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Stefano Bollani -Joy in Spite of Everything(苦中作乐)[24 bits 44 KHz][FLAC]

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        专辑英文名: Joy in Spite of Everything
专辑中文名: 苦中作乐
歌手: Stefano Bollani
音乐风格: 爵士
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [24 bits 44 KHz]
发行时间: 2014年08月25日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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史帝法诺.柏那尼:苦中作乐 Stefano Bollani: Joy In Spite Of Everything (CD) 【ECM】
曾被亦父亦友的义大利国宝级小号手恩利科.拉瓦(Enrico Rava)讚赏是「A real poet of the piano」的义籍钢琴家史帝法诺.柏那尼(Stefano Bollani),自2000年后开始发迹,从Venus Records起家、尔后在ECM大放异彩、甚至也参与了Decca的盖西文作品录音,而年满42岁的他已晋升为爵士大师之列,说是Stefano Bollani引领著这近年来欧陆爵士钢琴的脉络也绝不为过。
本专辑《苦中作乐》(Joy In Spite Of Everything)是五年前令人惊异的钢琴三重奏作品《水中石》(Stone In The Water / ECM2080)的另一种延续,依旧採用了Stefano Bollani Trio的基础编制,更邀请了两位美籍爵士高手助阵-在各大小知名厂牌缔造无数功绩的吉他名家Bill Frisell、以及近年最火红的年轻萨克斯风手Mark Turner,值得一提的是这两位共同的特质就是它们具备「独到的个人特质」,这么说的确是挺饶舌,但是在高演奏技术的世界中,要创造出独树一格的个人魅力儼然成为极为重要的必备功课。在这两位高人助阵的加持之下,Stefano Bollani Trio的音乐色彩更加地丰富,非常值得注目的标题曲「Joy In Spite Of Everything」复合著多样的音乐元素,韵味独特、是首乘著高速bass line自由驰骋的异色之作。
从前有人如此地评论过Stefano Bollani的演奏风格-「杂耍般的幽默和苦乐参半的反思,正如同一部费里尼的电影。」我正认为这样的形容完全切合了本作的名称《苦中作乐》(Joy In Spite Of Everything),同时拥有热情洋溢的外向性格与细腻卓越的音乐感受力,基本上这是彼此相互矛盾的人格特质,但是Stefano Bollani却将这份复杂情感表达的切合到位,就像是在演奏著他自己本人一样迷人。
商品条码 : 0602537844593
商品编号 : ECM2360
艺人/团体 : 史帝法诺柏那尼 Stefano Bollani - 查看所有专辑
专辑名称 : 苦中作乐
Joy In Spite Of Everything
音乐类型 : 爵士 [CD 三重奏(唱)]
发行公司/日期 : 极光 2014/11/7
制作公司 : ECM
内含片数 : 1
Mark Turner - tenor saxophone
Bill Frisell - guitar
Stefano Bollani - piano
Jesper Bodilsen - double bass
Morten Lund - drums
01. Easy Healing
02. No Pope No Party
03. Alobar e Kudra
04. Las Hortensias
05. Vale
06. Teddy
07. Ismene
08. Tales From The Time Loop
09. Joy In Spite Of Everything
Total duration: 75:57
Release Date August 25, 2014
Duration 01:15:51
Genre Jazz
Styles Post-Bop  Modern Creative  Western European Traditions
Recording DateJune, 2013
Recording Location Avatar Studios, New York
AllMusic Review by Thom Jurek  [-]
On Joy in Spite of Everything, Italian pianist Stefano Bollani reconvened his longstanding trio with drummer Morten Lund and bassist Jesper Bodilsen. They recorded three previous dates together, the most recent being 2009's excellent Stone in the Water on ECM. Bollani has continually displayed -- from his dates with mentor Enrico Rava, on solo offerings, and with other leaders, that his playing and composing signatures are not only versatile and Catholic in their approach to jazz, but informed equally by the building blocks and possibilities of song itself. To that end, he has added two more players to this date, guitarist Bill Frisell and saxophonist Mark Turner. The group performs on these tunes not only as a quintet, but in various quartets, trios, and duets. The tracks are long enough to stretch a bit and offer a wide, colorful palette of approaches. Opener "Easy Healing" has a calypso-cum-plena vibe that allows for lovely interplay from the rhythm section, but also between Frisell and Turner -- who is unusually lyrical rather than cerebral -- in his solo. It's followed by "No Pope No Party." With knotty, stop-and-start post-bop as its entryway, it swings throughout even when it moves afield; the dialogue between saxophonist and pianist is canny, with Frisell's solo melding straight-ahead swing with Americana. "Alobar e Kudra" is a piano trio that offers Bollani's fluid voicings, light and dark, balanced by shimmering ostinati as the rhythm section digs in and extrapolates on them. "Las Hortensias" is a long, moody ballad for a quartet with lovely understated work by the pianist. Turner explores the fringes of the melody and engages in counterpoint after his restrained solo break. The set's lengthiest number is "Vale." It commences skeletally as a nearly formless, languid, balladic improvisation. Bollani brings angles into view after his own solo, touching on post-bop, Nino Rota's delicate