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Javier Somoza -Segovia的吉他(A Guitar for Segovia )[FLAC]_eD2k地址_古典音乐_音乐下载

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        专辑英文名: A Guitar for Segovia
专辑中文名: Segovia的吉他
艺术家: Javier Somoza
古典类型: 全集作品
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2017年07月01日
地区: 美国
语言: 西班牙语
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这个录音有两个主题:历史悠久的风格,以及由20世纪最伟大的吉他手Andres Segovia制作和演奏的乐器。随著他决心扩大吉他音乐曲目,并将乐器扩展到与西班牙本地人的协会之外,塞戈维亚委託Javier Somoza在这里播放了三件作品:Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco,Variaciones y Fuga sobre laFolía的变奏曲由Ponce的deEspaña和Frank Martin的四个短片组成。塞哥维亚最终决定马丁的成语对於他的品味来说太不协调,所以从来没有打过他们,但是这些作品自此成为了二十世纪中期的经典作品,以及布里顿和亨策的作品。
这张专辑还有一个现代的作品 - 莫里斯·奥哈纳(Maurice Ohana)令人眼花繚乱的Tiento,也回顾了18世纪西班牙语成语,作为年龄之间的枢纽。圣地亚哥德穆尔西亚的两个主题和变化形式的两个例子大概从1730年开始;并开放,索莫查时间回到16世纪西班牙的tientos,由阿隆索·穆达拉三部短片作品。 “塞哥维亚吉他”既是吉他音乐历史上的吸引力之一,也是塞哥维亚乐器的重要记录:伟大的除了丰富的古典吉他音乐图书馆。
这张CD的概念灵感来源於两个来源:作品基於西班牙舞曲“La Follia”的谐波图案,其次是属於AndrésSegovia的吉他,并於1924年由著名的Luthier SantosHernández,并由大师捐赠给马德里的维克托·埃斯皮诺斯音乐图书馆。眾所周知,塞哥维亚在多次世界旅游中都广泛地发挥了作用。
这张CD上的音乐跨越了四个世纪,由Alonso Mudarra,Santiago de Murcia,Maurice Ohana,Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco,Manuel Ponce和Frank Martin组成的作品,这是一个完美探索这个宏伟的乐器丰富的可能性的万花筒。
Javier Somoza是西班牙最重要的吉他手之一。在赢得了几场国际吉他比赛后,他开始了辉煌的个人生涯。旁边是马德里皇家音乐学院音乐学院教授,塞哥维亚吉他学院名誉会员。

Composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
Artist Javier Somoza guitar
Format 1 CD
Cat. number 95487
EAN code 5028421954875
Release July 2017
Released on July 1, 2017 by Brilliant Classics
Main artist: Javier Somoza
Genre: Classical
There are two themes to this recording: the time-honoured genre of the folía, and an instrument made for and played by the greatest guitarist of the 20th century, Andres Segovia. With his determination to expand the repertoire of guitar music and extend the instrument beyond its associations with his native Spain, Segovia commissioned three works played here by Javier Somoza: the Variations à travers les siècles by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Variaciones y Fuga sobre la Folía de España by Ponce and a set of Four Short Pieces by Frank Martin. Segovia eventually decided that Martin’s idiom was too dissonant for his taste and so never played them, but the pieces have since become classics of the mid-20th-century repertoire alongside works by Britten and Henze.
As their titles suggest, however, the other two works have a conscious relationship with the history of the guitar and its repertoire, developed from the lute and vihuela of previous centuries. Ponce only partially fulfilled Segovia’s request for ‘a series of brilliant variations on the Folías de España theme […] in the Classical Italian style of the 18th century.’ What resulted was a monumental, thoroughly eclectic work definitely not in 18th-century style. Segovia, again, decided to adapt the piece for his own ends but Somoza has returned to the original. Meanwhile Castelnuovo-Tedesco, in his first work for the guitar, also consciously embraced eclecticism in a series of different idioms: a stylized chaconne reminiscent of early music; a free variation, a waltz, and a foxtrot.
There is one more modern work on the album – the dazzling Tiento by Maurice Ohana that also looks back to 18th-century Spanish idiom – which functions as a pivot between the ages. Two examples of the folía theme-and-variation form by Santiago de Murcia date from roughly 1730; and to open, Somoza travels back in time to the tientos of 16th-century Spain with three brief works by Alonso Mudarra. ‘A Guitar for Segovia’ is both an absorbing journey through the history of guitar music and an important record of a Segovia instrument: a significant addition to the expansive library of guitar music on Brilliant Classics.
The concept of this CD is inspired by two sources: the works are based on the harmonic pattern of “La Follia”, a characteristic Spanish Dance, and, secondly, the guitar that belonged to Andrés Segovia and was built in 1924 by the famous luthier Santos Hernández, and donated by the maestro to the Victor Espinos Music Library in Madrid. Segovia is known to have played the instrument extensively, on several world tours.
The music on this CD spans 4 centuries, and features works by Alonso Mudarra, Santiago de Murcia, Maurice Ohana, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Manuel Ponce and Frank Martin, a kaleidoscopic repertoire fully exploring the rich possibilities of this magnificent instrument.
Javier Somoza is one of the foremost guitarist of Spain. After winning several international guitar competitions he embarked on a brilliant solo career. Next to that he is Professor at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Musica in Madrid and Honorary member of the Segovia Guitar Academy.

01. Tres libros de música en cifra para vihuela: I. Pavana
02. Tres libros de música en cifra para vihuela: II. Tiento del séptimo tono - Glosa sobre el “cum sancto spiritu” de la misa de “Beata Virgine”, de. Josqui
03. Tres libros de música en cifra para vihuela: III. Tiento del octavo tono - Fantasía que contrahaze la harpa en la manera de Ludovico
04. Del códice saldivar No. 4: I. Folías italianas despacio
05. Del códice saldivar No. 4: II. Folías españolas
06. Tiento
07. Variations à travers les siècles: Chaconne. Var. 1 preludio. Var. 2 Walzer I. Var. 3 Walzer II. Var. 4 Tempo del Walzer I. Var. 5 Fox-Trot 08 Variaciones sobre la folía de España y…
09. …Fuga
10. Quatre pièces brèves: I. Prélude
11. Quatre pièces brèves: II. Air
12. Quatre pièces brèves: III. Plainte
13. Quatre pièces brèves: IV. Comme une gigue



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