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Rachel Podger -拉克儿四首巴赫小提琴协奏曲(Bach Double & Triple Concertos )[SACD-r]

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        专辑英文名: Bach Double & Triple Concertos
专辑中文名: 拉克儿四首巴赫小提琴协奏曲
艺术家: Rachel Podger
古典类型: 协奏曲
版本: [SACD-r]
发行时间: 2013年06月11日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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拉克儿 宝洁儿 Rachel Podger,出生於英国,在德国的鲁道夫斯坦因音乐学校习音乐,然后再回英国习小提琴,曾在Guildhall学校师事Perry Hart,和多位大师习音乐,后来喜爱上古乐器与音乐,逐而三加古乐团,成为小提琴古乐家,她最喜爱拉奏十七世纪和十八世纪的古乐曲,在1997年她并和古乐指挥家宾诺克合作过演出,她现在是乐坛的顶佳独奏家及演出家,受各地的竞邀不断,本片他拉奏巴哈的小提琴协奏曲,BWV1043.44.1064.1060的好听协奏曲,她以巴洛克名琴"Pesarinius" Genoa的漂亮声音,使本片的音乐更有松香味十足,空气感及音乐性完美! 本片为DSD-SACD多轨录音,普通CD也可播放。
屡获多个国际重要奖项包括大奖的女小提琴家普捷(Rachel Podger) 所推出的专辑每次均好评如潮,更荣获多本权威音乐杂誌如"留声机杂誌(Gramophone)"、"时代週刊(Times)"等的编辑推介,与及荣获"分 音音乐(Diapason d'Or)"大奖,其深厚的造诣与及技巧和感情的表达都是绝顶出色,能奏出活泼而生动兼音色纯净而细腻的琴音,绝对妙极。"布雷康巴洛克乐团 (Brecon Baroque)"由普捷於2007年成立并担任领导,成员包括小提琴家宝扬.奇契克(Bojan Cicic)、约翰内斯.帕拉姆索勒(Johannes Pramsohler);中提琴家珍.罗杰斯(Jane Rodgers)、扬.史宾莎(Jan Spencer);大提琴家艾莉森.麦克吉尔里瑞 (Alison McGillivray)与及古键琴演奏家克里斯托.毕克勒(Christopher Bucknall),每位音乐家也极具份量,实力不用置疑。由普捷带领"布雷康巴洛克乐团"合力演绎有"音乐之父"美誉的德国传奇音乐家巴哈(J.S.Bach)的[D小调双小提琴协奏曲,BWV1043(Concerto for Two Violins in D minor)]、[A小调给大键琴、长笛及小提琴的协奏曲,BWV1044(Concerto for harpsichord, Flute and Violin in A minor,BWV1044)]、[C小调给小提琴及双簧管的协奏曲,BWV1060R(Concerto for Violin and Oboe in C minor,BWV1060R)]和 [D大调给三小提琴的协奏曲,BWV1064R(Concerto for Three Violins in D major,BWV1064R)]等,配合最传真、专业的SACD发烧录音制式制作,倍添丰盈的空间感,让双小提琴、三小提琴及配合其他乐器层次更为鲜明、丰富!
【SACD】拉克儿四首巴赫小提琴协奏曲J.S. Bach: Double & Triple Concertos / 拉克儿 Rachel Podger
商品条码 : 0723385341130
商品编号 : CCS34113
演奏者 : 拉克儿 Rachel Podger - 查看所有专辑
指挥家 :
乐团 :
作曲家 : 巴哈 Bach - 查看所有专辑
专辑名称 : 四首巴哈小提琴协奏曲
Bach:Double&Triple Concertos
音乐类型 : 古典音乐 [SACD 协奏曲]
发行公司/日期 : 韵顺 2014/3/14
制作公司 :
内含片数 : 1