classicism, and the Italian jazz tradition, but it's Turner's solo that shines brightest. "Teddy," a duet with Frisell, was inspired by pianist Teddy Wilson, though its sparse, impressionistic opening would hardly suggest that. Nonetheless, in its sprightly, swinging dialogue, one can hear its subject's influence -- though musically it reaches much further. "Ismene" is a beautiful ballad, and a fine vehicle for Frisell's instinctive manner of chordal voicings and poignant lyrical fills. The closing title track for Bollani's trio is fleet, wildly creative post-bop that shows off just how intuitive the group's development has become in the last decade. Joy in Spite of Everything's myriad colors and moods illustrate its title -- even in the most melancholy places. As an album it reveals how confident and sensitive Bollani is, in full command of his musical range and technical facility -- as composer, bandleader, pianist, and arranger -- as well as in the depth of his honesty in emotional expression.
Stefano Bollani ‎– Joy In Spite Of Everything
Label: ECM Records ‎– ECM 2360, ECM Records ‎– 378 4459
Format: CD, Album
Country: Germany
Released: 22 Aug 2014
Genre: Jazz
Style: Contemporary Jazz
Stefano Bollani: Stefano Bollani: Joy In Spite Of Everything
John Kelman By JOHN KELMAN
August 19, 2014   
Stefano Bollani: Stefano Bollani: Joy in Spite of Everything Anyone who's had the pleasure of watching pianist Stefano Bollani in concert—whether it's in duo with fellow Italian, trumpter Enrico Rava, at the 2009 TD Ottawa Jazz Festival; in the trumpeter's New York Days quintet at the ECM 40th Anniversary celebration, part of the 2010 Enjoy Jazz Festival; or in one of his own various contexts (solo, trio, large ensemble)—knows that, above all, joy is fundamental to the music he makes. Sometimes it's blatantly obvious, as on his 2013 duo release with bandolim master Hamilton de Holanda, O Que Sera (ECM), where these two virtuosos could barely contain themselves and the fun they were having at this documented live performance literally leaps out of the speakers; other times it's more subtle, as the pianist demonstrated on his duo recording with Rava, The Third Man (ECM, 2008). But at a time when the world seems filled with strife and conflict, it needs music like Bollani's Joy In Spite of Everything, an album whose title not only says it all, but reflects the music contained within.
After his ECM leader debut, the encyclopedic Piano Solo (2007), the Puckish pianist reconvened his Danish trio of bassist Jesper Bodilsen and drummer Morten Lund—together, now, for more than a decade, having first recorded two albums for the Danish Stunt imprint (2003's Mi ritorni in mente and 2005's Gleda: Songs from Scandinavia)—for the superb Stone in the Water (ECM, 2009). It's those same players that Bollani has recruited for the Euro side of the transatlantic group responsible for Joy in Spite of Everything, a recording brimming with joy, surprise, rapid-fire responses and, beyond the chemistry shared by Bollani, Bodilsen and Lund, the unabashed lightheartedness of the two American musicians the pianist has chosen to flesh out his quintet.
Guitarist Bill Frisell's credentials are long-established, but beyond his seemingly endless capacity for fitting into any context, whether it's reconciling with Jon Cowherd's Midwestern roots on the pianist's Mercy (ArtistShare, 2014) or examining the music of his own youth during his 2014 Guitar in the Space Age! tour, any who've had the pleasure of watching him perform know that he, too, shares the unapologetic joy, sense of mischief and lightning reflexes that make him a perfect fit for Bollani and his trio. Saxophonist Mark Turner may be the one who seems, at least on paper, a little out of place—a more cerebral player though, as he demonstrated in Rava's New York Days group, both on the 2008 ECM recording and 2010 Enjoy Jazz performance, one ready with plenty of firepower and passion, should the need arise.
