  : Never                                      ??苻脖鄄脖北槽圹?
        IRC  : Not Public                                ? 苓佰脖斑圹圻?辈莅
                                                        ?  ? 薏???? 臂?
                                                            哕 苒卑  ?辈臂莅
                                                          ?  斑捋???辈脖圯
                                                                捋北 ?辈脖佰?
                                                              ?圹? 辈脖安?
                                                              ??咣膊卑辈圻 ?
                                                              ?? 哌圹?  ?
                  Nfo Last Updated: 06-08-2007                  ? ?  


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