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Sol Gabetta -贝多芬 三重协奏曲(Beethoven Triple Concerto)[FLAC]_eD2k地址_古典音乐_音乐下载

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        专辑英文名: Beethoven Triple Concerto
专辑中文名: 贝多芬 三重协奏曲
艺术家: Sol Gabetta
古典类型: 协奏曲
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2015年11月11日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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修儿.嘉碧妲 Sol Gabetta (大提琴)
朱利亚诺.卡米诺拉 Giuliano Carmignola (小提琴)
德杰.拉锡克 Dejan Lazic (钢琴)
乔瓦尼.安东尼尼 Giovanni Antonini (指挥)
巴赛尔室内乐团 Kammerorchester Basel
曾经,提到女性大提琴演奏家,乐迷往往只想到逝世已近三十年的杜普蕾;如今,从音乐会与录音发行的频率与受欢迎程度来观察,三十四岁的嘉碧妲(Sol Gabetta)已是二十一世纪最具代表性的女大提琴家。这张2015年秋天发行的最新录音,嘉碧妲首次录制贝多芬的作品,挑选了极其重要又相当特殊的《三重协奏曲》。
如今,当嘉碧妲要詮释此经典曲目,找来她长年合作的亲密好友,大师级的义大利小提琴名家卡米诺拉(Giuliano Carmignola),及出生於克罗埃西亚的天才钢琴家拉锡克(Dejan Lazic)来挑战这闕伟大鉅作。这梦幻组合的成绩果然非凡,特别是此曲的原动力来自盘旋於高音域的大提琴,嘉碧妲驱使如太阳般的热量,结合小提琴与钢琴的鲜明个性,却又能同时聚焦於一,展现出贝多芬音乐里的旺盛生命。
义大利指挥家安东尼尼(Giovanni Antonini)领军的瑞士巴赛尔室内乐团,是近年来异军突起的顶尖名团,除了在《三重协奏曲》做了最扎实的支撑之外,专辑所收录的贝多芬三首序曲:《普罗米修斯的创造》、《艾格蒙》与《柯里奥兰》,延续他们过去发行录制贝多芬交响曲的高评价。而这张专辑的成功,暗示嘉碧妲录制贝多芬的大提琴奏鸣曲,应该不远了。
Beethoven: Triple Concerto / Sol Gabetta
贝多芬:三重协奏曲 / 修儿.嘉碧妲
演出者:修儿.嘉碧妲 Sol Gabetta
张数:1 张 - 1CD
艺人 Sol Gabetta
发行月份 2015-Sep
类型 古典音乐

Release Date September 11, 2015
Duration 55:08
Genre Classical
Styles Concerto
Recording DateJune 17, 2013 - June 19, 2013
AllMusic Review by James Manheim [-]
The three soloists in the Beethoven Triple Conecerto in C major, Op. 56, are all attractive players in their own right, and they display lively, agile ensemble work here. Cellist Sol Gabetta in particular, emerging as a major star on her instrument, brings a lightness and clarity to the melodies of this work that is so often laden down with more weight than it can bear. (The work looks back to Beethoven's first period more than forward to the Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61.) But the real star is conductor Giovanni Antonini, leading the Basel Chamber Orchestra, who keeps the music moving along and brings it the transparency it so often lacks. The three overtures that bracket the Triple Concerto are much more than filler; Antonini brings an urgent trajectory to the Egmont Overture, Op. 84 (sample track 5), especially, with tempo shifts and razor-sharp instrumental turning points that perhaps take the piece away from the monumental tone of the Goethe play to which it is attached, but sound like no other version you've heard. If there's any complaint, it's that the Egmont Overture would have made a better conclusion than the Coriolan Overture, Op. 62, which is also well done but is a less self-contained piece. Impressive, even essential Beethoven that has absorbed the lessons of the historical-performance movement.
Audio CD (January 8, 2016)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Sony Classical
Run Time: 55 minutes
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
4.0 out of 5 starsLOVELY MUSIC
ByDavid KeymerTOP 1000 REVIEWERVINE VOICEon June 11, 2016
Format: Audio CD|Verified Purchase
SG, cello; Giuliano Carmignola, viol; Dejan Pazic, p; Basil Chamber Orch., cond. Giovanni Antonini.
This is a lighter Beethoven, three overtures (The Creatures of Prometheus, Egmont, and Coriolan) and the Triple Concerto. The overtures are well written and well performed but don’t really go anywhere. I miss the prolonged development of multi-movement Beethoven pieces. (The Egmont overture is especially impressive but it doesn’t go anywhere either, just high level flash and bang.) I realize that however much I appreciate Beethoven’s symphonies, I personally prefer his concerti: I like the interplay between orchestra and featured instruments and –this is purely a personal preference—find I can follow the flow of the music easier, I think because I get engaged in what the solo virtuosi are playing. The triple concerto is not one of Beethoven’s weightier compositions even among concerti. It doesn’t appear to be as difficult to play as some of his other music and the mood of most of the piece is lighter, happier, more playful. The cello dominates for the most part: a cello lead will be followed by violin, in duet or echo, and then piano, and then it’s off to the races, the three instruments intertwining or alternating, with gorgeous patches of Beethovian orchestra in between. I especially enjoyed the joyful third movement. All three soloists are up to snuff ands the orchestra does a bang up job. In short, thought this is not indispensable Beethoven music, it is pleasurable to listen to and well worth owning.

1. Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus, Op. 43: Overture
2. I. Allegro
3. II. Largo
4. III. Rondo alla Polacca
5. Egmont, Op. 84: Overture
6. Coriolan Overture, Op. 62
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