And the need arises plenty on Joy in Spite of Everything, as Bollani steers his quintet through a set of nine original compositions that run the gamut from the lightly buoyant, Latin-esque "Easy Healing" and knottier-themed and idiosyncratically swinging "No Pope No Party," to the delicate classicism of "Alobar E Kudra" and darker-hued "Las Hortensias." Throughout, there's plenty of stretching room for everyone (only three tracks clock in at under eight minutes); the playful "Vale"—the literal centrepiece of the album—may begin in more abstruse and atmospheric territory but builds, over the course of twelve minutes, to more dramatic solo features, first for Bollani. Turner, whose range and firmly controlled altissimo have long been defining strengths, turns in his best solo of the set here, all the while with Frisell creating an underpinning of responsive support that always manages to work in concert with Bollani—no small challenge for two chordal players who have plenty to contribute yet, with ears wide open, manage to avoid stepping on each other's toes throughout.
Of course, Frisell is featured plenty as well, in particular on "Teddy, a piano/guitar duo that, despite being written by Bollani for Teddy Wilson, goes places the swing-era pianist could never have conceived possible as the two orbit around each other with remarkable intuition, obliquely lyrical lines flowing in all directions until the two finally converge on the theme, which briefly makes a direct reference to the tradition. It's not long, however, before the two leap off once again into uncharted territory where it's less about who is soloing and more about a unified sense of purpose that relies on a telepathic connection all the more remarkable for this not only being a first meeting with Frisell (and Turner), but for there being no advance planning—nothing but five musicians walking into a studio with a book of nine songs and two days to record.
Frisell also excels on "Ismene," a beautiful ballad that harkens back, somehow, to the early days of the label and some of its most groundbreaking and redefining work, where the notes left out are as important—and as fully intended—as those that are played. Frisell's tone has clarified, over the decades, into something both feathery light and sinewy, his gorgeous harmonics, octave playing and lazy, behind the beat lines filled with glorious space that Bollani finds ways to fill without losing their intrinsic cinematic openness. On this trio-plus-guitar piece, Bodilsen and Lund are particularly effective, implicit in their building of a temporal foundation, yet firm enough to provide both Bollani and Frisell with the trust they need to go wherever the music takes them.
Throughout, the chemistry shared by Bollani, Bodilsen and Lund—and Bollani's magical ability to somehow seem like he's in many places at once, as he pushes the music forward while, at the same time, resounding to everything going on around him—both define the recording and make it a worthy successor to Stone in the Water. At a time when there is so much despair and flat-out hatred and intolerance, albums like Joy in Spite of Everything provide hope: hope that, if there are people like Bollani, Turner, Frisell, Bodilsen and Lund in the world capable of music like this, then maybe, just maybe, there's hope for the rest of us to share in some of that joy, too.
Track Listing: Easy Healing; No Pope No Party; Alobar e Kudra; Las Hortensias; Vale; Teddy; Ismene; Tales from the Time Loop; Joy in Spite of Everything.
Personnel: Mark Turner: tenor saxophone; Bill Frisell: guitar; Stefano Bollani: piano; Jesper Bodilsen: double bass; Morten Lund: drums.
Title: Stefano Bollani: Joy in Spite of Everything | Year Released: 2014 | Record Label: ECM Records
Companies, etc.
Phonographic Copyright (p) – ECM Records GmbH
Copyright (c) – ECM Records GmbH
Recorded At – Avatar Studios
Design – Sascha Kleis
Double Bass – Jesper Bodilsen
Drums – Morten Lund (2)
Engineer [Recording] – James A. Farber*
Guitar – Bill Frisell
Mixed By – Manfred Eicher, Stefano Bollani
Mixed By [Engineer] – Stefano Amerio
Music By – Stefano Bollani
Photography By [Cover Photo] – Valentina Cenni
Photography By [Liner Photos] – Paolo Soriani
Piano – Stefano Bollani
Producer – Manfred Eicher
Tenor Saxophone – Mark Turner (2)
Recorded June 2013
Avatar Studios, New York
Mixed March 2014 in Lugano
An ECM Production
℗ 2014 ECM Records GmbH
© 2014 ECM Records GmbH
Barcode and Other Identifiers
Barcode: 6 02537 84459 3
Rights Society: GEMA
Label Code: LC 02516

1. Easy Healing 9:25
2. No Pope No Party 8:07
3. Alobar E Kudra 6:00
4. Las Hortensias 8:30
5. Vale 12:21
6. Teddy 7:07
7. Ismene 8:47
8. Tales From The Time Loop 9:37
9. Joy In Spite Of Everything 5:58
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