Performer: Rachel Podger
Orchestra: Brecon Baroque
Conductor: Rachel Podger
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Audio CD (June 11, 2013)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: Hybrid SACD - DSD, Import
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars
Violinist Rachel Podger, who already has impressed with an earlier recording of Bach solo concertos with her Brecon Baroque colleagues, follows with four works for two and three “lead” players, accompanied by a one-to-a-part ripieno. As Podger points out in the informative liner notes, this set-up actually creates a situation where all the players are “concerto-ing”, not just the conventional soloists.
This is especially notable–and obvious–in the singularly elegant, graceful slow movement of the famous “double” concerto, where we hear each instrumental line as a distinct and eloquent participant in the conversation. The fission and fusion, the coincidental me-first assertiveness and power-sharing camaraderie of the solo instruments in the concluding Allegro, are successfully, excitingly conveyed, not by finesse alone, nor by simply imposing on the music an extreme tempo (the refuge of all too many lesser performers of this concerto), but by a careful, hands-on, group-aware control of the conflagration. This is one of those turn-up-the-volume moments that don’t often come along in Bach (outside some of the organ works, or, for instance, the opening chorus of Klemperer’s St. Matthew Passion recording).
The program’s other works follow in the same manner, the period string instruments–most of them originals or modern copies of 18th-century models–producing a rich, vibrant ensemble timbre, and the performers–some of the world’s finest Baroque specialists–embracing, owning, and, yes, selling this music as if it were today’s latest big thing, brought to us with the same meticulous attention to sound that Channel Classics has maintained since its founding in 1990. Podger, Brecon Baroque, and Channel Classics don’t give us anything earth-shaking or ground-breaking here; that’s not the point. This is simply terrific period-music performance for modern ears that promises nothing less than a solid hour of pleasurable listening–truly the Joy of Bach.
Release Date May 13, 2013
Duration 01:05:17
Genre Classical
Styles Concerto
Recording DateOctober, 2012
AllMusic Review by James Manheim [-]
There are numerous recordings of Bach's concertos avec plusieurs instruments, or with several instruments, as he called them. Posterity has labeled them double and triple concertos, but Bach's characterization lends support to Rachel Podger's interpretation here, which is based on the supposition that Bach's orchestra in such works consisted of one instrument per part. There are still many objections to this idea, beginning with the fact that the concertos of Vivaldi that served as Bach's model were demonstrably played by larger forces (Rousseau called the ensemble at the Ospedale della Pietà a "great orchestra"). However, if you want to try out Podger's playing, or the one-instrument-per-part approach, or historically oriented performance in general, this release (or its companion album of violin concertos) makes a good starting point. Podger, who has emerged as one of the leading Baroque violin players in Britain, is altogether appealing here, interacting almost playfully with her partner soloists and her hand-picked and -developed Brecon Baroque ensemble, and delivering sober slow movements that correctly prize contrapuntal detail. The one-instrument-per-part idea is especially defensible in these concertos even if you don't buy it general; Bach even called the Concerto for two violins in D minor, BWV 1043, a "concerto a sei," concerto for six. The Baroque-era instruments have wonderful timbres that define the constantly shifting textures of this music (its primary appeal) beautifully, and the Challenge Classics engineering team gets a big sound out of London's St. John the Evangelist church without booming resonance or stodgy cathedral hollowness. Very well done on all counts.

01. Concerto for 2 violins, strings & continuo in D minor ("Double"), BWV 1043 - (Vivace) - 3:47
02. Concerto for 2 violins, strings & continuo in D minor ("Double"), BWV 1043 - (Largo ma non tanto) - 5:59
03. Concerto for 2 violins, strings & continuo in D minor ("Double"), BWV 1043 - (Allegro) - 4:34
04. Concerto for flute, violin, harpsichord, strings & continuo in A minor ("Triple"), BWV 1044 - (Allegro) - 8:35
05. Concerto for flute, violin, harpsichord, strings & continuo in A minor ("Triple"), BWV 1044 - (Adagio) - 6:01
06. Concerto for flute, violin, harpsichord, strings & continuo in A minor ("Triple"), BWV 1044 - (Alla Breve) - 6:51
07. Concerto for oboe & violin (or 2 violins), strings & continuo (reconstruction), BWV 1060R - (Allegro) - 4:52
08. Concerto for oboe & violin (or 2 violins), strings & continuo (reconstruction), BWV 1060R - (Adagio) - 4:29
09. Concerto for oboe & violin (or 2 violins), strings & continuo (reconstruction), BWV 1060R - (Allegro) - 3:26
10. Concerto for 3 violins, strings & continuo in D major (reconstruction), BWV 1064R - (Allegro) - 6:32
11. Concerto for 3 violins, strings & continuo in D major (reconstruction), BWV 1064R - (Adagio) - 5:43
12. Concerto for 3 violins, strings & continuo in D major (reconstruction), BWV 1064R - (Allegro) - 4:28
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